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Book online «It's the End of the World : But What Are We Really Afraid Of? (9781783964758) Roberts, Adam (mobi ebook reader txt) 📖». Author Roberts, Adam

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Albert 135–6

Emmerich, Roland 120–1, 155–6

The End of the World (J. Leslie) 17

entropy of the universe 138–42

environmental change see climate change

Environmental Success Stories (F. M. Dunnivant) 179

Epic of Gilgamesh 32

‘Eternal Return’ concept, Nietzsche’s 151–3, 183

Ethelred, King 52

eucatastrophe vs tragedy 145

European settlers, disease spread by 81–3

evangelical Christians 25

extinction events, asteroid 127


Fail-Safe (E. Burdick and H. Wheeler) 108

Fail Safe film 108–9

falsification, scientific 143

The Female Man film 88

Firestorm (E. Struzik) 157–8 ‘The Flea’ (J. Donne) 100–1

Fleischer, Richard 159–60

floods 28–9, 30–2

four horsemen of the apocalypse 23, 41

Frankenstein (M. Shelley) 26, 27, 111

Freud, Sigmund 95–6

front end vs back end of time concepts 12–14


Gaiman, Neil 15, 39

‘Galactic Center’ novels (G. Benford) 114–15

Gameau, Damon 168–9

Garland, Alex 62

Gay Science (F. Nietzsche) 151

Get Out film 61

Gibson, William 171–2

The Girl with All the Gifts (M. R. Carey) 58

global warming see climate change

God, Christian 11, 24, 43–4

God, Hebrew 24, 29

gods’ inability to uncreate 27–9

Good Omens (T. Prachett and N. Gaiman) 15, 39

graphic novels 57

gravity 144–5

Great War 105

Greek mythology 27–9, 79–80

Greeks, Ancient 10, 79–80, 164

Greenberg, Stanley R. 160–1

Groundhog Day film 153–4

Guns, Germs, and Steel (J. Diamond) 81


Haitian slave plantations 59

Halperin, Victor 59

heat death, universal 138–42, 153–4, 183

heatwaves, killer 163

heaven, Christian 10

Hebrew Bible 10

Hebrew God see God, Hebrew

Hindu mythology 31–2

HIV 85, 101–3

Hobson, Henry 72

Holbein, Hans 92–3

Homer 10, 79–80

Hopi people 38

Horse River Fire, Canada 157–8

Huastec people 32

humour, apocalyptic 14–15


Iliad (Homer) 79–80

imperialism, Western 118

Independence Day film 9, 89, 120–1

India 32

Industrial Revolution 158–9

‘Inhibitors’ series (A. Reynolds) 115

insurance, apocalypse 7–8

invasion stories 118–24

Islam 24, 25

isopsephy 49–50


Jaffa, Rick 89–90

Jerusalem, Siege of 45–51

Jesus 11, 25, 33, 44–5, 47–8

Jewish messiah 33, 44, 47

Jones, Duane 61

Josephus 51

Judaism 33, 44–8, 51


Kant, Immanuel 176–7

Kermode, Frank 25–6, 186–7

Kirkman, Robert 57

Kubrick, Stanley 15, 108–11


The Last Man (M. Shelley) 93–5, 97

Leslie, John 17

Li Hong, Prince 34

Lif and Lifthrasir 37

Liu Cixin 121–4

Love and Death film 74

Lugosi, Bela 59

Lumet, Sidney 108


maculae/sunspots 134–5

Maggie film 72–3

Mahdi (end-times messiah) 25

Mahshar Al Qiy’amah 24

Make Room! Make Room! (H. Harrison) 159–60

Malthus, Thomas 158–9

Manu 31–2

Marshall, George 163, 172

Martin, John 39

Mass Effect video game 115

Maté, Rudolph 125

Matrix trilogy films 90–1, 115–17

Mayan calendar 3

Melancholia film 126

Mesoamerica 32

Mesopotamia 31, 32

messiah figures 25, 33, 44

see also Jesus

Meteor film 125–6

Micromégas (Voltaire) 117

The Migration (H. Marshall) 99

Mind at the End of its Tether (H. G. Wells) 183–4

Minecraft video game 174–5

Miscellaneous Discourses Concerning the Dissolution and Changes of the World (J. Ray) 134–5

Moore, Tony 57

mortality, human awareness of 4–6, 184–6

mortality, religion structuring 24


Native American people 82

Near East 31

Nero, Emperor 50

Newton, Michael 67

Nietzsche, Friedrich 151–3

The Night Eats the World film 72

The Night Land (W. H. Hodgson) 147–8

Night of the Living Dead film 56, 61

Noah 29, 31

Nolan, Christopher 87

Norse mythology 9, 34–8

nuclear reactors 26, 52–3

nuclear weapons/holocaust 15, 70, 107–11


Odin 34–5

Old Testament 29

Omen film trilogy 39

Outbreak film 80, 84

overpopulation, global 159–61

ozone levels 179


Palawan people 83

pandemic anxiety 84

‘Parasitology’ trilogy (M. Grant) 70

The Passage trilogy (J. Cronin) 58

Passover 46

Peloponnesian plague 85

pessimism, philosophical 141–2

Physics of Immortality (F. Tipler) 149–50

Pickens, Slim 109–10

Pitman, Walter 31

Plague Inc. video game 88

plagues 80–1

alien infections in fiction 87–8, 89

Ancient Greece 79–80

antibodies and immunity 81–2

assigning agency to 85–90

Black Death 81, 92

Covid-19 85, 86, 100, 105–6

disease spread by European settlers 81–3

freedom from civilisation 95–8

globalisation/interconnectedness 83–4, 86

gothic 19th century portrayal 93–5

human sociability 99–100, 105–6

humans as plague 90–2

humans deserving 89–92

and humans on the same side 89 ‘last man’ trope 93–9

light-hearted portrayal of 92–3

science fiction 87–90

and sex 100–3

Spanish Flu 103–5

zombies 62–3, 88

Planet of the Apes films 90

plastic pollution 27

Polidori, John William 93

Pompeii 50

Popper, Karl 143

population growth 158–9

Pralaya 31–2

Pratchett, Terry 15, 39, 176–7

Prince, Russ Alan 8

probability, Bayesian 17–22, 182

Prometheus 27–9

Prose Edda (Snorri Sturluson) 37–8

Puluga 32


Ragnarök 9, 37

see also Norse mythology

Ramis, Harold 154

Ray, John 134–5

Red Alert (P. George) 107–8

religion, purpose of 24

religious doomsday 23–4

belief of imminence 25–6

Book of Revelation 8–9, 15, 39–54

floods 28–9, 30–2, 34

gods’ inability to uncreate 26–9

messiah figures 25, 33–4

Norse mythology 34–8

punishing human sinfulness 27–30, 31–3, 38

saving the faithful 32–4, 38

valiant defiance of Vikings 34–8

Resident Evil video game and film franchise 65

Revelation, Book of 8–9, 15, 39–54

Reyes, Xavier Aldana 71

Rigaut, Jacques 11

Robinson, Kim Stanley 170

Robles, Angelo 7–8

Roche, Boyd 173–4

Rocher, Dominique 72

Roddenberry, Gene 169

Roman Empire 45–6, 48–50, 164

A Romance of Two Worlds (M. Corelli) 117

Romero, George A. 9, 56, 61

Russ, Joanna 88

Rutherford, Ernest 135–6

Ryan, William 31

Ryle, John 104


Saberhagen, Fred 114

Saint John’s Book of Revelation 8–9, 15, 39–54

Saint Luke 48

Saint Matthew 48

The Satan Bug film 87–8

Schopenhauer, Arthur 142

‘Science in the Capital’ trilogy (K. S. Robinson) 170

Scott, Walter 5–6

‘The Screwfly Solution’ (A. Sheldon) 87

Self, Will 175–6

Sellers, Peter 109–10

The Sense of an Ending (F. Kermode) 186–7

seven suns, Buddhist 23

Seveneves (N. Stephenson) 6–7

sex and plague 100–3

Shaun of the Dead film 66–7

Shelley, Mary 27, 93, 97, 111

Shelley, Percy Bysshe 93

Sheol, Hebrew 10

Shippey, Tom 35–6

Silver, Amanda 90

sinfulness, punishing human 27–30

Skyrim video game 175–6

slavery and racial discrimination 59, 60–1

Smith, Agent (The Matrix) 90–1, 116

Snowpiercer film 164–5

social decay and zombies 69–70

Sontag, Susan 103

Soylent Green film 159–61 ‘Space’ trilogy (C. S. Lewis) 117

Spanish Flu 83, 103–5

Sparta 80

Special Report on Global Warming (IPCC report 2018) 162–3, 167

Spider Woman, Hopi culture’s 38

The Stand (S. King) 39

Star Trek 169

Stephenson, Neal 6–7

storytelling and the apocalypse 6–9, 32–4, 38, 145–6, 185–9

Stross, Charlie 59, 60

Sturluson, Snorri 37

Sun, death of the 134–9 ‘Supper’s Ready’ (Genesis) 39

survival guides, zombie apocalypse 56

Survivors TV series 84

Sveinsson, Brynjólfur 35


Taoism 33–4

Tasmania 82–3

Tawa 38

technology-/machine-led apocalypse advanced alien lifeforms 117–18, 119–24

destruction by asteroid 124–8

human loss of control 111–13

life-hating computer intelligence 112, 115–17

life-hating killer robots 112–15

The Matrix film trilogy 115–17

The Terminator film series 112–13

Temple of Jerusalem 46, 50

‘The Terminal Beach’ (J. G. Ballard) 134

The Terminator film series 112–13

Thacker, Eugene 70

thinking in the wrong direction 12–14

This Is The End (S. Rogen and E. Goldberg) 15

The Three-Body Problem (Liu Cixin) 121–2

Thus Spoke Zarathustra (F. Nietzsche) 151

The Time Machine (H. G. Wells) 130–4, 142, 183

timor mortis 4

Tipler, Frank 149–50

Titus 45–6, 49, 50

Tlapanec people 32

Tolkien, J. R. R. 145

Torah 29

Trump, Donald 86


Übermensch, Nietzsche’s 153

UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) 162–3, 167

universal heat death 138–42, 153–4, 183

Utnapishtim 32


vampires 72–3

Vermes, Géza 44–5

Vespasian 28–49, 45

video games 9, 65, 88–9, 115, 174–9

Vishnu 32

von Trier, Lars 126

voodoo 59


Wachowski sisters 115–16

Wailing Wall 46

The Walking Dead graphic novel and TV series 57–8

Wampanoag people 82

War and Peace (L. Tolstoy) 52

The War of the Worlds (H. G. Wells) 89, 119–20, 183–4

Ward, Peter 127–8

Wells, H. G. 6, 89, 119–20, 130–4, 142, 146, 183

Western imperialism 118

When Worlds Collide film

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