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Book online «The Elder's Curse Andrew Walbrown (red scrolls of magic .TXT) 📖». Author Andrew Walbrown

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but he escaped. Those of us who survived split in different directions, searching the continents for him, leaving no stone unturned. After years of hunting Kuruk, the Elder and I found him mending his wounds in a tower, no doubt concocting new schemes in a bid for power. I traveled the oceans seeking reinforcements, traveling great lengths to reunite our brethren. I knew that no matter how weak he was, Kuruk was still dangerous, like a wounded animal trapped against a wall. The Elder stayed behind to watch the dark mage, promising me that he would not attack until I returned.”

She folded her front legs and laid down, turning her head to stare deep into the shadowed caverns. She let out a long sigh, regret passing over her face. “Kuruk knew he was cornered, knew his days were numbered. From his tower he attacked the Elder, casting a curse of gradual petrification upon him. The curse has caused the Elder to slowly turn to stone, and if we do not heal him soon, he will forever be a statue.”

“So where is Kuruk now?” Ulam asked. And let me guess, the cure is in the tower, and we need to go inside and get it. How do you expect us to defeat a dark mage that an army of dragons failed to defeat?

“Oh, you do not have to worry about Kuruk,” the Matriarch smiled, showing rows upon rows of razor-sharp teeth, a stark reminder that such a graceful being could also be ruthless if provoked. “I imagine his ashes are still at the top of his tower, where I incinerated him.”

Thankfully I did not kill any of the whelps, otherwise, I would be a smoldering pile of ashes now. “So how do we cure the Elder?”

“To break the curse, we must disenchant the powerstone at the top of Kuruk’s staff,” the Matriarch continued. “At least, that is what the wizards at the Academy have told me. One of you must get the stone, though, because as Kuruk was burning to death he cast a protective barrier around his tower that repels dragons if we get too close. We know it is only our kind because we have watched deer pass through the barrier many times without consequence.”

Ulam looked at Nilawen, who was still unconscious. She looked so peaceful upon her makeshift bed, blissfully unaware of the world around her. He did not want to leave her side, but he was the only one among them who was not injured by the abduction, so the task given by the Matriarch fell squarely upon his shoulders. Or so he thought.

“Originally we planned to keep one of you hostage, for insurance,” the Matriarch continued, “but since the Elfling is hurt, she will have to stay behind.”

“Wait, you want us all to go to the tower?” Amantius asked.

“Oh yes,” the Matriarch nodded. “That tower is full of traps and snares, the dark mage had an affinity for such devices. The more that enter, the more likely someone will return with the stone. It is simply a game of numbers. As for your friend,” the Matriarch gestured her enormous head towards Nilawen, “do not worry, she will be safe here. You have my word.”

“What makes you think we will do your bidding?” Amantius asked. “After all, your family just abducted us.”

The Matriarch grinned, her smile a wicked sight to behold. “Just because your kind does not taste good, that does not mean we will not eat you. I am sure you have had a few overcooked meals in your life.”

Ulam shivered.

Chapter 14


The next day Kona returned with the herbs she needed and crafted new bandages, frowning as she applied them to Nilawen’s forehead. The fever still raged, only having eased slightly overnight. Zhalmi shadowed Kona as she administered treatment, learning as much she could about the healing properties of plants from the Kalikki. Near the lair’s exit, Amantius tested the strength of his injured leg, grimacing when he turned his knee in certain directions.

“I think she knew,” Ulam whispered as he watched Kona and Zhalmi with an eagle’s focus, “I think she knew there were dragons here, and she led us to them.”

Amantius stood on one leg and watched, agreeing Kona and the dragoness were very friendly with one another. The thought of Kona and the Matriarch conspiring did not upset him as much as it did Ulam, but if Nilawen died from their schemes then he would personally avenge her. He did not know how he would, though, because he vowed after Morganna he would never take another life. No need to contemplate vengeance before anything happens, and hopefully, I’ll never have to.

“It doesn’t matter,” Amantius replied, “we are here now. Let’s just stay focused on the task at hand. We go to Kuruk’s Tower, we get the stone, and we return. Hopefully, Wen will be awake by then and then we can go back to Yawan.”

“And if we return and Nilawen is dead?”

Ulam’s words were like a dagger to Amantius. An image of a lifeless Nilawen lying in a dragon’s lair, her slender body becoming a chew toy for the whelps, greatly disturbed him. With a great deal of mental fortitude, he was able to push those thoughts aside and concentrate on the present. “Once again, Brother, let’s just stay focused on the task at hand. We will cross that bridge when we get there…if we get there.”

As the sun leaked into the den, the dragonesses Chulzi and Ushokku approached them with the Matriarch close behind. They said a few words in their language, which to Amantius sounded like a series of different growls, hisses, and squawks, as though a lion, snake, and pelican were all speaking at the same time. When finished the Matriarch stomped forward, smelled Nilawen, and nodded, looking content.

“Her scent has changed,” the Matriarch said as she turned to Amantius and Ulam. “She smells fresher, more alive. She is healing well and should be awake before you

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