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Book online Ā«The Woman in White Wilkie Collins (bts books to read txt) šŸ“–Ā». Author Wilkie Collins

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her maintenance as a patient.ā€

ā€œI see where the doubt lies, Mr. Hartright, and I promise you that it shall be set at rest, whether Anne Catherick assists us tomorrow or not. Sir Percival Glyde shall not be long in this house without satisfying Mr. Gilmore, and satisfying me. My sisterā€™s future is my dearest care in life, and I have influence enough over her to give me some power, where her marriage is concerned, in the disposal of it.ā€

We parted for the night.

After breakfast the next morning, an obstacle, which the events of the evening before had put out of my memory, interposed to prevent our proceeding immediately to the farm. This was my last day at Limmeridge House, and it was necessary, as soon as the post came in, to follow Miss Halcombeā€™s advice, and to ask Mr. Fairlieā€™s permission to shorten my engagement by a month, in consideration of an unforeseen necessity for my return to London.

Fortunately for the probability of this excuse, so far as appearances were concerned, the post brought me two letters from London friends that morning. I took them away at once to my own room, and sent the servant with a message to Mr. Fairlie, requesting to know when I could see him on a matter of business.

I awaited the manā€™s return, free from the slightest feeling of anxiety about the manner in which his master might receive my application. With Mr. Fairlieā€™s leave or without it, I must go. The consciousness of having now taken the first step on the dreary journey which was henceforth to separate my life from Miss Fairlieā€™s seemed to have blunted my sensibility to every consideration connected with myself. I had done with my poor manā€™s touchy prideā ā€”I had done with all my little artist vanities. No insolence of Mr. Fairlieā€™s, if he chose to be insolent, could wound me now.

The servant returned with a message for which I was not unprepared. Mr. Fairlie regretted that the state of his health, on that particular morning, was such as to preclude all hope of his having the pleasure of receiving me. He begged, therefore, that I would accept his apologies, and kindly communicate what I had to say in the form of a letter. Similar messages to this had reached me, at various intervals, during my three monthsā€™ residence in the house. Throughout the whole of that period Mr. Fairlie had been rejoiced to ā€œpossessā€ me, but had never been well enough to see me for a second time. The servant took every fresh batch of drawings that I mounted and restored back to his master with my ā€œrespects,ā€ and returned empty-handed with Mr. Fairlieā€™s ā€œkind compliments,ā€ ā€œbest thanks,ā€ and ā€œsincere regretsā€ that the state of his health still obliged him to remain a solitary prisoner in his own room. A more satisfactory arrangement to both sides could not possibly have been adopted. It would be hard to say which of us, under the circumstances, felt the most grateful sense of obligation to Mr. Fairlieā€™s accommodating nerves.

I sat down at once to write the letter, expressing myself in it as civilly, as clearly, and as briefly as possible. Mr. Fairlie did not hurry his reply. Nearly an hour elapsed before the answer was placed in my hands. It was written with beautiful regularity and neatness of character, in violet-coloured ink, on notepaper as smooth as ivory and almost as thick as cardboard, and it addressed me in these termsā ā€”

ā€œMr. Fairlieā€™s compliments to Mr. Hartright. Mr. Fairlie is more surprised and disappointed than he can say (in the present state of his health) by Mr. Hartrightā€™s application. Mr. Fairlie is not a man of business, but he has consulted his steward, who is, and that person confirms Mr. Fairlieā€™s opinion that Mr. Hartrightā€™s request to be allowed to break his engagement cannot be justified by any necessity whatever, excepting perhaps a case of life and death. If the highly-appreciative feeling towards Art and its professors, which it is the consolation and happiness of Mr. Fairlieā€™s suffering existence to cultivate, could be easily shaken, Mr. Hartrightā€™s present proceeding would have shaken it. It has not done soā ā€”except in the instance of Mr. Hartright himself.

ā€œHaving stated his opinionā ā€”so far, that is to say, as acute nervous suffering will allow him to state anythingā ā€”Mr. Fairlie has nothing to add but the expression of his decision, in reference to the highly irregular application that has been made to him. Perfect repose of body and mind being to the last degree important in his case, Mr. Fairlie will not suffer Mr. Hartright to disturb that repose by remaining in the house under circumstances of an essentially irritating nature to both sides. Accordingly, Mr. Fairlie waives his right of refusal, purely with a view to the preservation of his own tranquillityā ā€”and informs Mr. Hartright that he may go.ā€

I folded the letter up, and put it away with my other papers. The time had been when I should have resented it as an insultā ā€”I accepted it now as a written release from my engagement. It was off my mind, it was almost out of my memory, when I went downstairs to the breakfast-room, and informed Miss Halcombe that I was ready to walk with her to the farm.

ā€œHas Mr. Fairlie given you a satisfactory answer?ā€ she asked as we left the house.

ā€œHe has allowed me to go, Miss Halcombe.ā€

She looked up at me quickly, and then, for the first time since I had known her, took my arm of her own accord. No words could have expressed so delicately that she understood how the permission to leave my employment had been granted, and that she gave me her sympathy, not as my superior, but as my friend. I had not felt the manā€™s insolent letter, but I felt deeply the womanā€™s atoning kindness.

On our way to the farm we arranged that Miss Halcombe was to enter the house alone, and that I was to wait outside, within call. We adopted this mode of proceeding from an apprehension that my presence, after what had happened in the churchyard the evening before, might have

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