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Book online «The Ghost Greyson, Maeve (reading an ebook .txt) 📖». Author Greyson, Maeve

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the table and clasped her hands atop her knees. “It is our hope, Brenna, that with time, ye’ll feel safe here at Tor Ruadh. Trust us. But until then, we understand. Anything ye dinna wish to speak about—don’t.” Her smile appeared genuine. “We respect ye, lass, and hope to be yer friends, but we also know it must come about in its own good time.”

A sharp knock tapped the door, then Magnus stepped inside. “Ladies, might I interrupt?” He perked like a dog spotting scraps when he saw the cart filled with all manner of breads, cheeses, and sweets. “I see Cook’s been busy.”

Brenna had never been so relieved to see anyone in her entire life. “Do come sit with us,” she said, cringing at the pleading sound of her voice. As soon as the words left her mouth, she glanced at Catriona. It wasn’t her place to invite Magnus into the solar. ’Twas Catriona’s. “Forgive my rudeness,” she said with an apologetic shrug. She hated the fearful, bumbling fool she had become. But with stakes higher than she had ever faced before, all courage and boldness had left her.

“What rudeness?” Catriona waved Magnus forward. “Always speak yer mind here, lass. Eh, Gretna?”

“Absolutely,” Gretna agreed, lifting her glass in a toast. “To speaking our minds.” She cast a wicked grin in Magnus’s direction. “God help every man at Tor Ruadh.”

“Indeed,” Magnus observed dryly as he went to the buffet and poured himself a drink before joining the ladies.

“Sit here beside yer betrothed,” Gretna said as she moved to a chair. “Ye have done well, Magnus. We are verra proud of ye.”

Brenna didn’t miss the side-eyed glance Magnus shot in Gretna’s direction as he settled down beside her. His gaze lit on her untouched plate of food, then he turned to her. “’Tis a lot to take in, is it not, dear one?”

His ability to read her had become keener with each passing day. “Aye,” she said softly but then sat straighter and managed a smile. “But everyone has been kinder than kind.” She gave both Gretna and Catriona a thankful nod. “Just as ye promised.”

“It takes time to adjust to such a grand change,” Catriona volunteered. “But I am certain all will be well.”

“Aye,” Brenna agreed with more conviction than she felt. She would do better and make it so. “Once I am settled, I promise I willna act such a fool.”

“Ye’ve nay acted the fool,” Gretna said as she rose and headed toward the decanters of wine. “Catriona and I often forget ourselves and overwhelm the bravest of souls.” She laughed. “And it’s even worse when Mercy joins us.”

“That it is,” Catriona chimed in. “And soon, ye’ll be right there with us. We shall be the fearsome four rather than the terrifying trio.”

“Ye know of yer titles?” Magnus noted, failing at hiding his smirk behind his glass.

“Aye,” Catriona said. “We know a lot more about the private conversations in Alexander’s library than ye think.” She pulled a face that made Brenna smile. “They say they’re talking clan business, but often they’re doing naught but drinking and telling tall tales.”

Magnus cleared his throat and shifted so he faced Brenna. “Mrs. Fitzgerald said they have finished with the floor Catriona allotted us. I’m sure they’ve scoured the rooms from top to bottom. I had them leave yer things untouched in yer chambers. I thought ye would rather unpack them yerself.”

“Aye, I would.” Fidgeting, she wondered how much longer this initial visit would last. It had come to her early on that introductions were a great deal like healing remedies—best tolerated when taken in small doses. “Some herbs I brought require careful handling. I must see that they’re stored properly.”

“Herbs?” Gretna perked like a cat spotting a mouse. “Be ye a healer?”

“I am.” At first, she wondered at Gretna’s interest, then remembered Magnus had said the woman was the healer to Clan MacCoinnich. “Magnus told me ye are the healer here. Perhaps, we can share remedies?” Some healers didn’t take kindly to sharing their lore, but Brenna had always felt the more who knew, the more who could be helped. She hoped Gretna felt the same.

“Aye, that would be grand.” Gretna beamed at her with a broad smile. “Soon as yer good and settled, I’ll take ye to my healing room and show ye around. Since my helper Flora just had her bairn a few days ago, there’s no one but me tending to all in need. Now, there’ll be two of us until Flora can return, and then we’ll be three taking care of the clan.”

“Three healers,” Catriona repeated with a thoughtful look. “As far as I’m concerned, the more, the better. Especially, with us losing Lord Crestshire from Fort William.”

Another polite tapping at the door interrupted them, then it opened enough to reveal Mrs. Fitzgerald. Her gaze searched the room until she spotted Catriona. “The floor is ready, m’lady, for whenever Mistress Brenna and yerself wish to inspect it.”

Catriona and Gretna hopped to their feet, both motioning for Brenna and Magnus to follow. “I thought the second floor of this wing would suit ye best,” Catriona said. “Since yer Keigan is so close in age to Maxwell and Grant, I feel certain they’ll keep the stairs betwixt the floors busy.”

Magnus offered his arm with a reassuring smile. “Come, lass, and if ye find anything amiss, dinna hesitate to say what ye need, aye?”

Taking his arm, she held tight and paused, her head swimming both from the day’s events and the strong drink.

“Are ye unwell?” Magnus steadied her, his concern stirring that twitchy feeling that made her heart beat faster. “Do ye need to lie down?”

“What’s ails ye, lass?” Gretna hurried back to her.

Her cheeks flaring hot at causing such a stir, Brenna waved them away. “I am quite well—just unused to such potent drink.”

Magnus shot a glance back at her plate. “Ye didna eat a bite when ye fed the rest of us this morning. Nor did ye touch yer

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