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Book online «Discovery (Science of Psionics Book #1) Dave Renol (famous ebook reader TXT) 📖». Author Dave Renol

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my mind was going in a hundred differentdirections at once as I cleaned up the mess with my body onautopilot.

It seemed to work, if perhaps a little morevigorously than I had planned for. Looking around for somethingelse to test with, my eyes fell upon my notebook. If that wentflying, at least it would do less damage. Trying to remember thefeelings that I had when the mug moved, I slowly extended my handtoward the pad and softly said “rise,” lifting my handslowly while I concentrated. The paper fluttered for a moment, likea breeze had struck it, and then slowly, it rose off the surface ofthe table. Keeping my mind focused on the paper, I moved it slowlyup and down a few times. Then, twisting my hand slightly, I put itinto a slow spin.

I relaxed my concentration and let it fallthe few inches back to the table top and then tried again. Itslowly lifted off the table again, with slightly less effort fromme this time. I pulled it toward my open hand and grabbed it onceit was within reach, simultaneously relaxing my mental grip on it.Ok, I now had a valid test and needed to analyze the experiment anddraw my conclusions.

Somehow, either through dementia, dreamstate, or paranormal ability, I could cause objects to levitate.Any of the reasons for the ability would be impossible for me todetermine by myself, since I could be considered a closed systemand only external input could resolve the dilemma. Well, the laststep of the scientific method is to communicate your results, so Idecided to go and get Linda out of bed. Walking back to thebedroom, I tried to think of how to approach the subject, but wasbaffled about how to begin. Opening the door, I turned on thelights and saw Linda lying peacefully over the covers … abouteight inches over the covers to be precise.

Chapter 3

Linda: Dreams in the morning

One of the vices that I reveled in was lyingin bed late. As much as I loved sleeping next to Mark, there was acertain satisfaction to be found by having the bed to yourself andstretching out anywhere at will. The bedroom was perfect for thistoday, being neither too hot nor too cold, and I was enjoying itfully. On a morning like this, I could cross the line between sleepand wakefulness easily, and the vivid dreams this brought out in mewere amazing.

Dreams like this could even be controlled toa degree. Some people referred to this as luciddreaming. Some of my best story ideas came out on morningslike these. Today though, I had a more primal type of dream; I wasflying. Raising my arms high and wide, I leapt off the back deck ofmy house and soared high into the crisp clear morning sky. Bankingright, I turned to follow the path of the stream winding its way upthe mountain, willing myself to go higher and faster.

Halfway up the mountainside was a pool whichtook in numerous trickles of water before making the stream that Ihad followed. I hovered there for a moment, enjoying the way themorning sun created thousands of sparkling jewels from the flowingwater. A doe was drinking from the pool, her spotted baby besideher. Everything looked so tranquil; I couldn’t help but pause andenjoy how wonderful this dream was. The deer suddenly looked up atme. Either I had made a noise, or it caught my scent.

“Peace, little darling, I won’t hurtyou,” I said calmly, but with feeling. The deer looked at mefor a moment longer before resuming her drinking. I lowered myselfdown to the surface of the pool and scooped up a handful of the icecold water to take my own drink. I stretched myself out fully tobetter enjoy the feeling of the hot sun all over my body. I watchedthe deer, now sated, walk away to forage for her breakfast. I letmyself rise up in the hot sunlight almost like I was riding anupdraft.

Suddenly, the sky started to darken and theworld began to shake. Panicking, I felt myself start to fall.Faster and faster I plummeted toward the ground, unable to slow mydescent. Screaming, I slammed into… the bed. Breathing fast andheavy from the adrenaline surge, I looked around quickly and sawMark standing over me with his hand on my thigh.

“Easy honey,” he said in a soothing tone ofvoice, “you were dreaming … and umm … more.”

“What?” I asked, still a bit freaked out withthe sudden scary ending of my otherwise pleasant dream.

“Get dressed and I’ll go make some freshcoffee. I need to talk to you about something a little odd,” hesaid as he left the room.

Crawling out of bed, I grabbed my robe andheaded toward the bathroom to take care of my morning ablutions.All through my shower I kept thinking about my strangely vividdream. I could usually remember my morning dreams, but they werealways a little bit fragmented. They were also usually somewhatmore distant and dispassionate. By the time I had finished dryingmy hair and put on my robe, I had re-run the dream through my headat least a half dozen times.

Stepping out of the bedroom, I detoured tothe kitchen to put together a tray with mugs, cream, sugar, and acarafe of coffee before continuing on toward the office where Markwas waiting for me. Glancing over his shoulder as I walked pasthim, the word ‘Psionics’ caught my eye. As I sat down, I wonderedwhat new project he had in mind that had him researching theparanormal. Setting the tray down next to my laptop, I leanedtoward Mark to get my morning kiss.

“Morning, hon,” he said as he leaned towardme for the kiss.

“Morning,” I replied with a smile as we brokeapart. “What are you working on now?” I asked as I fixed up mycoffee with some cream and sugar.

“Well,” he started, “I’m not quite sure howto explain it.” He seemed unusually hesitant to me. “Perhaps Ishould try and show you rather than attempting to explain.” Puttingaction to words, he took a deep breath, and slowly extended his armtoward the coffee tray. My eyes widened in shock as

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