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Book online «Hunting Tess Kathryn Summers (books to read in a lifetime txt) 📖». Author Kathryn Summers

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flooded with accounts of vampire sightings, particularly in regards to the Master. Other neighboring teams have been called in to assist the sudden influx, but I’m hoping to be with the group who actually locates him. So far we’ve checked out nearly a dozen possible locations, all empty.

If I had known who the Master would end up being, I would have killed him the moment I saw him walking Hillbrook’s halls.

I was returning back to class after a trip to the restroom when Hillbrook’s Headmaster was walking two new students down the corridor, accompanied by their father. The sickly-sweet smell hit me first, and I vividly remember nearly stumbling into a large framed portrait. While it was the new students I was most curious about, I rarely forget a face. Dmitri and Viktor’s father is the Master.

And now he has one less son.

Clearing away carnage from the latest vampire attack left me more shaken than I care to admit. Marc’s team had impeccable timing, but the fact vampires could coordinate such an assault so effortlessly, without attracting any kind of previous attention, is scary.

My left hand clamps tighter on Parker’s. If Viktor’s father saw him being cut down by Parker, I have reservations this will have an easy ending. There is no way the Master will allow Parker to live. Through this whole ordeal I’ve gotten a glimpse of how widespread a community the vampires have under their control. There is no telling where an attack will originate.

The SUV rolls to a stop and I shake myself back to the present. Marc parks with a silent nod to us all, mentally illustrating the spiel we’ve all memorized about following proper protocol.

Exiting into the cool night air is refreshing after spending all day cooped up in a car with four other people. A second black SUV pulls up behind us with the rest of the crew climbing out.

Parker ducks around a corner to shift as I take up my own position. When Marc first assigned me the post of jumper, I thought the role sounded exciting. But now I have been proven very, very wrong. It’s a glorified way of saying I get to stand outside. Then, if an assailant miraculously sneaks past the other eight individuals who actually get to enter the building, I try to catch them.

The building half a mile down is nondescript, much like the others we’ve visited. Old haunts no longer in use but with enough supernatural black-market evidence remaining to know it was once an active site.

The adrenaline I’ve been running on since the fight on CU Boulder’s campus has been slowly draining the past few days. My aching feet desperately yearn for an Epsom salt bath.

“If a vampire runs out just toss them back inside,” Pete comments, scuffing the bottom of his shoe against the sidewalk’s curb like he’s trying to remove a piece of gum. “I’m working on my kill count.”

Landon’s muscles tighten beneath his shirt, his frayed nerves getting no respite from Pete’s determined attempt of machismo. “Leave the girl alone,” he states, probably imagining how much trouble would rain down if he were to throw Pete through a window. At least, that’s what I’m wondering.

A cold nose bumping against my shoulder lets me know Parker is back. I try not to think about where he stashed his clothes since doing so will lead me down a road ending in a bright red face with no innocent answer for curious individuals.

“Let’s move,” Marc orders. “Keep it tight and clean.”

Moving under the cover of darkness it doesn’t take long to reach our clandescent destination, but a single whiff reveals another false trail. I look around for any signs of movement within the past few days and find none. In wolf form Parker does the same yet enters the building with the rest of the group, returning a few minutes later in disappointment.

The ride back to the main base is silent and a destination I’m becoming familiar with. After CU Boulder I didn’t want to risk staying at Parker’s home in case the vampires tried to launch another attack. Unsurprisingly Parker whole-heartedly agreed.

“We’re here,” Parker whispers, kissing me on the temple. Stretching as far as the seat in front of me allows, I let out a massive yawn, feeling like I could have continued sleeping for twelve hours straight. Softly chuckling at the display, he helps me down from the car. My feet feel heavy as we pass through the doorway to the home The Agency bought as Denver’s base. The art deco theme feels very Great Gatsby, and while not my taste, others seem like they appreciate the artistic design.

The two-level home, including a finished basement, is enough to house Marc’s team and the visiting team from Salt Lake, many of whom are banging around in the kitchen. Two more groups from Albuquerque and Oklahoma City are staying in hotels.

“You look as if you’re about to drop,” Parker comments as people split from the main hub of the house.

“That is a very accurate assessment. But before I do, all I want is a nice, long, hot shower.”

“If you want hot water you had better get a move on.”

Marc rushes out from a side office with his phone at his ear shouting, “Landon, Rebecca, Isaac, Rob, and Iris, get your shoes back on because there’s been another sighting.”

“What? Where?”

“Are you kidding? We just got back!”

“Let’s go!” he orders, not wanting to lose a lead this fresh.

“I want to come,” Parker insists as people rush past us toward the front door. An objection is on the tip of my tongue, until I notice how much he is trying not to look in my direction. Does he think I’ll protest? Except, that’s exactly what I was about to do.

Marc gives him a hard look before nodding. “We can use all the help if it turns out to be authentic. So long as you have the energy.” Those last few words are said after he is already

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