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you can serve me better.”

            “Yes, Your Grace,” the zombie said, no sign of relief or regret showing.

            Now that his future creature comforts were more or less taken care of, Nizar turned his full attention to his command and his mission for Dakar. High Priest Mogens had given him command of some eight hundred men, women and children. All were veteran fighters, and even for zombies that meant something. Many were armed with edged weapons, and looked like soldiers or mercenaries. With them, Nizar would be able to fight his way to Tane Kyleson and capture him.

            If only I had some free-minded mercenaries like those guarding High Priest Mogens, he thought.

            With battle-experienced soldiers he would almost be guaranteed success. But with unmotivated zombies, anything was possible.

            With a muttered prayer, Nizar formed a gigantic three-dimensional image of Tane that towered over everyone.

            “This is Tane Kyleson,” Nizar said, his voice divinely enhanced to carry to everyone, though it wasn’t the least bit loud. “Our Divine Master, Dakar, desires us to capture him. It is very important. More important than anything else. Today we will be fighting against Tane Kyleson’s unit. Be alert. Seek him out, and try to take him alive. He doesn’t have to be in one piece, just alive.”

Chapter 28

            The march to the carefully chosen battle site was short, taking less than fifteen minutes. Tane thought their generals had chosen well. They had the high ground above pasture broken by waist-high stone fences and thick hedgerows. The foremost elements of the army stood at the top of a steep incline, forcing the invaders to charge uphill and exhaust themselves before even joining battle. And if Taliope was against them that day, then thick forest waited behind them to fall back into.

            Once in their position just one hundred paces behind the front elements, and centered on the left wing of the battle lines, Fox Company formed up in company front. Somehow Tane’s platoon was posted in the position of “honor,” in the center of the company, with other platoons to either side. Sergeant Gareth’s 3rd Section made up the third rank, making Tane unhappy. He wanted to be in the front rank, and on the battle line.

            “All right, boys and girls,” First Sergeant Dangan said. “Sit and rest while we wait on the zombies to come to our little party. Now is the time to eat or drink, or take a last squat in the bushes.”

            Tane sat, silently picking at the grass. His thoughts were consumed by his family and friends. Were they alive? Were they zombies? Would they be fighting him, here today? Could he fight them?

            No, he thought. I couldn’t kill them, not even if they were zombies. Kamain, what am I going to do?

            “Kiss for your thoughts,” Raven offered.

            “Just thinking about my family back home,” he said. “I should’ve been there. I had no right to leave when I did.”

            “And how would you being there have changed what happened to them?” Armin said.

            Tane shrugged.

            Joelle said, “That’s right. Nothing would’ve changed. Except now you would also be dead or a zombie. Maybe Kamain did send you away. Maybe you are their salvation, their only hope.”

            Tane’s head came up. “How’s that? I’m just a simple soldier in an auxiliary company.”

            “Real heroes aren’t people like Raven and Everard, as much as they’d like to belief it,” Joelle said. Raven gave her a sour look. “Look at our legends, our myths. Every single hero was a common man or woman, thrown into impossible situations by the Gods or fate. It was their will to succeed and right some wrong that spurred them on, that gave them the strength to prevail against impossible odds.”

            “And many of them had prophetic dreams, or nightmares, as well,” Armin added.

            “They’re right,” Raven said. She glanced sternly up at the Heavens, “Why haven’t I had any prophetic dreams! Are You listening, Ashtar?”

            Tane chuckled.

            Raven smiled and winked, saying, “Just like those crazy Gods, to make you a hero and leave some really dashing rascal like me out in the cold. Can I share some of your glory?”

            “You can have all you want,” he said.

            “Careful, Tane,” Quinn warned. “You know those Ashtarites. Terrible thieves. She’ll steal all your glory and leave you with nothing but memories.”

            Raven winked at Tane. “But they’d be such great memories. You can tell your children and grandchildren all about me, back before I was the greatest hero of all time.”

            “Modest little vixen,” Quinn said under his breath.

            Raven’s response died in her throat. Thousands of ghoulish-looking men and women came shuffling out of the distant woodline. Bugles blared and drums rolled within the Kestsaxian ranks, bringing the army to its feet. Sergeants and corporals quickly got their ranks in dressed lines, weapons presented.

Chapter 29

            Nizar stepped out of the dark, dank forest and into the scant light of a cloud darkened pasture. Though the light level only increased a bit, Nizar let out a heartfelt sigh of relief. Inside the thick press of the forest, he felt as if his world was closing in on him. As if all reality was collapsing upon him, burying him forever.

            A quick glance of the ridgeline before them revealed no sign of the rust-colored standard with the black fox head. But he knew Tane’s company was up there somewhere, and most likely on his end of the battlefield. Exactly where, Nizar couldn’t say, but they were up there.

            “Be alert for the swordsmith,” Nizar called to his command as they moved forward in their shuffling gait. “I want to be informed the moment anyone sees him.”

            Pausing, Nizar took a deep breath and slowly expelled it in the centering exercise he had been taught. Now mentally prepared, he could use his “magic” to its best effect. Mentally locking the image of who he sought, Nizar began his prayer for Dakar’s

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