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Book online «Quest for the Arcane Crown Yajat Sharma (most popular ebook readers .txt) 📖». Author Yajat Sharma

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he also spotted a signboard upon which was written – ‘The Maze of Death’.

The Scavenger steered the ship towards it and docked it near the land. “That’s the maze alright, but we are yet to figure the direction.”

“Got it!” James clicked his fingers. “The last line said, ‘You are right’. Right means the direction ‘right’. I think we have to take all the right turns.”

Everyone got the logic and the ship went into the maze.

They went on for hours, making right turn after right turn. Getting tired of the maze that this place was, the Scavenger scowled whenever another door appeared.

“I think we misinterpreted the riddle,” James said, losing confidence. “This isn’t going to work. We are just wandering.”

“Well, genius, it was your idea,” the Scavenger said snidely.

Just then Matt exclaimed, “Look, there’s something here.”

There was something shiny kept on the ground and a scroll lying next to it.

Archer took a step towards it when a gruff voice snarled, “In a hurry, are we? I am the Bloodhound – the guardian of the fifth piece of the Arcane Crown. You need to prove your worth to get it.”

“And how do you suppose we do that?” the Scavenger asked.

“Only one who passes the test of physical and mental power can get this piece.”

“Fair enough,” the Scavenger said. “Let’s begin.”

“Such confidence! Very well!”

A shimmering silhouette of a figure about six feet tall, dressed in a black cloak and a black hood, gleamed in the darkness.

He started to sing:

“I am stealthy than a dinosaur,

And mightier than a Cracken Haur

My teeth gleam like gold,

Two big swords I hold.

My temper is always high,

I make powerful warriors cry.

One bow and a quiver on my back,

One axe with which I hack.”

At once, two swords appeared in each of the guardian’s hands. A bow and a quiver appeared on his back and an axe was strapped to his back.

Suddenly, the Scavenger started crying. Tears shot out from his eyes and continued pouring. In a short while, the ground was wet.

“What is happening to you?” Matt asked, surprised.

“I… don’t… know!” the Scavenger spluttered through his crying. After a while, he stopped and brushed the tears out of his eyes.

“Now, who will fight me?” the guardian roared.

“I will!” Pulling out his shining Lightning Sword, the Scavenger rumbled.

The guardian hefted his swords. “Let the fight begin!”

The Scavenger charged at the guardian. Swinging his sword in a mighty arc, he aimed straight at the Hound’s chest.

The Hound lifted both of his swords to block the attack, but the impact pushed him backwards. He recovered quickly.

Close combat ensued between the Hound and the Scavenger. The Hound, realizing that the Scavenger was quite powerful, backed away, disappearing into the shadows. Suddenly, arrows shot out and the Scavenger started blocking them.

The Scavenger moved towards the arrows and was finally able to cut the bowstring of the Hound.

Casting aside his ruined bow, the Hound pulled out his axe and threatened, “I have killed thousands with this. It will claim you next.”

The Hound ran towards the Scavenger, swinging his axe. The Scavenger pulled out his Lightning Sword.

The Hound started singing once again:

“My claws have thorns like scissors,

My speed is like great panthers

My teeth can cut like saw,

And my plans have no flaw!

My enemy quakes with fear,

My teeth are made to tear

His flesh and bone,

Pay heed to my tone!”

At once, the Scavenger started shaking and shivering with fear. His face took on an expression of anger as he tried to stop it, but he couldn’t.

The Hound attacked the Scavenger with his claws. The Scavenger ducked just in time.

Concerned at the way the combat was progressing, James observed that whenever the Scavenger seemed to overpower the Hound, the Hound would sing a song, and whatever he sang turned into reality.

James had to think of something, or the Scavenger would lose.

Suddenly, the words of the Hound came in his mind… it was the test of the power of body and mind… both…

And it suddenly struck him. It seemed so obvious that it made James laugh.

“We are idiots,” he mumbled.

“Stop laughing! Do something,” the Scavenger called out as the Hound’s axe almost impaled him.

James started singing out loud:

“The Hound has strength like a fly,

He hasn’t even got height a little high,

His teeth are made for nothing,

His claws will fall while fighting.

But still, he thinks that he is strong,

We know he cannot even sing a song,

So, pity on him for everything,

This Hound can do... nothing!”

Immediately, the Hound’s height shrank. His teeth shrank too. His claws fell out, and all his weapons vanished.

The Scavenger slashed at him, but the guardian disappeared before he could make contact.

“Very good,” came the Hound’s voice. “You are smart as well as powerful. You have passed the test. I am convinced. You are indeed the chosen ones of Lord Arcane. You are fit to take the fifth piece.”

The Scavenger bowed towards the voice and lifted the fifth piece and the scroll. Just as the Scavenger tucked them away, the cave shook.

“The cave is going to collapse!” Matt yelled.

Daniel saw some letters inscribed on the wall. “LEFT!” he shrieked.

They ran towards the passage on the left. The walls started crumbling behind them.

No sooner had they burst out of the maze than the cave buckled and was reduced to debris.


The Sails of Time was awaiting them at the place where they had left it anchored. They climbed aboard.

“Whew! A close call! Great, we got the fifth piece,” Matt heaved as he collapsed on the deck.

The Scavenger nodded. “Let’s move to get the sixth one.”

He opened the scroll and read:

“A place where everything is green,

And where no darkness is seen,

Find it in the Oak of Shadows,

Where it will be unseen.

Battle the guardian, don’t lose,

First, find the Golden Moose.

Tame it, and you get help,

Get the piece for your shelf.”

“The riddle is so simple. The piece is in the Oak of Shadows,” James said. “Protected by a guardian, but to defeat him, we have to tame the Golden Moose first.”

“Where is the Oak of Shadows?”

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