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Book online «Finders Keepers Edie Baylis (phonics readers .TXT) 📖». Author Edie Baylis

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She’d manufactured this issue by allowing an attachment to Dulcie to form and mistakenly getting involved with family business.

Teagan walked determinedly back along the path through the manicured grounds to the hotel. She’d return to the wake, act like the heated exchange between her and Robert half an hour ago hadn’t happened and behave completely normally. Like an adult.

Tomorrow she would push to move back into Footlights with Dulcie as soon as possible. She’d fight her nervousness about being alone in that big place and just get on with it. They would have to do it sooner rather than later because it wasn’t feasible to remain in Robert’s small flat indefinitely – especially now with such an uncomfortable atmosphere.

Teagan glanced at the hotel in the distance, surprised she’d wandered so far through the extensive grounds. Maybe she should take Dulcie’s suggestion about Darren on board? Perhaps the stress and frustration surrounding Helen had unfairly coloured her view? After all, she’d been keen initially.

Teagan set her chin as she continued up the path. She wouldn’t waste any more time analysing things with Robert. She was more than capable of dealing with the awkward situation as a rational person should. It wasn’t the end of the world and she was damned if she would allow this to disadvantage Dulcie. It was as simple as that.

KEITH HURRIED ALONG THE PATH. The girl was moving quicker than he’d factored into his timing. He eyed the black shoes on the end of her shapely legs. How women walked in those spiky contraptions always bemused him. If he wore those, within five minutes not only would his feet resemble something from Swamp Thing, but he wouldn’t cover ten yards, let alone anything else. Thankfully, that didn’t apply.

Upping his pace, his face screwed up with exertion, hoping it didn’t look obvious he was trying to catch up with the woman. Ok, so there was no one else around – not a soul. It was the perfect opportunity and not one they’d expected.

He’d resigned himself to waiting around for hours, possibly days, but once this opening unexpectedly presented itself and although it was a hell of a risk, he did agree with Saul that they couldn’t afford to pass it up. Especially as so much time had already been wasted over this whole caboodle. The sooner this was wrapped up, the better.

Keith was the first to admit that spending the last few weeks trailing women around for reasons other than what he’d normally associate with giving the fairer sex his attention, hadn’t been his favourite. Wild goose chases in the pursuit of the Powells’ nest egg were tiresome and more now than ever he wanted to return to his normal line of work. He envied the team they’d left back at the firm. How he’d love to be punching some bastard in the face and collecting overdue payments right now, rather than poncing through some bloody dressed-up hotel garden after a slip of girl that some stoner reckoned had access to a shed load of rare jewels! Bloody stupid, the whole thing.

As a light sheen of sweat broke over Keith’s brow, he was glad to finally close enough distance between him and the girl. He glanced behind him, just able to spot the bonnet of Saul’s black BMW behind the hedge in the distance.

‘Excuse me?’ Keith called. Frowning at the lack of response, he tried again, this time louder. ‘Excuse me? Miss?’

Slowing, Teagan looked over her shoulder at the man behind her and felt a glimmer of unease.

Realising he’d got the girl’s attention, Keith smiled. ‘Sorry to shout, love. Don’t suppose you’ve got the time?’ Continuing towards Teagan, he shrugged apologetically. ‘Stupidly I’ve left my phone at home. I’m meeting someone and can’t remember whether we’d arranged to meet inside or out here.’

Relaxing, despite the man’s unnerving appearance, Teagan smiled. ‘Yes, of course.’ Opening her bag, she reached for her phone.

‘You here for a business meeting?’ Keith said pleasantly, waiting as Teagan rummaged around in her bag. When should he do it? Now or wait?

‘A wake, unfortunately.’ Teagan frowned. ‘That’s funny, my phone’s not here.’ Sighing, she remembered placing it on a table before rushing to the Ladies. ‘Oh, I’m ever so sorry. I’ve left it inside. I think the time is abou...’

Moving forward, Keith grabbed Teagan’s arm. ‘Don’t do anything silly.’

‘W-What are y...’

‘I said, don’t do anything silly. Link your arm through mine and turn the fuck around,’ Keith growled.

Heart racing, Teagan did as the big man said, too terrified to even look at him.

‘That’s better.’ Keith patted Teagan’s hand and held her arm in place. ‘Now, put a smile on your face. Or at the very least, don’t look so fucking scared. Let’s go.’

Teagan forced her jelly-like legs one in front of the other. Making her mouth turn up slightly, to anyone who might see them, they looked like a couple going for a stroll as they ambled slowly back down the path in the direction she’d just come from. The opposite way from the hotel.

Her mind picked up speed and panic intensified. ‘W-Where are we going? What do you want?’ she squeaked, her mouth dry.

Keith grinned menacingly. ‘Don’t worry your pretty little head about that.’

Nausea engulfed Teagan, realising she hadn’t seen anyone else around. If she screamed, no one would hear. What would this man do if she did scream? ‘I haven’t got any money, I...’

‘Listen, bitch,’ Keith hissed, digging his meaty fingers into the flesh of Teagan’s arm. ‘I don’t want your money. There’s someone waiting to have a word with you, that’s all. There’s no need to panic. Be cool, calm and collected and don’t do anything rash. If you do as I say, everything will be fine.’

Teagan nodded frantically and plastered back on a smile of sorts. It probably didn’t look too convincing, but it was the best she could manage. Who could possibly want to talk to her? She had to think – think of how she could get

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