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Book online «Opposites Ignite Sadira Stone (drm ebook reader .TXT) 📖». Author Sadira Stone

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just confessed to cutting a fart.

The server arrived with their new plates and leaned in to whisper to Eric, who nodded and pushed back his chair. “Court, that window table you wanted just opened up. Let’s let these two enjoy their lunch in peace.”

“Oh, okay.” She gathered her coat and bag. “It was great seeing you again, Eds. Tell your folks I said hi.” She followed her fiancé with a lingering, over-the-shoulder glance.

With a groan, Eddie dropped his head into his hands.

Rosie had every right to be pissed, but she just chuckled and rubbed his back. “Don’t worry. You’re dating the queen of clumsy. I’ve spilled on more people that I can count. Though I’ve never spewed mashed potatoes before.” She dropped a kiss on his jaw. “Besides, I know a good dry-cleaner.”

“Ungh.” He kissed her palm, then tackled his lunch, courtesy of his ex’s boyfriend.

“So, tell me about giggle girl over there.” Rosie dug in. Gotta give her credit—she didn’t let little obstacles shake her.

“We met in a business class at TCC. Haven’t seen her in years.”

“Miss her much?”

Okay, maybe Rosie wasn’t as unbothered as she appeared. “Honestly, I haven’t thought about her in ages. One of those deals where you hook up because you find yourselves in the same place at the same time.” Sounds like I’m talking about us. Fix. Now. “I mean, we didn’t have much in common, really.” Shit, I’m making it worse. “We were on different paths, you know?”

Rosie slurped her iced tea and raised an eyebrow. “Sure.”

Mayday! Change the subject. “Am I gonna bump into any of your exes around town?”

“Nah.” While she chewed another bite of sausage, her gaze flicked toward the front window where Courtney chattered with her new guy. “The only one who meant anything moved away.”

His common sense told him to drop it, but the topic was like an itchy scab he couldn’t stop picking at. “What was he like?”


“Your ex. The one who meant something.”

“Tattoo artist. Picture Jojo, but with lots of ink.”

“Were you in love with him?” Really, he must have a death wish today.

She shrugged. “I thought so once, but I’m over him.” She inclined her head toward the window. “Were you in love with giggle girl?”

He shrugged. “I mean, I liked her, but when she left I got over it pretty fast. So I guess not.”

“Love.” She stabbed her second banger. “Funny word. It can mean so many things.” Her gaze flicked up to his, then skittered away.

He closed his hand over hers and stilled the sawing motion of her knife. “What does it mean to you?” His heart hammered as if that knife hovered over it, ready to slice.

“Well—” She inhaled deeply. “It means that when we break up, it’s really going to hurt.”


She set down her knife and squeezed his hand. “If. I meant if. It’s just—meeting your teeny tiny little ex has me kinda shook.”

Like knowing she’d been in love with a huge, Jojo-sized bruiser. But she was with him now, not her ex.

“Your turn.” Rosie pointed her fork at him. “Define love.”

The food in his stomach turned to cement. But he’d led her into this minefield, so she had every right to ask. “I guess, love means knowing someone’s on your side, no matter what.”

Rosie’s guarded expression relaxed. “I’m on your side, Eddie.” She rubbed her leg against his. “But I’m not gonna call you Eds. I hope that’s not a deal-breaker.”

“Please don’t. I never liked that.” Relief flooded him. Whatever insecurities Courtney’s intrusion might’ve poked, Rosie shook them off like raindrops on a duck. She was such a strong, gorgeous, funny woman, and he was lucky beyond belief. “I’m on your side too, you know.”

“Good.” She unleashed a devilish grin. “You know, there are many sides of me.” She took his hand and stroked his fingertips up her thigh. “There’s the front side.” She slid it behind her knee. “The backside.”

His jeans were suddenly too damn tight. “I’m really fond of your backside.”

“I noticed.” Horny mischief twinkled in her eyes. “Then there’s the inside.”

He shivered. “That’s my favorite side of all.”

She dropped her silverware with a clatter. “You know, I’m just not hungry anymore.”

“Let’s go.” He pulled her to her feet.

“I have an appointment at three, though.”

“I can be quick.”

Chuckling, she slid her hand into his hip pocket. “A nooner with my sweetie. How delicious.”

He checked with the server to make sure their bill was covered, then slung his arm around Rosie and headed for the door. But she pulled him to Courtney’s table.

“Thanks for lunch, guys. So nice to meet you both,” she chirped in a tone just like Courtney’s before planting a noisy smooch on Eddie’s cheek. “We have to dash. Just enough time for a quickie before we go back to work. You know how it is—busy, busy.”

Chortling, she towed him out the door.

“Claiming your territory?” He nuzzled her as they waited for the crosswalk signal.

“Damn straight.” She kissed him again, a hot, lingering press of lips with just a taste of her velvet tongue. “Light’s green. Let’s go.”


An hour later, sated and grinning, Rosie prepped for her next interview.

“Girl, what happened to your hair?” Lana dug a brush from her bag and tackled the snarled curls at the back of Rosie’s head.

Rosie giggled. “Eddie happened.”

Lana smacked her butt with the brush. “No way, a nooner? You’re a naughty, naughty girl.”

“Our third this week. I’m a lucky, lucky girl.” She leaned into the mirror and reapplied the eyeliner that smeared during her romp with Eddie. True to his word, he’d made her come hard in just a few minutes, thanks to his talented tongue and fingers, then blew her mind a second time when he bent her over the breakfast counter and rode her like a buckaroo. Her well-used pussy still tingled. Every woman should feel this gloriously satisfied. Speaking of… “You talked to Jojo yet?”

Her friend’s button nose crinkled. “What for?”

“Hello. He’s besotted with you. But he’ll never make the first move. You gotta

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