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and told the children to hasten their weary steps.

Renewed with energy, Daniel jogged up. He had a doubt, “How do you think we will survive inside the volcano?”

“With magic, of course. I will cast a shield around you all.”

“But what if you need the energy for a fight?” James pointed out.

The Scavenger saw a point there and decided to make only four shields and conserve the remaining energy.

“So, you mean to say that one of us will have to stay behind?” Daniel asked.

“Afraid so.”

“Wait!” Archer said. “I control the Power of Fire. I don’t need a shield.”

“I am not sure if you could withstand the volcanic fire and lava in such huge amounts.”

Archer shook his head. “I am sure I will.” The Scavenger nodded. “Alright. But if you start feeling pressure, tell me, so that I can divert my energy to make another shield at the right time before it gets too late.”

Archer nodded back.

Further ahead, Daniel noticed that the grass was almost ashen and the trees were burnt like charcoal. They were walking on barren land at the end of which stood the towering volcano that seemed to touch the clouds.

From the wide crater of the volcano thin clouds of smoke were constantly coming out.

“You need to remember that this is an active volcano. The altar is at the heart of the volcano. As soon as you remove the piece of the Crown from the altar, the volcano will erupt. So, do not waste a second after grabbing the piece.”

The Scavenger led the way to the volcano, cautioning the children to be careful. As they walked, Daniel remembered the Tiger’s Hide.

“Who has the Tiger’s Hide?” Daniel asked.

“Me.” The Scavenger pulled out the hide from his shirt.

The Scavenger handed each of them a rope with a hook attached to its end.

He swung the rope and threw it high. The hook caught in a crack near a cliff. The Scavenger pulled it to make sure it was taut and then started climbing. The children followed.

They climbed from cliff to cliff. Soon, they reached around the crater. The Scavenger muttered a spell and announced, “The shield is ready.”

The Scavenger jumped into the volcano. The others followed without any discomfort from the red heat oozing from all around them.

They saw a raised platform in the middle of the fire-breathing crag. It was the Altar of Arcane.

And, as usual, just when they were about to reach the altar, a voice reverberated, “Travellers, halt!”

The Scavenger stopped in his tracks and shouted, “Who are you?”

“I am the guardian of the third piece of the Arcane Crown. My name is Fire Skull.”

“But I have never heard of you before.”

“You were not supposed to either. I have remained a secret for centuries. But I know you. You are the Scavenger, the legendary man that Arcane talked about.”

“You are right. And these are the prophesied children. We need to get the third piece.”

“And why?”

“To complete the Crown, of course.”

“And you think I will give you the piece without putting up obstacles?”

“Well… yes.”

“Then go on,” Fire Skull said.

The Scavenger looked back at the bewildered children, beckoning them to follow. They reached without any hurdles. The Scavenger bowed to the Altar in respect and then looked at the scroll lying there. Something was shining inside the scroll. Daniel realized that it was the third piece of the Arcane Crown.

The Scavenger went to grab it. But the piece would not budge.

The volcano shook.

“HAH! I knew you were fakes. You haven’t got the Tiger’s Hide, the crucial step to get the piece from the Altar!”

The Scavenger cursed. “I forgot to use the Hide!” He pulled it out and put it on the Altar. This time, when he tried to get the scroll, it did come.

The Fire Skull spoke sadly, “I realize you are the real ones, but it’s too late. The volcano is about to erupt.”

The Scavenger separated the piece from the scroll and put the scroll in his pocket. Just as he was about to hide the piece, everything froze around him and time stood still.

Give me the piece.

Everyone was able to recognize the voice. It was the characteristic evil tone of the Death Lord.

There is no escape. My powers have frozen the time. If you give me the third piece, I will make a portal for you to escape. You and I both know that you cannot leave this volcano without my help.

“You are lying! You will make us the wrong portal!”

I won’t. Do not test my patience. Freezing time is not easy. It will only last a few seconds more. Swear a Blood Oath! Now!

“Don’t give him the piece! We will fight till our last breath!” Matt yelled defiantly.

But the Scavenger was a warrior. He was trained to think logically, not emotionally, and the facts were almost screaming that he had no choice. The Scavenger instinctively raised the hand that held the piece and shouted, “I take a Blood Oath that I will give you the third piece once you open the portal first!”

The Scavenger pulled out a knife and cut his palm. A drop of blood fell out.


A drop of black blood fell out of the wall, touching the Scavenger’s blood on the ground. The ground shook and a black swirling vortex opened in front of them.

The Scavenger and the children ran for it.

Time started moving again, the lava flowed freely, and the volcano began erupting vigorously.

The Scavenger threw the piece towards the walls.

A cloaked hand snatched it.

As they disappeared into the portal, they heard The Death Lord shouting, Wait! Give me the scroll!

The Scavenger grinned as he entered the portal. “That was not part of the Blood Oath!”


James fell on a hard ground and scrambled up.

The Scavenger tumbled out last and looked around. His heart sank. They were on an island surrounded by water.

The Scavenger stomped his foot angrily. “That liar tricked us.”

“But he had taken a Blood Oath!” James exclaimed.

The Scavenger’s rage was evaporating fast and he was already

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