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Book online «Love Story: In The Web of Life Ken Renshaw (the best novels to read TXT) 📖». Author Ken Renshaw

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mountains, above Pasadena.Some parts of the neighborhood looked as though it had been builtin the 1930s, with porches where people sat and conversed withpassing-by neighbors. Others built in the 1960s with low slopingroofs and stained wood siding, in a modern style, which hadconcealed entrances and no street side windows. It seemed the thirdgeneration monolithic faux Mediterranean stucco homes withintimidating entrances were replacing some of the older homes. Thestreets were lined with an assortment of palm trees from thethirties, when they were considered exotic plants, and anassortment of cypress and pine that were adapted to a semi-desertenvironment.

Candice's house was of one of the 1930sCalifornia Bungalow Style ranch houses, with river rockwork aroundpillars in front of large porches, where people used to sit on hotdays before air conditioning conversing with passing neighbors. Itwas elegantly and apparently lovingly restored and maintained.Candice met me at the door.

"Come in Dave, welcome to 'almost themountains'."

"I love your house!" I paused and looked aroundthe living room.

"I love all the reddish natural wood trimagainst the forest green walls. Great Mission furniture! Is thatpicture by one of the California Impressionists?"

"I'm impressed. Yes that is a Joanne Cromwellpainting from the same era the house was built. We also decoratedwith authentic period furnishings. This is a 1930s house in mostrespects, except for the plumbing, wiring, kitchen appliances, airconditioning, and Tom's electronic music studio."

"I can tell," I replied.

Tom came into the room.

"Dave Willard, meet Tom Watson," saidCandice.

Tom was a skinny, fortyish man with long, darkred hair pulled back into a ponytail, a bulbous red bushy beardand, small wire-rimmed glasses. He was wearing sandals and a blackT-shirt with a Yamaha logo. He had a delightful sparkle in hiseyes.

"Pleased to meet you, Tom, I have been admiringyour house. It seems very authentic except for the techupgrades."

They gave me a tour of the house and thensuggested we enjoy the afternoon on the back patio. We enjoyed someiced tea and talked about living with wilderness right up againstthe back yard and the variety of animals about.

I thought of my mobile home in the desert andsaid, "I have a mobile home in the desert at a place calledCrystalAire, about 3,500 feet elevation, on the other side of themountains in your back yard. I have a view across a hundred milesof desert, to the Sierras in the North and toward Las Vegas in theEast. The day after a rainstorm, the desert will be a carpet oflittle yellow wildflowers. In the evening, I can hearCoyotes.

"The mobile home is next to an airfield. I keepa sailplane there. I soar in the mountains and into the desert,sometimes for six hours in one day"

I noticed Tom was looking at me with the samegaze Georgia Manteo used when she was sensing somethingpsychic.

Tom interrupted, "Sailplanes are those thingswith two wings. Aren't they called biplanes?"

"No," I replied. "My sailplane has a single,long wing fifteen meters from tip-to-tip. They're sleek. Sincethere is no motor to house, the fuselage is only big enough for aman in a reclining position. Mine is made of gleaming whitefiberglass and composite materials. They can glide a long way. If Iwere twenty–thousand feet above us here in Altadena, I could glideto Las Vegas.

"Often, I find myself soaring with hawks oreagles. I enjoy that sense of freedom."

"That sounds like quite a sport," Tomsmiled.

I was a little embarrassed. "Excuse myenthusiasm. I can go on for hours about soaring and myadventures."

"It sounds like quite a passion," commentedCandice. "Talk about vulnerability–flying to Las Vegas without amotor. How does this fit with your lawyering?"

"It's the antidote!"

They laughed.

Candice said, "Lets go back to lawyering. TellTom about your case."

"On the surface, it is a liability suit by theparents of a girl who got lost and died in a snowstorm. The suit isagainst a sheriff who ignored a credentialed psychic who told himexactly where a lost girl was. The girl's life could have beensaved if the sheriff had acted on the information.

"My client, Colson–also Candice's researchsponsor–wants to make it a test case to show that the psychic wasdoing something explainable by science. He wants to open people'seyes to the idea that, with the eight-dimensional paradigm inphysics, ESP is scientifically legitimate.

"I find that all manner of information aboutpsychic phenomena is coming my way. I have witnessed and learnedabout channeling, I have found the lady in my life can pick up mymental pictures. I find that I am now able to tune into and feelvibrations of people. Of course, Candice's work on eight-space is afoundation for all my scientific thinking and acceptance of allthese new ideas."

Then, I said to Tom, "Candice says you docounseling involving space-time perceptions. People's space-timeperceptions will fit right into the puzzle I am workingon."

Candice excused herself and said, "I'll leaveyou guys to talk about this."

Tom looked pleased and started, "People havebeen doing counseling involving space-time perceptions for a longtime. For example, I read about a famous faith healer in the 1980s,who would have a person identify some problem, such asbeing mad at mother, and then askfor them to visualize the last time they were mad at mother. Then, they would tell the personto visualize Jesus coming into their visualization, taking them bythe hand, and then walking backward in time to the previous timethey were mad at mother. Theyrepeated the walk backward to the earlier time they weremad at mother, which might be sometime when they were a toddler and got spanked. Then, they woulddeal with the emotion in that time frame and the feelings ofbeing mad at mother would begone. I have left out some of the details of theprocedure."

"There have been hundreds of kinds of thisgeneral class of therapy, that I call 'sequential recall,' used byvarious people over the years. Some interventions, particularlythose that were highly structured, could be very effective. Somepeople make significant changes in their emotional life in shorttimes with this kind of therapy. For some, it can be the result ofa weekend or weeklong workshop, for others it can be a matter ofmonths of one-to-one counseling. Usually, tremendous change canhappen by getting rid of a few really big issues."

"Keep going!' I said, “I’m very

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