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Book online «The Surgeon and the Princess Karin Baine (websites to read books for free .TXT) 📖». Author Karin Baine

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body was thoroughly ravished and pleasantly numb this morning.

‘Morning, sleepyhead,’ she said, trying to rouse the naked figure sprawled across her bed. As pleasant as the sight was, they couldn’t lie here all day.

‘Hmm...?’ A drowsy Ed rolled closer to her, his eyes still closed. It was no wonder he was exhausted after she’d put him through his paces last night.

‘We should get up.’ Her sigh was filled with longing and regret that their night together had to come to an end.

‘Why? We still have some time before we have to go to work,’ he mumbled into the pillow.

The way he said it so casually made her smile. As if they were any other couple about to start their day together. It had taken some time and soul-searching but she had a role now. One that was about more than just making personal appearances and news headlines. She had a purpose again. The talk with her parents and, later, the gala had given her so much hope about her place in the world. Okay, it wasn’t the one she’d had, or had expected to have, but she wanted to capitalise on her sense of achievement.

Ed had given her the platform and confidence to address her issues in public but it was down to her to continue the momentum. There was so much more she could achieve using her position. She saw no reason why she shouldn’t become an advocate for other charities and use her voice to get recognition where it was needed. As a representative of injured veterans and the amputee community she could do a lot to raise the profiles and funds for those who needed it. After months of floundering, not knowing where she’d be wanted and accepted, Georgiana believed she’d found a new path that would incorporate the princess and the soldier in her. She was keen to embark on this new life outside these walls. The one she’d been avoiding for so long.

‘With everything that happened last night, I’m going to have to release a press statement.’

Ed snapped awake, his big blue eyes sparkling with mischief. ‘There’s really no need. I know I was good but you don’t need to tell the whole world about it.’

Georgiana rolled her eyes. ‘You’ve every right to be full of yourself this morning. Last night was...amazing. But I was talking about the gala. Word will be out about my injuries and I’ll have to work with the palace to give an official statement about what happened and what it means to my position as Princess and next in line to the throne.’

‘Surely you have a little time to fool around first?’ He slipped his hand under the covers and swept it over the curve of her hips.

She groaned, tempted to surrender to her libido in place of her common sense. ‘I really wish I did, but I have an appointment with my aftercare team first thing too.’ Something her visits to the clinic had prompted her to do. She’d seen the importance of having regular check-ups and maintaining contact with the team who’d taken care of her. Her appointment today was to check out some recent discomfort she’d been experiencing. Probably the result of the extra workouts and busier lifestyle putting more strain on her body. No doubt they would tell her to take it easy.

Ed immediately sat up and cupped her face in his hands, his eyes searching her face for the truth. ‘Is everything okay?’

The concern she saw and heard from him sent her heart fluttering and she leaned into his touch.

‘I’m fine. It’s just a check-up.’

‘Do you want me to come with you? I could move a few things around—’

‘Honestly, there’s nothing to worry about, but I don’t want to miss the appointment. We really should get moving.’

‘You want me to go?’ He pulled her in for another one of those deliciously long and passionate kisses she was trying—and failing—to deny herself.

‘No, but if you don’t I’ll never leave this bed.’

‘Is that such a bad thing?’ He was kissing his way down her throat now and nibbling away at her defences.

She gave it considerable thought and came to the conclusion that she’d quite happily spend a lifetime in bed with Ed.

But could he spend a lifetime with her?

Georgiana wished she could live in his arms for ever and the pang of longing lasted after he’d dressed and left her bedroom looking dishevelled and gorgeous.

The news from the hospital sent her into something of a tailspin.

‘Complications...bone spurs...further surgery.’

One appointment reminded her that nothing was permanent and an amputation didn’t mean her health problems were over. Resuming her royal duties, training for a new job and a future with Ed could be in jeopardy and she didn’t think she’d recover from losing everything again.

It wouldn’t be as serious an operation as before. The abnormal bone that had grown around the end of her amputated limb was causing pressure points where it met her prosthetic. If refitting didn’t help, she was going to have to have surgery to remove the excess bone. The reality meant she was likely going to have ongoing problems and pain for the rest of her days.

She’d gone straight to the clinic to find Ed when her test results and X-rays had not been favourable. He was the one she wanted to go to. In keeping with their agreement, she’d let her parents know too but Ed was the one she needed to comfort her and tell her everything would be all right.

Although, this latest information might alter everything between them. They already had things to work out, when he seemed to have so little time to devote to a relationship. She didn’t know what this latest development would mean to them as a couple. So determined was she to speak to him on the matter that even when she was told that Mr Lawrence was at his parents’ place, Georgiana got her driver to track down the address.

‘I think I’ll be fine on

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