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Book online «Following Me Linde, K.A. (best romantic novels in english txt) 📖». Author Linde, K.A.

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Jenn didn’t necessarily have a code for appearances at her restaurant,but her idea of looking nice certainly involved a shower and makeup.  Devon haddone what she could with her mess of hair tangled from her trio of nightmares. Although she would have normally preferred to tame her waves with herstraightener, she had only had enough time to run her fingers under the faucetand comb them through her hair.

It wasn’t like Devon had anyoneto impress anyway.  Jenn could get over it, and Brennan wouldn’t be in anyway. He had called in sick every day since his gig.  Jenn hadn’t said what waswrong, but it must have been serious.  He never missed work as far as Devoncould tell.

She cursed a second time andopenly glared back at the old woman until she broke eye contact.  Devon was nota woman to be messed with right now.  Since Brennan had not come into work, shehadn’t talked to him in four, going on five, days.  He probably thought she wasa super shitty person for walking out on his show without a word.  When she hadfound out he was sick, she had sent him a text, but she hadn’t received aresponse.  She could only assume he was pissed or deathly ill.  Neither werepreferable options.

As the train came to a halt, Devonpushed her way through the doors before they opened all the way.  She brushedher hair off her face as the heat of the city hit her full-on.  She wanted torun straight to Jenn’s, but she knew if she ran, she would be sweating by thetime she got there.  That wouldn’t help her case any.

Not able to help herself, sherushed down the flight of stairs to the street level.  When her phone startedringing loudly in her purse, she cursed again.  Now was not the time.

She grabbed the phone out of herpurse, stared down at the screen, and sighed.  Not the best time, but she hadbeen avoiding her mother for too long.

“Hey, Mama,” Devon said, leaningthe phone against her ear as she pushed through the turnstile.

“Hey, honey!  How are you?  I’vemissed you so much this summer,” she said, gushing like always.

“I’ve been fine.  How are you andDad?  How is Dani?”  Devon said, asking the requisite questions.

“We’re all great, Dixie.”

Devon rolled her eyes.  She wouldnever live down that nickname.

“Your father started a new songthat would bring tears to your beautiful blue eyes.”

Devon’s thoughts drifted toanother song that had brought tears to her eyes last week.  She swallowed downthat thought.  This would be a good time to ask her parents about helping outBrennan.  She opened her mouth to say something, but then she closed it again. How would she explain Brennan when her mom didn’t even know she was inChicago?  Devon cringed.

“I really think this one is goingto be a hit.  Dani was almost emotional,” her mother said.

“Another sad one?” Devon trotteddown the stairs, barely listening to her mom.  She didn’t want to think abouthow she would explain Brennan to her parents, but now, all she was thinkingabout was how to do it.

“No!  It’s so happy that youwould just cry with happiness,” her mother said, giddy.  “It’s really, trulybeautiful.”

“That’s good, Mom,” Devon saiddryly.

“We can’t wait to see who therecord label chooses for it.”

“Mama, I’m kind of busy.  Can wetalk later?”  Devon said, treading the familiar track to Jenn’s.

“Oh, I’ll just be quick and tellyou why I called!  So, I bought our plane tickets to New York.  I bought onefor you—” she began.

“Mom!” Devon whined, drawing theword out as long as she could.  “I’m not going.”

“Now, Dixie, be reasonable.  It’srefundable just in case you can’t make it, but really, you should be able tomake it.  It’s a nonstop flight from St. Louis to LaGuardia.  I even got firstclass,” her mother cooed as if that would make up for it.


“It’s going to be really fun! Your father and I have been nominated for an award, honey!”

“Mom!” Devon tried again.

“It’s going to be so nice to havethe whole family back together,” her mom said.

“I’m not going, Mama.  I’m toobusy.”

“I’ll send you the flightinformation in an email.  Dustin thinks that he and Kelly aren’t going either,but I’ve already sent their itinerary along.  I’m sure they’ll come around,”she said, oblivious to Devon’s frustration.  “Did you need me to get Reid aticket as well?”

“No,” Devon said flatly.

“Are you sure?  I’d be happy toget one for him, too,” she said in a singsong tone.

“I’m not going, so if you gotReid a ticket, he would be going without me,” Devon said.

“Dixie, please,” her mother said,turning on the waterworks like a light switch.

Devon sighed, hating when hermother did this.  She couldn’t deal with this right now.

“I’ve got to go to work.  I’lltalk to you some other time,” Devon said hastily.

“Work?” her mom asked.

Devon stopped in the middle ofthe street. Shit!

She hadn’t meant to say that. She was slipping.  Her mother wasn’t even supposed to know that she wasworking.  She needed to come up with something quickly.  No one was supposed toknow what she was doing.  If one person found out, the whole thing would cometumbling down.

“Yeah, I’m just filling in for afriend at a restaurant.  They were shorthanded, and I offered to help,” Devonlied, trying to cover up her mistake.

“Do you need extra money, Dixie? I’d be happy to put some into your account,” her mother offered.

“No, I’m fine,” she said quickly.

“I don’t like the thought of youworking when you’re already so busy.”

“I just…have to go,” Devon said,cursing herself for fucking up.  “Bye, Mom.”

Devon threw her phone back intoher purse in frustration.  She was already at the back door to Jenn’s, and sheneeded to get her shit together.

She headed inside and waited forthe shitstorm that was likely to surface.  Quickly stashing her bag in thebreak room, she surfaced just in time to see Brennan walk into the kitchen. She stopped in her tracks, surprised to see him.  Jenn had said he wouldn’t bein all week, and he still looked pretty sick.  What was he doing here?

“Hey,” Devon said, wanting to saysomething before he did.  “Sorry about running out of the show last week.  I wasn’tfeeling well.”

Brennan shrugged,

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