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Book online «Titan: A LitRPG Adventure (UnderVerse Book 4) Jez Cajiao (top ten books of all time TXT) 📖». Author Jez Cajiao

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head in denial.

“You went too deep,” Oracle said softly. “You let him show you his memories of the City, but his mind is fractured, and then they poured out…”

“That’s what he’s filled with?” I asked aloud, knowing it was true. “No wonder he’s insane… knowing that it was your own children that did that, as well…” I said, feeling the rage burn up from the space where I had Amon contained.

“Yes, now maybe we should think about something else?” she said quickly, and I nodded in frantic agreement as Bane crouched next to me, reaching out and putting his hand on my shoulder.

“Are you okay?” he asked quietly, and I nodded more slowly.

“I am; sorry, mate, didn’t mean to scare you. As Oracle says, best to talk about something else. She’ll explain it to you later, okay?” I asked, and he bowed his head respectfully.

“Well, on that note, I’ve got good news and bad…” he said, and I felt my heart drop.

“Go on…”

“Well, the good news is that there’s something to distract you, coming along the corridor…” Bane said, and I vaguely remembered the feeling of his ‘Worldsense’ washing out from him as the memories took over.

“And the bad news…?” I asked slowly, as I heard the jingle of armor coming to a halt outside. “Oh, god, no…” I moaned, closing my eyes.

“Lord Jax, Restun, Centurion Primus, asks to see you?” one of the Legionnaires called, knocking, then leaning in.

Chapter Ten

“Seriously? Now?” I muttered to myself, sitting up and wiping the remnants of the tears from my cheeks. “Uh… oh, fuck it,” I grunted, pushing myself to my feet and feeling my legs wobble slightly. “Yes, send him in,” I said. I felt the dip in my mana as Oracle created a fountain of fresh water in the corner of the room. I quickly washed my face in it and stepped back, letting Bane move in.

As I crossed the room to greet Restun, Bane drew in deep gulps of the water, relaxing as his amphibious nature reveled in it.

Restun stepped inside and closed the door, looking me over for a long moment before smiling faintly as he clapped his fist to chest, and I returned the salute.

“Lord Jax, I don’t think it would be wise to exercise today, if you’re truly as tired as you seem, and you still intend on entering the Sunken City later?” he said, and I nodded thankfully, relaxing slightly.

“I am; my team and I, I mean. We’ll be entering it in a few hours, and I was just discussing that with Oracle and Bane. What’s happening with the other camps?” I asked Restun, and he immediately looked grim.

“The Himnel camp looks like a kicked anthill. It seems they had more soldiers than we thought; they’d been keeping them underground, but now they’re stripping the camp and loading their single ship with everything of value, including their slaves and what looks to be items they’ve looted from the city.”

“Motherfuckers!” I growled, my anger rising. “What about the other camp?”

“Much the same. Fewer soldiers, but the ship is being made ready, and it looks like the entire camp is mobilizing.”

“So, that was bollocks about us meeting in a few days, then. I thought it would be, but I wanted them gone badly enough that I didn’t care,” I said flatly, thinking that I’d made a mistake.

“Judging from the way the scouts reported it, they’re splitting their forces. One lot is readying the ship…”

“And the other?” I asked grimly.

“They look to be preparing to head into the city,” he admitted simply.

“So, it’s a race, then?” I muttered. “What the hell do they think is down there?”

“No idea, but the fact that you’re after something suggests that something valuable is still buried within, so they want it first,” he explained.

“And the first group; are they boarding the ship?” I asked.

“Not all of them, or at least, I doubt it. I went to that camp myself, Jax. There’s no way that everyone there will be able to fit on that single small ship. Most likely, it was the Lord’s private ship, and if his brother is there, he’s going to use it to escape with anything he wants to keep, then send the guards down into the city to find whatever you’re after.”

“…While he runs back to Himnel and gets reinforcements,” I finished for him, and he inclined his head slightly.

“That’s probably his intention, yes.”

“Well, looks like my nap can wait,” I said, shaking my head. “Time to go see the armorers and get everyone suited and booted. Restun, can you lead the way, please?” I gestured to the door, and he saluted crisply.

We moved out into the corridor, and the Legionnaires seamlessly formed up to escort me. I recognized one of them in the lead, and reached out, putting one hand on his shoulder.

“Do me a favor, and ask Romanus to meet us at the armorers, and have the rest of my squad, Yen, Tang, and Grizz meet us there as well, please.”

“Of course, my lord,” he said, saluting and rushing off down a side corridor.

Restun lead us down to the main hold, then further down the ship to a small gangway that led to a section that was missing most of the outer structure.

As we walked around the makeshift space, I began to hear the clanging of hammers and steel, insults and good-natured swearing. We went around the final corner and found the area the armorers and weaponsmiths had claimed as their own.

The area was perhaps ten meters deep by twenty long and had a wall on either side in place already, but no floor, outer wall, or, for two floors, any decking overhead. That meant that they had somewhere that was partially sheltered from the weather, while actually being open enough to feel as if they felt like they were working outside, yet without any of the accompanying stress.

Three scruffily dressed men scurried about, helping the Legionnaires by working the bellows and assisting in setting workspaces

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