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home. The first time and most likely the only time in a helicopter, and all I could do was silently fume. Not once did I look at him, even though I could sense his eyes on me all the way home. Topher helped keep me distracted, jumping up and down with excitement pointing at scenery. Now I’m in the back of the elevator, arms crossed.

My fault? How dare he. After what happened last night and the way he helped me. Just when I was thinking maybe I was wrong about him and I could trust him. He may as well have slapped me across the face after what he pulled with Topher’s life on the line.

The doors ping open and we pile out, first Topher then Broderick. Leo walks to the doors, and instead of exiting the lift he presses the button for them to close. I stand straight as Topher’s shocked face mouths “oh shit.” Right before the door closes. Before I can protest, he has hit the emergency stop button and the lift jolts in place.

Oh shit is right.

He turns and our eyes meet. Fine, if he wants to do this, I’m ready. I cock my chin, waiting for him to start this fight first.

“Are you feeling better?” he asks. Voice filled with concern. “From last night?”

The air in the lift gets sucked into me as I’m hit with confusion. I was ready for a fight. I hate how he has a way of knocking me off my guard.

“Um, yeah.” My voice surprises me when it squeaks. My mind gets thrown back into the depth of depravity from last night. Was I feeling better? Another full day and so much has happened. Now he’s here in front of me asking if I’m ok. I don’t understand him at all. I realise there’s something I need to tell him, no matter how painful it may be. God, help me find the words.

“Look, last night.” I huff. “Last night sucked, and I just wanted to thank you for helping.”

His eyebrows shoot up. Good. It’s his turn to be thrown off.

“What you did was stupid,” he says.

And moment over.

“Excuse me?” My hands fly to my hips. “What did you just call me?” Oh hell no.

“I did not call you anything. I said what you did was stupid.”

“Saving a woman’s life is stupid? Are you serious?” I raise my voice. “And what, you locked me in this elevator here to lecture me?”

“Yes. Yes, I did. So, you can’t run away. No more running off on another case like that. You could have been killed, or worse, if I wasn’t there.” He raises his voice, as well.

I point to myself. “Did you just tell me again what I can and can’t do?”

He nods and cocks his head to the side. “You’re going red, try to calm down.”

My mouth drops open. “Calm down?”

“Why do you keep repeating what I say?”

“You’re lucky I’m only repeating what you are saying because trust me, in my head I am saying much worse.”

He chuckles.

Oh, hell no.

“Are you insane? Like actually clinically insane or something?”

“Not that I’m aware of.” He smirks.

“Ok.” I close my eyes and count. One. Two. Three. Opening them again, I see his smiling eyes on me and mine narrow. “First off, I have already said this once. So, I will say it a bit slower this time, ok?” I clear my throat. “You. Can. Not. Tell. Me. What. To. Do.” I raise my chin. “Ever.”

“Hmph,” he crosses his arms. “Is that right?”


“And what else, trouble?” he says.

“Open the damn door, I’m starving.” We both stand there looking at each other. I’m not sure how this is going to go since clearly, I am barking at him and telling him what to do, just a moment after I said for him not to do the same to me.

He doesn’t take his eyes off me. But he pushes the button to release the emergency stop. The lift jolts and the doors open.

“After you.” His voice is low, and he extends his arm to lead the way.

“You’re alive!” Topher’s head pops into view, breaking our eye contact. “Broderick has ordered the entire menu. We’re eating in the dining room, come on,” he says.

I square my shoulders and walk past Leo, following Topher.

“This isn’t over.” Leo warns from behind me as he also follows.

I roll my eyes. Bring it on.

The monstrous dining table is in the centre of the large room. I’ve lost count at fourteen chairs, the table is huge. How many people does this guy get for dinner?

It’s already been set. One at the head of the table and I don’t have to guess as to whom will sit there. One placed on either side. With an extra setting closest to the door that’s calling my name. I wonder if it’s childish, if I grabbed it and moved to the other side? Probably, and I’m better than that, but just barely.

I beeline to the place I’ve allocated to myself. Topher instantly sits next to me. Broderick is opposite Topher and Leo at the head of the table.

“How big is this table? What, do you feed the entire hotel staff here?” Topher voices what I’m thinking.

“Why would I feed my staff?” Leo asks.

“To be nice,” I say snarkily.

Broderick stifles his laugh as Leo looks at him.

“Wine?” Broderick asks instead.

“Yes, please.” Topher holds up his glass and I follow suit, too. Broderick fills our glasses along with his and Leo’s.

“Should we cheers?” Topher asks, lifting his glass.

“No,” both Leo and I answer at the same time.

“Okay.” He takes a gulp of his wine. “Party poopers.”

I shrug and take a long sip of mine.

“You may want to eat something first,” Leo says.

My glass is still at my lips as I look at him. Then I open my mouth and down the rest of the wine. Wine isn’t the best chugging drink, but I push through. When will he learn to stop telling me what to do?

“Oh yeah, you go

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