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Book online Ā«Mr. Standfast John Buchan (e book reading free txt) šŸ“–Ā». Author John Buchan

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dickie. Also there was a small handcase, such as bagmen carry on their rounds.

ā€œThatā€™s your luggage,ā€ said Amos with pride. ā€œThat wee bagā€™s full of samples. Yeā€™ll mind I took the precaution of measurinā€™ ye in Glasgow, so the thingsā€™ll fit. Yeā€™ve got a new name, Mr. Brand, and Iā€™ve taken a room for ye in the hotel on the strength of it. Yeā€™re Archibald McCaskie, and yeā€™re travellinā€™ for the firm oā€™ Todd, Sons & Brothers, of Edinburgh. Ye ken the folk? They publish wee releegious books, that yeā€™ve bin trying to sell for Sabbath-school prizes to the Free Kirk ministers in Skye.ā€

The notion amused Amos, and he relapsed into the sombre chuckle which with him did duty for a laugh.

I put my hat and waterproof in the bag and donned the bowler and the topcoat. They fitted fairly well. Likewise the cuffs and collar, though here I struck a snag, for I had lost my scarf somewhere in the Coolin, and Amos, pelican-like, had to surrender the rusty black tie which adorned his own person. It was a queer rig, and I felt like nothing on earth in it, but Amos was satisfied.

ā€œMr. McCaskie, sir,ā€ he said, ā€œyeā€™re the very model of a publisherā€™s traveller. Yeā€™d better learn a few biographical details, which yeā€™ve maybe forgotten. Yeā€™re an Edinburgh man, but ye were some years in London, which explains the way ye speak. Ye bide at 6, Russell Street, off the Meadows, and yeā€™re an elder in the Nethergate U.F. Kirk. Have ye ony special taste ye could lead the crack on to, if yeā€™re engaged in conversation?ā€

I suggested the English classics.

ā€œAnd very suitable. Ye can try poalitics, too. Yeā€™d better be a Free-trader but convertit by Lloyd George. Thatā€™s a common case, and yeā€™ll need to be by-ordinar commonā ā€Šā ā€¦ If I was you, I would daunder about here for a bit, and no arrive at your hotel till after dark. Then ye can have your supper and gang to bed. The Muirtown train leaves at half-seven in the morningā ā€Šā ā€¦ Na, ye canā€™t come with me. It wouldna do for us to be seen thegither. If I meet ye in the street Iā€™ll never let on I know ye.ā€

Amos climbed into the gig and jolted off home. I went down to the shore and sat among the rocks, finishing about teatime the remains of my provisions. In the mellow gloaming I strolled into the clachan and got a boat to put me over to the inn. It proved to be a comfortable place, with a motherly old landlady who showed me to my room and promised ham and eggs and cold salmon for supper. After a good wash, which I needed, and an honest attempt to make my clothes presentable, I descended to the meal in a coffee-room lit by a single dim paraffin lamp.

The food was excellent, and, as I ate, my spirits rose. In two days I should be back in London beside Blenkiron and somewhere within a dayā€™s journey of Mary. I could picture no scene now without thinking how Mary fitted into it. For her sake I held Biggleswick delectable, because I had seen her there. I wasnā€™t sure if this was love, but it was something I had never dreamed of before, something which I now hugged the thought of. It made the whole earth rosy and golden for me, and life so well worth living that I felt like a miser towards the days to come.

I had about finished supper, when I was joined by another guest. Seen in the light of that infamous lamp, he seemed a small, alert fellow, with a bushy, black moustache, and black hair parted in the middle. He had fed already and appeared to be hungering for human society.

In three minutes he had told me that he had come down from Portree and was on his way to Leith. A minute later he had whipped out a card on which I read ā€œJ. J. Linklater,ā€ and in the corner the name of Hatherwick Bros. His accent betrayed that he hailed from the west.

ā€œIā€™ve been up among the distilleries,ā€ he informed me. ā€œItā€™s a poor business distillinā€™ in these times, wiā€™ the teetotallers yowlinā€™ about the nationā€™s shame and the way to lose the war. Iā€™m a temperate man myselā€™, but I would think shame to spile decent folksā€™ business. If the Government want to stop the drink, let them buy us out. Theyā€™ve permitted us to invest good money in the trade, and they must see that we get it back. The other way will wreck public credit. Thatā€™s what I say. Supposinā€™ some Labour Government takes the notion that soapā€™s bad for the nation? Are they goinā€™ to shut up Port Sunlight? Or good clothes? Or lum hats? Thereā€™s no end to their daftness if they once start on that track. A lawfuā€™ tradeā€™s a lawfuā€™ trade, says I, and itā€™s contrary to public policy to pit it at the mercy of wheen cranks. Dā€™ye no agree, sir? By the way, I havena got your name?ā€

I told him and he rambled on.

ā€œWeā€™re blenders and do a very high-class business, mostly foreign. The warā€™s hit us wiā€™ our export trade, of course, but weā€™re no as bad as some. Whatā€™s your line, Mr. McCaskie?ā€

When he heard he was keenly interested.

ā€œDā€™ye say so? Yeā€™re from Toddā€™s! Man, I was in the book business myselā€™, till I changed it for something a wee bit more lucrative. I was on the road for three years for Andrew Matheson. Ye ken the nameā ā€”Paternoster Rowā ā€”Iā€™ve forgotten the number. I had a kind of ambition to start a book-sellinā€™ shop of my own and to make Linklater oā€™ Paisley a big name in the trade. But I got the offer from Hatherwickā€™s, and I was wantinā€™ to get married, so filthy lucre won the day. And Iā€™m no sorry I changed. If it hadna been for this war, I would have been makinā€™

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