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Book online «Purrfect Roast: A Dragon Cozy Mystery Verena DeLuca (summer reading list .txt) 📖». Author Verena DeLuca

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mom voice. "Don't make me cancel this trip."

"That was weak," Aubrey said. "Good thing you don't have kids, they'd walk all over you."

"Ah man," I said, trying to keep my tone whiny and somber.

Aubrey nudged me in the arm and looked back at her phone as she laughed.

"These bats are pretty much the saviors of farmers around Texas. They eat so many insects the farmers end up not having to use insecticide on their crops during mating season."

"Fascinating bonus to bats." I looked up at the sky.

There were a few little flutters, so I picked up the pace to make it to the bridge before they launched.

"Don't worry," Azure transmitted. "In May, the bats launch a little after sunset. You have time."

"Oh, good," I transmitted.

"They also show up on weather radar as if they were a thunderstorm," Aubrey said.

"Ha," Skylar said. "That's great."

The walk to the top of the bridge felt good, there were plenty of people heading the same direction and the sun set enough to stop my sweating.

"A lot of these bats are pregnant," Aubrey read aloud. "They come from Mexico to have their young, and then return in the fall to wait out the winter."

"Sounds like a good life," I said. "Migrating so you're always in the best weather."

The girls laughed, and we walked up to a free spot in the railing.

"Oh look," Skylar said. "There are so many people on kayaks and boats, I didn't know that was an option."

"I did that once in college," I said. "It was neat to see them launch out from the water. Not so neat to paddle back to shore in the dark."

Aubrey laughed. "I can't even imagine you doing that much exercise."

"I am nothing if not efficient at how I decide to exert myself." I laughed.

"That is no lie," she retorted, still laughing. "Lazy with a capital L."

Oh no, not lazy," I said. "Efficient. There's a difference."

"Sure, there is," Skylar said.

We stood in silence admiring the breath-taking view of Lake Austin. It was hard to believe just a few hours ago we were stressed about a trophy thief.

"I still can't believe Azure took gold," Skylar said.

"I know." I blushed. "I feel bad for having such low expectations."

"I mean it was your first year," Skylar said.

"Don't you dare feel bad," Aubrey said. "After the year Azure has had, losing Tona and all. He deserves to win gold. I hope you're going to put those trophies on display."

"Totally," Skylar said.

Before I could answer the bats swirled out from under the bridge and the breath was taken right out of me. I stood in awe just like the first time I watched them fly. It was magnificent.

"Wow," Aubrey said. "What a sight."

She raised her phone and started filming the bats with a giddy look on her face.

"It's beautiful," Skylar said.

This was exactly what we needed, the perfect ending to a hectic day.

"Can you see me?" Azure transmitted. "I'm the little brown bat, next to the brown bat to my left."

"Oh yeah," I transmitted. "I see you alright. Say 'bean' for the camera."

"Bean," Azure and Shadow transmitted together.

Skylar and I both giggled, but Aubrey did not notice.

"Do the other bats know there is an imposter among them?" I transmitted.

"Not if they know what's good for them," he transmitted.

It took roughly forty minutes for all the bats to escape the bridge, and once the show was over, we made our way back to the car.

"We should come back in October," I said. "They host a bat fest and fill the street with vendors and music. I bet the kids would love it."

"Oh yes," Aubrey said. "That's a great idea. I can't wait to show them the video."

"Should we stop somewhere to eat?" I unlocked Aubrey's SUV. "Donuts?"

Skylar giggled.

"You are the worst," Aubrey groaned.

"Because you think it's a good idea?" I asked, giving her a wink.

We got into the car and I had not realized both cats were curled up in the backseat until Azure let out a long stretch.

"Only if I get one," he transmitted to me in a yawn.

"Nope, no donuts for kitties."


Sunday, May 17th, 11:20 PM

We pulled into town a little after eleven. Never thought I would be so happy to see the flashing lights as we crossed the bridge over Lake Marble Falls.

At night, the town could have passed for haunted. From the flashing stop lights to sporadic streetlights, it reminded me of a dystopian horror movie. When we finally crested the hill at 2nd Street and Main, the cafe welcomed us home, as if it waited patiently for an old friend. The lights for the dining area were still lit. Either Jess or Zachary forgot to flip the switch on their way out. I parked Aubrey's car and turned back to wake up Skylar, only to scream at a slap on the driver's side window.

Skylar darted upright as the car started to rock. I looked around in a panic to see what was attacking us, to find Jess plastered on my window. Between her messy brown hair hanging on for life in a well-tossed bun, makeup that had not been touched up all day, and sweats she looked more terrifying than was needed for the moment. Though, Aubrey's hysterical laughter should have clued me in to the fact that there was no danger. But after the day we had, I could not stop my mind from going into full panic mode. I held my chest and focused my breathing to ease my racing heart.

"Are you guys trying to give me a heart attack?" I asked between breaths.

"What's all the yelling about," Azure transmitted in a sleepy tone.

I ignored him and continued to focus on calming down. Jess managed to open my door but used it as a crutch to bend down into a squat as she continued to laugh. She and Aubrey were both trying to speak, but it was inaudible. I rolled my eyes while shaking my head at their

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