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Book online «MAKING MAGICKAL ALLIANCES: A Paranormal Women’s Fiction Novel Leigh Raventhorne (read the beginning after the end novel TXT) 📖». Author Leigh Raventhorne

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“There’s this new delivery service in town that we think might have something to do with the things delivered to the water fae. And, um, here. We’re trying to figure out if any of it was tracked. The kids were taken from just outside the protected zone of the estate.”

“Roxanne, explain.” Stella’s eyes were practically blazing and her tone brooked no argument.

I told her everything, wondering why the name had elicited such a reaction from her.

She was silent, processing everything I shared. She looked over at the small clock on the nightstand, clearly debating on how to respond. “There are many groups that have hunted both our kind and the fae throughout history. Most are human, so I thought they would have surely died out or forgotten us by now.” She shook her head. “Toli told me about one—they called themselves the Paragons. They were part of the reason he sought sanctuary here for a time. They had wiped out most of his clan. Any survivors scattered, thinking they would be safer that way.”

My heart clenched so tight it was hard to breathe. “So, if this is the same group . . . those children are already dead?”

Her lips tightened. “No. He said they rarely killed the children. They took them and experimented on them, trying to find the source of their magick. If they were captured young enough, they could be brainwashed and trained to hunt their own kind.” She smiled, though there was no humor in it. “They weren’t the first to do this, you know. Witch hunters of old would often keep the youngest girls, raising them as their own to harness their powers for their own use. At some point, they realized that like calls to like, and these girls could be used in other ways—as bait for other witches, to locate smaller covens and wipe them out, or to acquire more young ones. Or . . . worse.” She shuddered at some unspoken memory. “Throughout history, the atrocities humankind has been willing to inflict on not only those they consider different, but their own kind, as well, is . . .” her words trailed off. She stroked Zara’s head sadly. “Zara’s people know this.” When her eyes met mine again, they still held that burning anger, but there was also something else. Worry. “Roxanne, you must find those children at all costs. They cannot be left in the hands of a group like that if it has, indeed, resurfaced. You will have to instill greater protections for the entire estate, if there’s any chance it’s been compromised. Jeremy will help you with this, you need only ask him.”

“He’s already involved and has been a big help.” Not for the first time, I wondered exactly what Jeremy’s tie to my aunt was, why he was so loyal to my family. Hesitantly, I pulled my sleeve up. “And there’s this.”

Stella leaned forward to look at the bracelet. “You Made this yourself?” She reached out to touch it, but I pulled my arm back out of her reach before she could make contact.

Blushing, I said, “I’m sorry, I don't know what will happen if you touch it. Rand had a . . . reaction to it.”

“Your Army Ranger ghost?” Her eyes went to the person in question. I looked over my shoulder to see him leaning against one of the dressers, looking completely at ease.

Suppressing a sigh, I nodded. “Yeah, except that he’s not exactly a ghost anymore. Long story.”

She gave me a long look before glancing at the clock again. “Roxanne, I need to get back if I’m not to be late for the meeting. You will call me back very soon and we’ll discuss this more at length.” Her tone brooked no argument and I nodded, not saying anything. She eyed my bracelet before carefully moving Zara to the side and standing, a kit in each hand. Tess hurried forward to take them, crooning as she nestled them in her arms. Zara, still in the chair, cast her eyes toward the ceiling and I could almost see her thoughts. Stella continued, “I will discuss this with your mother, Gertie, and Rosemary.”

At the mention of my mother, I started to tense, then suddenly realized I wasn’t nervous anymore. I understood why she’d done what she’d done. Maybe I would have even done the same thing in her shoes.

Stella seemed to read all of this on my face and smiled. She reached forward to pat my cheek, but thought better of it as she glanced first down at my wrist, then at Rand. Instead, she turned and addressed Zara. “And you thought you had your paws full with me, Zara dear.” She patted my familiar’s head.

Gloria, silent until now, gave a small, plaintive whine and my aunt looked up. “I haven’t forgotten you, Gloria. Come and give me a hug goodbye.” Gloria sprang forward and wrapped her arms around Stella. “There, there,” Stella soothed, patting the back of the poodle shifter’s head. “I’ll be back for another visit soon enough, I’m sure.” She stepped away, giving Gloria’s hand a gentle squeeze before releasing it. “Send me back, Roxanne.”

With little more than a thought, I did.

Chapter 10

Tracking devices found

Sam stood up, and the rest of the group followed suit. “It’s almost dinner time and we’re still not any closer to finding those children than when we started this morning. I’m going to put a team on these Paragons and see what we find if we dig deeper. Holler if you need me.” She gave the kit in her hands one last scratch under its chin and carefully placed it back in the ‘nest.’ Her phone was already at her ear as she headed for the office.

“I’ve never heard of them before,” Danai said. “Believe me, we’ve kept close track of any groups with known witch

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