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Book online «The Family Affair: A Made in Savannah Cozy Mystery (Made in Savannah Cozy Mysteries Series Book 9) Hope Callaghan (read novels website TXT) 📖». Author Hope Callaghan

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seat facing out.”

She plunked down in the chair and motioned to the others. “You’ll have to slide back so I have an unobstructed view of the patrons.”

Carlita lifted a brow, but did as Elvira said and pushed her chair back to avoid blocking her line of vision.

Annie took the seat on the other side and Mercedes wiggled into the one next to her.  “What’s the plan?”

“Our first step is merely to sit back and observe, but a beer might help pass the time. Hey!” Elvira waved the server over.  “I’d like to order a round of Bud Lights and my friend over there,” pointing at Carlita, “is paying.”

“Me?” Carlita gasped. “Oh no you don’t.  I’ll take a Diet Coke instead.”

“Me too,” Annie nodded.

“Make it three,” Mercedes said.

“Party poopers,” Elvira scoffed.  “Make that one bottle of Bud Light and don’t give me one of those nasty tin cans.”

“Coming right up.” The server turned on her heel and disappeared into the crowd.

“You’re drinking on the job?” Carlita wagged her finger at Elvira.

“It’s not like the boss is going to fire me.” Elvira chuckled at her own joke, but no one else joined in.  “Oh, lighten up you guys.”

The round of drinks arrived promptly, and Carlita unwrapped her straw and stuck it in the glass.  “Show Annie the pictures you took earlier, so she has a general idea of the person we may be looking for.”

Elvira set her beer down and reached in her pocket. She switched her cell phone on and then handed it to Annie, who was sitting next to her. “It’s not a clear shot.”

“This is the guy Elvira spotted lurking around outside our apartment right around the time Shelby’s apartment was ransacked. She followed him here to the Black Stallion. We’re certain it was Quinton Towns, Robert’s brother.”

Annie handed the phone back and glanced around. “Now I know why I’ve never been in here before.”

The women sipped their drinks, all of them focusing their attention on the patrons inside the bar.

After an hour passed, the band began setting up. They started to play a familiar tune, one Carlita was sure she heard Cool Bones practice in his apartment. She had to agree Cool Bones and the Jazz Boys were much better than the River Rats.

When the group started their second song, she was certain Cool Bones was better, to the point that her head was starting to pound.

Carlita glanced at her watch.  “How much longer before we call it a day? I have to be home by seven-thirty.”

“Or else what? You turn into a pumpkin?” Elvira smirked.  “We’re just getting started.” The server started to pass by the table.  “I’ll have another Bud.” She waved her beer bottle at the woman. “That and an order of chicken wings and chips and salsa.”

“I am kinda hungry,” Annie said.  “I love chicken wings.”

“That’s my girl,” Elvira nodded approvingly. “We’ll have one of each and don’t skimp on the portions.”

Carlita glanced at her almost empty glass of Diet Coke.  “I might as well order another Diet Coke. I need to text Tony and Vinnie and warn them we might be a little late.”

After the server left, Carlita turned to Elvira. “When the food is gone, we’re going to head out with or without you.”

“It’s a deal.” Elvira lifted her nearly empty bottle of beer and then quickly set it back down.  “Ladies, I think we just hit pay dirt.”

Chapter 22

“Over there.” Elvira nodded her head toward the edge of the dance floor.  “That’s the guy I saw snooping around out behind your apartment. I would bet my life on it.”

“Where?” Carlita squinted her eyes and scanned the crowded barroom floor.

“At eleven o’clock, to the left of the piano and in front of the dartboard.”

The brown-haired man casually propped his elbow on the corner of the bar and surveyed the crowd. A heat crept up Carlita’s neck as he paused, his attention focused on the women at the table.

She let out a sigh of relief when he continued his study of the crowd before turning his attention to the bartender, who set a drink in front of him.

The server returned a short time later carrying a large tray. She slid the edge of the tray on the table, and transferred the drinks, the basket of wings and the chips and salsa to the table.  “Can I get you anything else?”

“Nope. I think that’ll do ‘er.” Elvira reached for a small plate, scooped three wings onto it and passed the plate of food to Annie.  “Ten bucks says he’s not here to listen to the band, not that I would, either.  They suck.”

“Elvira,” Carlita chided.  “How would you like someone to say that about you?”

Elvira dipped her wing in the blue cheese dressing and shrugged.  “They do. You should read the online reviews for EC Security Services.” She bit into the wing, the hot sauce dripping down her chin.

“The reviews are mostly employee-related, so I put Dernice in charge of customer service training for our crew. They’re a hardworking bunch, although a little rough around the edges. With the right training, they’ll be polished and operating like a well-oiled machine.”

Mercedes snorted. “What kind of bad reviews?”

“For the record, you can’t believe everything you read. I’m sure some of the reviews are from my competitor, ‘Savannah Security Services.’”

Elvira took another bite of her drumette. “One fakeroo reviewer claimed they caught my employee sleeping on the job. Another said an employee left their post to grab a bite to eat.” She shook her head.  “Of course they stepped out to grab some grub.  I’m not running a prison camp.”

Elvira polished off her first chicken wing and reached for a tortilla chip.  “Back to our investigation. I thought about stationing someone near the exit, so

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