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Book online «Forever Hers Walters, Ednah (best novels for teenagers .TXT) 📖». Author Walters, Ednah

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high cheekbones made him look even more exotic.

“Kenneth Lambert, but everyone calls me Ken,” he said, taking both her hands in his. He didn’t let them go. Amy couldn’t explain why she glanced at Eddie. He was glaring at their joint hands.

 â€śI’m Vince Knight,” Gray-eyes said. His voice was low, husky. Sexy, bedroom voice, Amy called it in her books. Up close he was even bigger. His steely gray eyes reminded her of Eddie’s but he had the look of a man who was always vigilant. He didn’t smile much either. “We don’t mean to impose, but we had to deliver a few things for you folks. Eddie said it was urgent.”

“Not that urgent,” Eddie retorted.

“That’s nice of you, and you’re not imposing at all. Isn’t that right?” She glanced at Eddie.

He gave her a tight smile then cut Noble another look. “Is the plane coming back soon?” The seaplane was taking off and the fourth guy was sauntering toward them, his cowboy boots making a steady beat on the wooden pier, the brim of the hat hiding his face.

“Relax, detective, the pilot went to refuel,” Noble said. “She’ll be back in a few hours.”

“Unless he scared her off,” Ken added.

“Now why I would I scare off such a lovely woman,” the fourth guy retorted as he came to stop beside them. He bowed toward Amy then tipped his hat. “My brother didn’t lie. You, Amy Kincaid, look as lovely as you sound over the phone.”

Amy grinned, recognizing him right away. He was Baron’s identical twin, Chase. Looking into his eyes was like looking into Baron’s eyes, except his had a devilish twinkle. She’d heard stories of his exploits and could easily see him charming women and leaving behind broken hearts. His hair was so long it brushed the collar of his shirt, another difference between him and Baron.

“Hi, Chase,” she said.

“Told you I wouldn’t need an introduction.” He placed his hat on Amy’s head, leaned down, wound his arms around her waist and lifted her clear off the ground. Amy had no idea what to do with her hands, so she placed them on his shoulders. He studied her face. “Did I mention how exquisite you are?”

She flushed, nodding.

“Put her down, Chase,” Eddie snapped.

“Oh, stay out of our bonding moment, Grouch. Do I get a kiss or do I steal one?”

Amy removed his cowboy hat from her head and planted a kiss on his cheek before putting the hat back on his head. “Now put me down before my daughter thinks you are about to kidnap me.”

He chuckled and carefully placed her on the ground then turned and faced Eddie. Ignoring him, he focused on Raelynn. “And who is this beautiful princess?”

Raelynn eyed him with a confused expression. “Mr. Baron?”

“No, sweetheart. I am Uncle Chase, Mr. Baron’s twin brother. He looks a little like me.” He indicated with his finger and thumb. Raelynn eyed him warily. “But he said you might like this.” He reached into the back pocket of his jeans and pulled out a plastic bag. Inside was a folded, pink cowboy hat with a gold star, which he carefully unfolded and held out to Raelynn.

Raelynn didn’t take it. Instead she looked at Amy, her eyes wide with excitement. “Mommy?”

“It’s okay, sweetheart. You can have it.”

Raelynn took the hat and gave Chase a hesitant smile. “Thank you, Mister…”

“Uncle Chase,” he corrected her.

Instead of repeating his words, her thumb went back inside her mouth.

“Please, come inside,” Amy said. “You must be famished. We were just finishing lunch and there’s plenty of soup left.”

Chase glued himself to her side and grinned down at her. “Ron’s flight attendants are nothing but efficient. They plied us with food on our way here, but I’ve heard great things about your cooking so I must taste some. Mom talked of nothing else after her visit too.”

“I’ll make sure I thank her next time she calls. Anyone want a drink? We have beer, wine, juices.”

“Beer,” they said in unison.

While they settled in the living room, she brought out drinks and glasses, but they didn’t bother with the glasses. Raelynn no longer held Eddie’s shoulders in a death grip even though Chase still tried to charm her into calling him uncle. If only he knew what a big step this was for her daughter. Sitting in a room full of men without cowering.

“Come with me, sweetheart,” Amy said.

“I’ll bring her outside,” Eddie offered.

“If you need more drinks or anything else, feel free to ask or raid the fridge,” Amy told the men before heading outside with Raelynn and Eddie. She could feel four pair of eyes watching them.

Eddie put Raelynn down then glanced at Amy. “Sorry about their sudden arrival.”

“It’s okay.”

“What are in the boxes?” Raelynn asked.

“Mats for the garage, so your Mommy won’t hurt herself every time she falls,” Eddie explained. “Her kicks suck.”

“No, they don’t,” Amy protested and punched his arm. She was touched by his thoughtfulness, even though she was beginning to worry about the cost of the sparring gear. He was going overboard with this.

“Jimmy says Mom kicks like a girl,” her precocious daughter said. “I told him she kicks like a Mom then I showed him how a girl kicks. Can I practice too? Jimmy said I can’t because it’s grown-up stuff.”

Eddie chuckled. “Jimmy is wrong. If your mom says it’s okay, we’ll buy you some gloves then you can use the punching bag too.” Eddie cocked his brow.

“Later.” She didn’t want her daughter thinking violence was the solution to everything. “Go and spend time with your in-laws. I’ll be in shortly.”

He hesitated as though he wanted to say something then appeared to change his mind and went back inside just as Chase was coming outside, minus his hat. Eddie gave him a pointed look then disappeared inside.

“Do you mind if I join you?” the handsome rogue asked.

“Not at all.” She studied him and marveled how identical he and Baron were. When he caught her gaze and cocked an eyebrow,

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