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Book online «Strong Alibi K.C. Turner (reading books for 5 year olds .txt) 📖». Author K.C. Turner

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have a little sausage gravy on your biscuit, eh?” she said shaking her head up and down.

“Eew,” exclaimed Elizabeth as she slapped China’s arm. “I swear you are impossible. I promise I will fill you in first thing Monday morning.”

Making her way into her vehicle, China looked to the sun and bellowed, “Soo-ey!” Then she laughed deep from her belly and yelled out her window as she backed out of the driveway, “You know I love you, Liz!”

Shaking her head, Elizabeth turned away with a smile on her face and swatted her hand in the air towards her friend before heading into the house for a much needed beauty rest.

Chapter 2

Martinez and Elizabeth stood at the front door to Marta and Bill’s house. He took in a deep breath and looked at her with a bit of discomfort. Grabbing his hand she smiled and assured, “Don’t worry! They’re going to love you.”

“Well, at least you’re confident.”

Before Elizabeth could knock on the door, Marta opened it. “Liz!” Without hesitation, they hugged and exchanged a cheek kiss. “And this must be that Angel I’ve heard so much about.” Her southern accent was slight but still apparent and her short, semi-bobbed, white hair perfectly accentuated her strong jaw line and classy, but simplistic, style.

“Marta, I’d like you to meet Angel Martinez. Angel, this is my Aunt Marta.”

Martinez smiled and put out his right hand to greet her properly.

“It’s Marta, please.” Reminding Elizabeth not to call her ‘Aunt’. Though she was southern, she hated formalities. “And nonsense,” she said, swatting away his hand as she wrapped her arms around his broad shoulders to hug him southern-style with a few pats on his back. Wanting to make a good first impression, he awkwardly reciprocated.

She backed up from him for a moment to get a good look at him. “Oh, my word! You are just as handsome as Liz described you to be. Come in, come in!” Marta gestured for them to enter. “Bill is out on the patio getting the grill started. I certainly hope you brought your appetite.” She led them through the hall and into the kitchen where two sliding glass doors gave way to the patio with an encompassing view of the lake.

“You have a beautiful home.” Martinez wasn’t much for small talk but he had to make an effort.

“Why thank you!” Marta said as she opened the patio door. “Red, dear, our guests are here!”

Elizabeth walked over to the grill where Bill was violently brushing away the charred debris from his previous masterpiece. Looking up at her, Bill became excited. “Hey, baby girl!” He greeted her by swinging his left arm around her shoulder and kissing her hard on the cheek. Her face crinkled with schoolgirl delight as his tobacco-tinged mustache whiskers tickled her skin.

Breaking from his embrace, Elizabeth said, “Hey, Uncle Bill, this is -”

“Angel Martinez.” His voice becoming more stern and crackling from years of cigarette smoke, he placed the grill brush to the side, wiped his hand on his apron, and forcefully shook Martinez’s hand as he glared into his eyes. “Nice grip. We’re off to a good start,” he said as he patted Martinez on the shoulder while mid-handshake.

“Pleasure, Sir.”

Appearing to inflate his already large chest, he advised, “Call me Bill. If I decide I like you later, you can call me Red.”

Smiling with a head nod, Martinez said, “Fair enough, Bill.”

“Have a seat. I just fired this bad boy up.” Bill grabbed the brush again to clean the remaining debris from the grill. “Marta, honey, get the kids a beer. Liz, why don’t you and your friend grab a seat? How do you take your steak, Martinez?”

“Oh, medium rare, please. Thank you.”

Marta brought out a cold beer for everyone, including herself, and sat at the table across from Elizabeth. Bill placed four T-bone steaks on the grill; the meat sizzled as soon as it hit the flames and the aroma of garlic and Worcestershire sauce wafted in the air. Grabbing his beer, Bill took the chair directly across from Martinez.

“So, Martinez, you’re a detective with SPD? Work any interesting cases lately?”

Rolling her eyes, Elizabeth said, “Uncle Bill, it’s Saturday. Do we really have to talk shop?”

“Oh, come on, Liz. I’ve been out of the loop for a while. Can’t you humor an old man?” He winked at her.

“Actually, I was just called out to a shooting last night, South of the casino. Guy was robbed at his house and shot in the chest. Survived surprisingly. Claims $3,000.00 cash was taken. We’re pretty sure it was drug related but we’re still investigating, of course.”

“Of course. So, how’s Liz’s case coming? You link that bastard that broke into her house to that asshole in prison?”

“Red!” yelled Marta. Elizabeth just shook her head and sighed.

“What? It’s a valid question. I should’ve taken my pistol to that bastard years ago,” he said as he took a swig of his beer.

“William Garret Redman!” yelled Marta as she smacked his arm. She turned to Martinez, “You will have to excuse him, dear. He doesn’t really mean that.”

“The hell I don’t,” he grunted. Marta smacked him again with a harsh look of disapproval.

Laughing, Martinez said, “Well, we did catch him a while back. Didn’t Liz tell you? That case is over. He took a plea deal. Not by my choice.”

“Damn city prosecutors. In the Corps, you couldn’t get away with that shit. They would throw your ass in the brig for the smallest infraction and you would stay there until you got your act together. Keep your shit up and you would be dishonorably discharged after serving out your time. And us judge’s advocates didn’t hand out ‘plea deals’ like candy. Ruined a lot of young men’s lives. Dumb Asses.”

“You were in the Corps?”

Still seated, he saluted Martinez. “Retired. Colonel William Garrett Redman. At your service.”

Instantly, Martinez pushed back his patio chair and stood at full attention, saluting Bill. “Corporal Angel Martinez. Sir!”

“As you were Corporal.” He smiled and raised

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