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Book online «Stone Creek Davis, Lainey (best android ereader txt) 📖». Author Davis, Lainey

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you, man. We come to all your games. S! C! U!" Tim seems equally excited and they all stand around introducing themselves. Neal even shakes himself out of his Neanderthal mode and shakes hands with the guys. He doesn't take his eyes off of mine, though.

There's an awkward silence where we just stare at each other, until Tyler claps him on the back and says, "Ok, dude, let's go find the keg." They make to walk away and he shouts, "Good to meet you guys. Let Dahlia know if you want some good seats for the next game. She's up in the hockey building all the time for study hours."

Tim seems star struck to have met the starting line for the Otters. "God, those guys must get so much action." He looks around the party, where Linda is just one of many girls wearing skimpy Catholic schoolgirl costumes. "I bet they're here looking for naughty schoolgirls to spank." He winks at Linda and pulls her back toward him for a dance.

I feel exhausted after that testosterone explosion and I really don't want to stand around dancing anymore. Jeremy pulls me over to a couch and we sit down, talking for a bit about our plans for after graduation. Jeremy is also looking to go to grad school. He has his GRE exams in a few days and we agree to help each other study. Jeremy drains his cup and asks if I want to go with him to get another beer, but I shake my head.

"I'm going to find a bathroom," I say. He heads off toward the kitchen while I make my way down the crowded hall. It's dark in the hallway, and there's a line. I lean one shoulder against the wall and pull out my phone while I wait, when I feel someone press up against my back.

Warm breath crashes into my neck as I hear Neal say, "Who is the asshole?"

I look up over my shoulder at him, not sure what I'm feeling. "Jeremy? He's my neighbor. He's nice."

Neal pulls me against his body. I get goosebumps on my skin as I feel his firm flesh behind me. "Did you fuck him?" Neal's tone is cold and harsh. His hands around my waist feel urgent, like he needs to claim me physically.

"What's it to you if I did," I say, not turning to him, but he spins me around and looks into my eyes. "Neal, you and I can't be together."

It's like he hasn't heard me. I feel like I'm going to melt under the heat of his stare. His hands grip me harder. "Did you sleep with him, Dahlia?"

I don't answer and I'm shocked when Neal crushes his lips into mine. His kiss feels like a brand, like he is marking me in the hallways, and I'm startled to realize how much I like it. His hands are searching my body now, rubbing my ass. His fingers are so long he can cup my ass in his hand and reach between my legs as he slides his tongue in and out of my mouth.

I pull my mouth away from his, frustrated. "Why do you care about Jeremy? Since when do you stick around to screw the same girl twice."

He doesn't say anything for a minute, just brushes my hair behind my ears. He keeps his arm around my waist, pulling me against him. People start to walk around us in line for the bathroom. He says, "I don't, Dahlia. I don't ever go after anyone like this." I feel myself blush when he reaches up to massage my nipple with his thumb. The tender skin crimps at his touch and he says, "You make me crazy, Dahlia. There's something about you."

He takes my hand in his much larger one. I feel like the entire room vibrates. My skin is on fire at his touch and my heart beats faster. His eyes are dark and intense, pleading with me, as he asks, "Did you have sex with that guy?"

"There's only you, Neal. But I can't do this with you." I place my hands on his chest and he leans his head against mine. I feel his breath ragged and fast.

One of his hands is still between my legs and his fingers grip me, pulling me against him. I like how Neal is responding right now to the idea of me here with another guy, but it feels so wrong. If we are caught and my boss catches wind of this, my entire future is derailed. I am aware of this, painfully, but the more Neal strokes me, the less I remember why it's so important for me to get away from him right now. He mashes his mouth back into mine and puts a hand on either side of my face.

The other people in the hallway back away from us now, and I break the kiss. I meet Neal's eyes again and he takes my hand. "We're getting out of here," he says. There is no question. I follow him. He starts to pull me out a side door.

"Wait! I have to tell Linda that I'm safe!" But Neal keeps walking. He takes me across the grass, his long stride three times the length of mine. I'm practically sprinting to keep up with him and getting breathless. "Neal!" I shout and he looks back, realizing how fast he's walking. "What are we doing? If this is just because you're feeling horny, I mean, it's probably better if you just grab a sexy nurse from frat row--"

He yanks me out of the street against a streetlight and kisses me again. "I already told you, Dahlia. I want you. Everything about you drives me wild."

I am vaguely aware of other students walking in the streets around us, of a few drunken whistles and applause as he kisses me, and

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