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Book online «For The Love Of A God Rosanna Leo (best novels in english txt) 📖». Author Rosanna Leo

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dug her face into his shirt and inhaled his scent, listening to the sound of his pounding heart.

"I've tried to stay away. God knows I tried to stay away. I even told myself I could protect you without being with you. But I can't. She has powers I don't possess. I can't see her coming. I can only react."

Maia's heart broke. It split in two, just as the statue had split into pieces. He was talking crazy talk. But he still felt so good, and she didn't want to let go.

Eric squeezed her hard, kissed her face with hungry lips, and she let him. He stared down into her eyes, and she was amazed at what she saw there.

Sanity. Shining clear as day.

His breath coming hard, he continued, “I told myself you're better off without me. One day you'll meet a nice man who will give you a nice home and a nice family. But I don't want you to be with that man. I want you to be with me."

"I can't..."

"I want to watch you wake up every morning, and I want to take you to bed every night. I want you to be mine, forever."

He kissed her again, this time on the lips. Without even questioning why she'd do so, she opened her mouth to him, inviting his warm tongue to stroke hers. He tilted her head up, deepening the kiss. Maia felt her head begin to spin. Once again, images of a long-ago time raced through her head. Images of Eric robed as a golden god. Images of the spiteful Nemesis, cursing him.

Images of Eric loving her with his body and soul. Forever.

She broke away from his hungry mouth. She sucked her bottom lip into her mouth, tasting him, feeling how swollen his kiss had made it.

How could she ever live without his kisses?

And still, her logical brain told her to run. “You saved me. Again. Thank you. But I can't stay with you. I have to go."

She turned. As she expected, he pulled her back by the arm into a more forceful embrace and made her look at him. “Look, Maia, I've always been a selfish bastard. But then, you know the stories, don't you?"

"That's all they are. Stories."

"Hmm.” He smiled sadly. “Isn't there just a small part of you that would like to believe? In me?"

He looked so haunted, Maia couldn't help but feel for him. Even if his tale was fabricated, he apparently believed it. She was so moved, and when he reached for her cheek, she didn't flinch or pull away. But she couldn't look at him any longer. It hurt too much. Turning her head, she said, “Look, I'm sure this feels very real to you but..."

He turned her face back, daring her to look at him. As he held her, she felt a charge go through her body like a lightning bolt. He had her full attention now.

"If you don't want to believe in me, believe this. Someone is trying to kill you, Maia. Because of me. And unless you let me stay close to you, that person will succeed. When you're safe, if you still want to walk away from me, I'll let you go. But please, please, just let me protect you right now.” He let out a deep breath. “The statue didn't fall by itself, Maia. Come with me. Let me take care of you."

Maia knew she should have run in the opposite direction with as much speed as her wobbly legs could muster.

But she didn't. She let Eric hustle her out of the gallery and ran with him into the night.

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Chapter Thirteen

The next hour was a furious whirlwind of activity which left Maia's head spinning. They'd stopped at Eric's condo, where he retrieved a seriously dangerous-looking weapon. She'd seen such a sword before. Her dad had once unearthed an older, rusty version on a dig. This Spartan officer's sword was gleaming and vicious, and managed to look antique and brand-new at the same time. Eric slid it into an old-fashioned leather scabbard. Maia didn't even want to ask what it was for, and tried very hard not to contemplate that she was on the run with a lunatic who was as buff and well-armed as Hercules.

He then brought her to her apartment and made some calls. Specifically to museum executives and the head of security. She half listened as he gave a convincing story about her almost being squashed by a statue which had come loose from its plinth. They would find all the evidence they needed on security cameras, and he was helping Ms. Douglas get the help she needed in handling the aftermath of the terrible ordeal.

He went on to say neither he, nor Ms. Douglas, would be at the office for a while. She knew somehow their absences would never be questioned. Eric would make it okay. No one would question him.

When he finished, they sat still on the couch, looking at each other. Neither knew what to say. It was almost a relief when someone knocked on the door, as Maia was now completely spooked. When she jumped, Eric was quick to calm her.

"It's okay. I've enlisted some help from my ... family. It's just them.” He went to the door, and Maia watched as he opened it.

The first person through was a man she recognized, although she wasn't sure how. Within seconds, she realized it was the tall, dark-haired man who'd taken Sarah to the gala. He was as devastatingly handsome as he'd been that night, only he was dressed in torn jeans and a crisp Polo, instead of a tux.

He sauntered through the door and came right over to sit near her. He smelled incredible. Intoxicating, actually. Fruity and delicious. Maia's head spun a little. She had the disturbing sensation of being caressed by vines of Concord grapes.

"Hey there, gorgeous,” said the tall man. “So you're the one who snagged my cousin.” He grinned

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