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different for me, isn’t it? I’ve never been in a situation

such as this before.”

She looked shaken. Against his better judgment he went over to the couch and sat

down next to her.

The princess didn’t move. She just sat staring forward, her eyes wide. Steeling himself, he picked up one of her hands and held it. It was cold as a block of ice.

“It’s tough when reality hits you in the face, isn’t it?” She still didn’t respond, so he

put one arm around her shoulders. “Hey, buck up, okay? You’re fine. You’re safe.” With a little sob, she turned and buried her face in his shoulder, wrapping her arms

around him and holding on for dear life.

And it was his movie theater fantasy come to life, both better and far worse than the

imagined version. She was warm and soft and pliant in his arms, her curves fitting against

him perfectly. She took a deep, shuddering breath, and her breasts lifted, her nipples

brushing against him through the soft fabric of her outfit. Damn. Was she not wearing a


He gritted his teeth and rubbed her back, trying to comfort her without getting too

wrapped up in how good it felt to have her in his arms.

Finally she let go, shifting away from him with a shaky laugh. “You must think I’m an absolute goose,” she said. “To get emotional about something so silly.”

“It’s not silly.” He crossed his legs, resting one ankle on the opposite knee, hoping it

would mask the evidence of his reaction to her closeness. “And it’s not just about being

followed tonight. This was just the catalyst that made it real to you.” She nodded.

“I’ve worked with some of the most high-powered people in the world. Every one of

them, to a person, had a moment when the threat against them came home in a very

personal way. And every one of them reacted in a way that they thought was over the top.

It’s not. It’s human nature.”

She looked at him for a minute, then wrapped her arms around his neck again.

“Thank you,” she breathed, before kissing him softly on the lips.

Holy hell. That innocent touch seared him to his toes. She pulled back, her eyes wide. Then her gaze dropped to his mouth and she licked her lips.

Fuck it. He dipped his head and kissed her back. Really kissed her, the way he’d wanted to almost from the moment he met her.

His mouth covered hers, his tongue darting out to stroke along the seam of her mouth. With a whimper, she opened to him, matching him stroke for stroke as their

tongues dueled.

She was heat and fire, her fingers tunneling through his hair as she held his head for

her sensual assault. He pulled her into his lap, smoothing his hand down her back to rest

on the curve of her hip.

And then it dipped lower, stroking the curve of her ass, while she moaned into his mouth and wriggled closer in his lap. She kissed him again, or he kissed her. He really

couldn’t decide which was the more accurate description. And honestly? He couldn’t

bring himself to care.

Her hands were everywhere, in his hair, down his back, tunneling under his shirt to

stroke the heated skin underneath. He shuddered at the sensation of her slender fingers

roaming his naked flesh.

Suddenly, she pulled away, her mouth damp and a little swollen, her eyes dazed.



Reluctantly he released his hold on her, letting her scramble off his lap and put her

clothing to rights. He shoved a hand through his hair and blew out a quick breath.

“I am so sorry,” she said finally, looking everywhere but at him. “That was entirely out of line.”

“Yes, it was.” He ignored the pained look on her face. “It was also entirely mutual.”

She looked up at that. “I practically attacked you.”

“Bullshit.” He waited until she made eye contact. “If anything, I took advantage of you. You’ve been through a stressful event, and you’re vulnerable. I should have been

more professional.”

“I disagree, but thank you, Mr. Delmonico.”

He laughed at that. “Don’t you think we’re beyond formal titles now?”

“You’re right.” She looked down, smiling sheepishly. “Eric.” He liked the way his name sounded on her lips. Probably too much. He stood abruptly. “I’d better go.”

“Where are you going to stay tonight?”

“I’m sure they can find a room for me,” he said. “You’ve got two guards outside your suite. You’ll be safe tonight.”

“There’s a guest room,” she said softly. “You’re welcome to stay.”

“I don’t know if that’s such a good idea, Princess.” She stood as well, going toe-to-toe with him. “No formal titles, remember?”

“You got it…Lucia.” He looked around the suite. “Guest room, huh?” She pointed across the room at the door midway down the long wall. “It seems silly

for you to find another place to stay when there is a perfectly good room next door.”

He was tempted. God knows he was tempted.

“There’s a lock on the door,” she said, as if reading his mind.

He walked over to the door and tested the lock. It was adequate for an interior door.

“Is there one on your door too?”

“Of course.” She picked at an imaginary piece of lint on her shirt. “Everyone needs privacy from time to time.”

Or a dose of sanity.

“I’ll stay,” he said. “But use that lock.”

Whether to keep her in or keep him out, he couldn’t say. All he knew was that both

of them needed the distance to get back on even footing by the morning.

He grabbed his coat and headed for the guest room door. It would be a good thing to

be close, in any case.

She watched him go, her eyes bright and knowing.

He carried the image with him to his temporary room, and well into the night.

He wasn’t part of her balance sheet. But one week in his bed could tip the scales.

To Do List

© 2007 Lauren Dane

Since she could pick up a pencil, Belle Taylor has used lists and charts to map out her life. When she achieves a goal, she marks it off her to do list. Simple. But now, just

steps away

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