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Book online «Titan: A LitRPG Adventure (UnderVerse Book 4) Jez Cajiao (top ten books of all time TXT) 📖». Author Jez Cajiao

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them in the Skyking fight and escape. Now we need to make them understand that abandoning everything was worth it.”

“Don’t forget that you are their lord, though,” Oracle said quickly. “You’re not there to plead with them for support. Give them orders, but… I don’t know, be nice?” Her voice raised questioningly at the end as she lifted her hands in an uncertain gesture.

“Wow, that’s helpful, Oracle,” I laughed. “At least I’ve got you to keep me on the straight and narrow!”

“Yeah, well, I’ve never been in this situation either,” she quipped, smiling at me as her cheeks tinged with red.

“Well, we’ll face it together,” I said firmly, and she nodded in agreement, flitting over, and landing on my left shoulder as I picked up my naginata and headed for the door.

I pulled the door open, looking out into the corridor and trying to ignore how flimsy the whole thing felt. Grizz was standing a few feet away, grinning at me, while two unfamiliar Legionnaires stood on either side of the door, fully equipped.

“Morning, I guess,” I said, looking from one to the other. “I hope I didn’t get either of you with that spell?” They both straightened, clapping their fists to chest in salute.

“No, Lord!” they said in unison, and I winced, looking questioningly at Grizz, who shrugged.

“Right; what are your names?” I asked.

“Legionnaire Westin,” the one to the right said, closely followed by the one on my left barking out, “Legionnaire Holtic.”

I noted the ramrod-straight backs, the gleaming armor, and the slight sheen of sweat on their faces. Westin was dark skinned, with a beard that bristled out of his helmet as though looking for someone to fight on its own, while Holtic was paler, with almost Nordic white skin, no beard, but a chin I could have used as an anvil, if I were so inclined. Beyond that, they were practically identical, the same height and everything.

“Is this a joke?” I asked Grizz uncertainly, and he grinned at me.

“I’m afraid not, Jax. And sorry again, for… that.” He nodded toward the door, making me think he’d really just been oblivious to interrupting us. “It’s standard that nobility be guarded when under the protection of the Legion. In your case, they were assigned to guard you for this shift, and they don’t really know you yet, so they’re on their best behavior. That’s all.”

“Bollocks,” I muttered. “Right, then, let’s have this out now, as I’ve no doubt I’m going to be saying this a lot from now on. Yes, I’m the Lord of Dravith. Yes, I’m the Imperial Scion and heir to the Empire. No, I’m not a prick who needs sunshine blown up my arse.” I met both of the guards’ eyes directly, my tone firm. “I want you both to relax; as you’ve seen from this pillock here…” I said, gesturing to Grizz. “… I’m not one for formalities; hell, he just walked in on me and my partner naked and got a pillow to the face as a consequence. It was only when he was being a filthy bastard, and blatantly listening at the door, that he got a zap for it, and even that was a warning, not a powered one. Despite him deserving it twice over for that ugly mug.”

The pair stood frozen at attention for a few seconds, then exchanged a look and slowly seemed to relax, nodding in slow acceptance of my words.

“I take it you’ve been assigned as a bodyguard for me?” I pressed, and they nodded in sync. “Not just assigned to watch over the door, I mean, as it’s kinda a shitty door…”

“That’s right, my lord,” Westin said formally, and I started to shake my head before giving in. I was the Lord of Dravith, after all. I needed to start accepting that the role came with certain shitty downsides.

“Right, well, if you two are out here… I’m hoping that means that Bane and Tang had a night off?” I said aloud, peering down the corridor.

“I wish…” came a voice and I turned to find Tang leaning against a wall support, where I’d have sworn a second before, there had been nobody.

“You better not have been in there…” I growled, gesturing at the door to my cabin.

“It’s okay; I left when you and Oracle got… distracted…” he said, shuddering excessively.

“Well, fuck you too, mate. I told you before, stay outta the bedroom, or you’ll see sights you don’t want to!” I snapped, unsure if I was more amused or irritated.

“Yeah, well, you were brought on board unconscious and severely injured, so we thought it best to watch over you. Didn’t expect to see that. Certainly not right after downing a potion of ‘Legionnaire’s Might’.” Tang shook his head in amazement.

“Well, more fool you, then,” I said, shrugging nonchalantly. “Which way to the bridge?” Tang gestured over his shoulder with one thumb.

“This way, boss,” he confirmed, straightening up. “Seriously, though, it’s good to see you upright… and even better to see you clothed,” he finished with a wink.

“Bah! You’d love a moustache ride.” I retorted unthinkingly, earning a laugh from Grizz, and quickly stifled snorts from Westin and Holtic as we started off down the corridor.

I glanced about as we went, realizing that the unfinished and flimsy look that dominated my cabin was the same out here. The structural walls and main girders were clean and beautifully made, while the smaller walls that served to separate out rooms seemed hastily put into place, with nails sticking out in random places, boards only being held together by the bare minimum, and jagged, unsanded wood everywhere.

“Uh…” I gestured to a nearby doorway, which had a pair of planks nailed across the frame and nothing but open air beyond, the wind whistling frantically and tugging at our clothes as we passed by. “Is the entire ship like that?”

“Yeah, this is the Battleship, Jax…” Grizz pointed out, shrugging as we continued walking. “It’s huge, and damn, it’s amazing. Nothing this big should be

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