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Book online «The Passenger Jacqueline Druga (top 10 ebook reader .txt) 📖». Author Jacqueline Druga

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It could spell big trouble if they pursue it.”

“I know.”

“So ... you just found out about the accident? Two days ago?” Russ asked.

Doug nodded.

“You didn’t follow him? Pull him from the car, take his guitar?”

“No, sir. Like I said I just found out about the accident.”

“I can pull the footage where the guitar was pawned,” Russ said.

“It won’t be me.”

“Thank you.” Russ stood. “Doc.”

Doc Jenner nodded to Doug and stood. They inched away from the table, speaking in low voices.

“Russ, you had a great theory. I’m sorry it didn’t pan out.”

“I am, too,” Russ said. They sat at a table a good distance from Doug.

“What now?” Jenner asked.

“Now we get our burgers, I’ll contact the state police later. At least he admitted it. That still doesn’t tell me who the passenger was though, I still believe once we find him, we will know who pawned that guitar.”

“Is it important?” Jenner asked.

“Absolutely.” Russ gave a firm nod. “He walked away from an accident scene. Had Joe and Marge not shown up he could have been killed.”

“He wasn’t. We know who he is. We can get the guitar. Seems like you’re chasing a tail.”

“No. I’m just trying to finish this puzzle.” Russ lifted his hand signaling to the bartender they wanted to order.

Doc Jenner smiled with a closed mouth to him. Russ had it in his head he was going to solve the mystery of the passenger with some logical explanation. Jenner wondered if Russ considered the possibility there wasn’t a logical explanation, and perhaps never would be.


To an outsider or someone who didn’t know the situation, it probably looked stalkerish. Grant admitted to himself it was a little. Hanging back at the market, staying behind a shelf, but watching Jonas as he worked the café for Marge.

Grant had his reasons for being in Baker’s Market. Yes, he wanted to take pictures of the cookies, but he also wanted to grab a sandwich to eat before he and Jonas rehearsed that night.

He snapped the pictures and did like he had done with the recording of practice a couple days before ... he sent them to Cate.

They had spoken, but the conversations were chilly and brief. She asked about Jonas but didn’t want details.

It was as if she had put up this protective front. Grant didn’t blame her; he didn’t want to get his hopes built up either. How many times in the past did Jonas swear he would change and he didn’t? Cate saw it as the same behavior because she refused to believe he had amnesia.

He did.

Grant was convinced. It didn’t make it easier or better he didn’t remember who he was. There was still a chance once Jonas remembered, he would just say, “I’m out.” And find the nearest bar.

Maybe it was silly he sent her pictures. But she hadn't yet commented on anything he sent her. He just wanted Cate to see what he was seeing. What she had said would happen to Jonas all along. Take him out of his element, away from his friends, and he would change.

Doing his stalker thing, pretending to browse, Grant nearly jumped from his skin when his phone rang. He looked down, saw the name, Jessie, smiled and answered. “Hey, Jess.”

“Hey, Daddy. Where are you?” she asked.

“Williams Peak.”

“I know that. But where?”

“I’m in the market. Why?”

“Oh, okay, I see it. I’m at some coffee shop called Roasters.”

Grant spun. “You’re here?”

“Me and Brandon took a ride. He was off today.”

“Stay there. I’ll be right over.” Grant said excitedly. He knew he had told Jessie they weren’t telling Jonas who he was yet. He guessed she came to see for herself and maybe be the trigger of memory her brother needed.

He slipped from the store and crossed the street. He saw his son in law sitting at an outside table and Jessie was standing behind him. She waved to Grant and he hurriedly crossed the street.

After shaking Brandon’s hand, Grant embraced his daughter.

“This is a surprise, Jess.”

“I figured if I wanted to see my father, I better come here. That last text you sent, I took it as you aren’t leaving until he remembersd.”

“I’m not.”

“I understand.”

“Are you staying?” Grant asked.

“No, we just did a day trip.”

Grant chuckled. “Awfully long drive for a day trip.”

“I want to see him, Daddy. Between you saying he doesn’t remember and Mom saying he’s faking. I need to see for myself. I’ll know.”

“I know you will. You’ll tell your mother, right?”

“I will. But … she’s really being stubborn right now about this,” Jessie said. “I don’t know if she’ll listen.”

“Well, let's go back to the market and you can see for yourself.”

“Sounds good.” Jessie grabbed his hands. “How are we going to do this?”

It took a few minutes for Grant to come up with a plan. The three of them going in at once, standing together probably wasn’t the best thing to do. Grant worried it could trigger a reaction the doctor had warned about.

The plan was simple, they’d all be in the Market, but separately.

Jonas was working in the café.

Grant went first and ordered his sandwich and a beverage.

“It’ll only be a minute,” Jonas told him.

Between taking ‘to go’ orders, Jonas stocked and straightened the café bakery shelves.

While waiting for his sandwich, Grant sat down at a table where he could watch and hear it all.

Brandon came in first. He looked left to right, spotted Jonas and approached. “Excuse me,” he said to Jonas. “Do you know where I can find the green olives?”

Jonas turned around. “Condiments, I think. Aisle one.”

“Thank you.”

Jonas nodded and returned to work.

Nothing. Not a flinch.

Behind Jonas, unseen, Brandon walked backwards, lifting his hands and shrugging.

In came Jessie.

If anyone was going to trigger him, it would be her. She strolled along the counter. Grant saw a reaction, but not from Jonas.

Jessie couldn’t hide the fact she was overwhelmed seeing her little brother and shocked by how he looked.

“Can I help you?” he asked as she stood at the counter.

“Um …” Jessie just stared

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