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heā€™s in it up to his bloody neck, so heā€™d better make it good!ā€

Eventually, the response appeared on the screen.

Noventa: They were convincing. The woman was injured quite badly. Law enforcement wouldnā€™t allow an agent to work in that condition.

ā€œFuck it, I canā€™t multitask,ā€ said Big Dave. ā€œIā€™m typing here and talking to you!ā€

ā€œWhy, whatā€™s happened? Why the hell are you typing?ā€

ā€œNoventa pulled a knife on me. Itā€™s my own fault, I should have checked. I checked his drawer for a gun, but didnā€™t think he looked the type to carry a flick knife, much less have the bottle to use itā€¦ā€

Fortez: What kind of injury?

Noventa/Big Dave: Recovering from a broken leg. Donā€™t let that put you off, as I said earlier, she is part of a team. My guess is disgruntled law enforcement and ex-soldiers.

ā€œShit, I donā€™t know how to play this,ā€ said Big Dave.

ā€œCan Noventa type? Whatā€™s wrong with him?ā€

ā€œNo, we had a struggle for possession of the blade, he lost. Heā€™s not going anywhere anytime soon.ā€

ā€œSoon?ā€ Ramsay asked tersely.

ā€œEver. I punched him in the face and his neck didnā€™t agree with it.ā€

ā€œBloody hellā€¦ā€

ā€œDave, listen,ā€ Caroline said clearly into the phone. ā€œThorpeā€™s on the way over to check for watchers. You donā€™t want to let her know whatā€™s happenedā€¦ā€

ā€œCaroline!ā€ Ramsay snapped. ā€œWeā€™re a bloody team!ā€

Caroline shrugged, glaring back at him. ā€œThen tell me sheā€™ll be okay with Dave killing our lead assetā€¦ā€

Fortez: It seems curious they would seek you out.

Noventa/Big Dave: Nah, I think it shows they know their shit.

Fortez: Shit?

Noventa/Big Dave: Stuff. Know their stuff.

ā€œChrist, heā€™s only typed three lines and it even sounds like him,ā€ Ramsay commented and then said into his phone, ā€œTone it down, you donā€™t sound anything like Noventa.ā€

ā€œSound? Iā€™m fucking typing here!ā€ Big Dave snapped back at him.

ā€œItā€™s your digital signature, it reads like you, and not himā€¦ā€


Fortez: I think Iā€™ll pass.

ā€œNoā€¦ā€ Durand said quietly.

Noventa/Big Dave: Thatā€™s a mistake.

Fortez: It is mine to make.

Noventa/Big Dave: Consider me out. Iā€™m closing down the site and wiping the emails. Youā€™re on your own, old man. Theyā€™ll likely come for you in your sleep. They arenā€™t the type of people to mess with, and I had to agree to them taking the contract to leave the meeting alive. Theyā€™ll think you stiffed them, and thatā€™s what Iā€™ll say when they come for me. Youā€™re on your own.

ā€œBloody hell!ā€ Ramsay screamed. ā€œDave, what the hell are you doing?ā€ he shouted into his phone but was met with the sound of the calling ending abruptly.

ā€œWait,ā€ Caroline said. ā€œHeā€™s gone all in. Cards on the tableā€¦ā€

Fortez: You dare to threaten me?

Ramsay and Durand stared at the screen, but Caroline walked back to her chair, her leg aching terribly. She sat down carefully, dropping the last few inches, and breathing out heavily. She started to count quietly. ā€œOneā€¦ twoā€¦ threeā€¦ fourā€¦ā€

Fortez: Noventa?

ā€œFiveā€¦ sixā€¦ sevenā€¦ eightā€¦ā€

Fortez: Noventa, are you there?

ā€œNineā€¦ tenā€¦ā€

Noventa/Big Dave: Iā€™m here.

Fortez: OK. Do it. Iā€™ll send the details through. But if thereā€™s a problem Iā€™ll hold you responsibleā€¦


Chapter Twenty-Eight


The Aurora Project Rigs

100 miles south of Svalbard Archipelago


King left Grainger in his office and made his way down to the dive centre to check on his kit. He felt aggrieved at having Danielā€™s pistol taken from his own pocket on the ship. He hadnā€™t noticed anything obvious, anybody to stand out amongst the crowd. Newman, the man he had down as CIA, hadnā€™t been in the rec-room at the time, or at least King had not spotted him, and the man who had attempted to stare him down at the airport hadnā€™t been seen since. Although he was sure he had been the gunman at the storage site, for the simple reason that Newman and Daniel had been on the beach. But ultimately King felt no further ahead, and somewhere out there someone had been armed at his expense. Twice.

The dive centre was located on the lower deck, but still a hundred feet above the ocean. The entire floors, or more accurately the open decks of the platform were constructed from galvanised steel grating to allow for the huge waves and to make scrubbing down easier. Dive tanks were chained up inside a cage and both dry-suits and wetsuits hung from solid-looking racks in an open-fronted metal shipping container. A door led off to a briefing room and shower room, and there were clipboards hanging on hooks, which King supposed were dive logs, as well as bunches of keys with floats on them which King presumed were for the stack of RIBs, or Rigid-hull Inflatable Boats on the lift platform below. Above him, the ceiling was the same heavy-duty grating that he stood on. He was aware of somebodyā€™s presence above but could not make out whether they were male or female. He was sure they were watching him but doubted they would have any better view of him than he did of them. There was at least forty feet between them. Turning his attention back to his two cases that had been stacked alongside others, he ignored whoever was above him and crouched down beside the cases and checked on the locks.

The sound of the silenced gunshot was unmistakable. The clang of a bullet striking the grating, the ā€˜phutā€™ of the moderated gunshot and the clatter of the ejected shell casing on the metal floor came all at once, and King heard the ricochet of the bullet as it zinged out to sea. He dived to his right, but the shooter anticipated this, and the second gunshot came instantly, but the bullet was thrown off its well-aimed course by the metal grating. King darted left, then right and threw himself into the briefing room. Behind him, another

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