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Book online «The Impossible Future: Complete set Frank Kennedy (freenovel24 .TXT) 📖». Author Frank Kennedy

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replying to Col. Joosten.

“Do not broadcast that message. Yes, Joosten, I know it’s a violation of JaRa protocol. Most of our forces have been deployed. If we pull them away, we are inviting disaster. No. Accept the announcement but hold it from the public stream. I’ll buy you time.”

What are you trying to pull, brother?

Valentin pressed the steering arms forward and maneuvered a reckless path through the city streets until he entered the hybrid residential sector. Brother James huddled with Bartok Hyam and Joakim Cardenas. All four of Joakim’s rapidly developing children played nearby.

“Bartok, Joakim,” Valentin said, hiding his anger behind a veil.

“Admiral Valentin,” Bartok said. “How goes the war preparation?”

“We’re making great progress. The city is well defended. I wish the hybrids had more of a sense of urgency. Brother James, may I speak privately?”

James dismissed the others, but Valentin caught the hint of a shared mocking grin among the three. Or maybe paranoia was making observations for him.

“Brother,” he said through clenched teeth, dampening the volume. “We are under threat of imminent invasion. In addition, I have just learned you and Rayna plan to hold a public celebration this morning. Something about a birth ceremony?”

“Yes. A new tradition. We will formally present Martina and Irina to our community. You have a problem with this?”

“James, I have worked nonstop to secure our city and our people. We are finally ready. Every soldier knows what to do and where to be. If they are called away to the amphitheater, we will be fodder for an aerial bombardment. Immortals and hybrids. Please, delay the ceremony until we can guarantee your safety.”

James looked away. “It’s a beautiful morning. Yes? The ceremony goes forward. But, if it makes you happy, we’ll be glad to receive all immortals not posted to the front lines. We’ll start with the six who arrived moments ago. Our, um, security detail? Really, Valentin! You believe we stand a better chance with those six children guarding our sector? The last time one of your people tried to protect a hybrid, Sister Ursula was killed.”

Valentin dispatched the soldiers who Michael gunned down under the guise of a security detail for the hybrids. Their true purpose was to monitor hybrid movements and amp their intel directly to Valentin. He knew James and the others wouldn’t appreciate the gesture. They’d go about their business without acknowledging the immortals. Perfect.

“This is going to come undone, brother. We’ll be at war before the sun disappears.”

“You’re very precise in your prediction, Valentin. What intelligence have you not shared with me?”

“I’ve shared everything you asked for.”

James stifled a laugh. “Clever answer. When the ceremony is done, you and I will sit for a war council, and you’ll share all the intel.”

“Agreed. There’s another matter. Samantha Pynn is missing. I’ve been told Rayna took her.”

“Yes. She’s in our dome now.”

“For what reason?”

“She’s the Ambassador to Earth. Reason enough. Why do you care? More to the point, why was Samantha in private quarters inside Haven?”

“She came to me looking for protection. A few of my soldiers threatened her. She’s a Chancellor, after all.”

James licked his considerable lips.

“Interesting choice. A few days ago, my wife encountered Samantha. She said you arrived to break up the reacquaintance.”

“James, I don’t have time for your pointless innuendo. You brought Samantha here. The least you can do is keep her safe.”

“Of course. I would never harm our ambassador.”

“But Rayna would. Yes?”

James turned away, his hand waving in a gesture of dismissal.

“Goodbye, brother. I’ll see you at our ceremony.”

Valentin’s mind whirred. He grew up as a Chancellor, the son of Emil and Frances Bouchet. Valentin had a nose for conspiracies.


S AM RECOGNIZED THE LOOK in their eyes. She saw it often in high school boys hunting for an opportunity to end their virginity. Their stare was as lewd and hapless as the predators who trapped freshmen girls at their lockers and smooth-talked their way into extracurriculars. Was that only three years ago? At least those boys waited until they were old enough to drive on a learner’s permit. But this? Sam never felt so violated.

Benjamin and Peter, two years old but six and a half feet tall, made no effort to contain the spittle in the corners of their mouth. They sat side by side on the foot of their parents’ bed, gawking at Sam, who sat in the chair where she was ordered, her bodysuit removed and replaced by a simple white undergarment which was three sizes too large. Sam heard the rumors of how James “grew” his children, of how he accelerated their studies, and how they would have kids of their own within two or three years.

The boys asked questions, but she refused to answer. Questions about relationships. About Michael. Once, Peter asked what it felt like to be in love, but Benjamin popped him upside the head and said love wasn’t relevant. Procreation was all that mattered.

“My sons are idiots,” Rayna said, returning with a yellow dress draped over one arm. “But rarely do they get a chance to look close. I give them treat.” She handed a cloth to Benjamin and told him to wipe his lips. “Is fate of all young women to be surrounded by foolish boys. As Cossack girl, I knew of these idiots.

“But they stayed clear of Rayna Tsukanova, if they wished to keep all their parts. What do you think of my boys, Samantha Pynn?”

Sam did not say two words after she arrived at James and Rayna’s habitat dome. Rayna gave no reason for taking her from Haven. She was ordered to strip upon entering and stood naked before these freakish children until Rayna offered one of her own undergarments.

“They’re growing up fast,” Sam muttered, knowing she had to say something or else piss

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