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Book online «For The Love Of A God Rosanna Leo (best novels in english txt) 📖». Author Rosanna Leo

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on hurting others.” Dionysus sniffed. “She'd boil your bunny, kiddo, if she got the chance."

She gripped Eryx by the shoulders. “I have to go back to him."

"No. It's a trap, Maia. She knows we're here and wants to draw us out."

"I don't care! She's trying to kill my father. You have to take me to him!"

Gods, this was killing him! “I can't, Maia. If I do, she'll try to kill you.” He shook his head. “Please don't ask me... I can't lose you."

"But why can't we fight her? Why do we have to hide? I'll fight her too."

He was so proud of her. Despite the slumped angle of her shoulders, there was anger brewing in her eyes. She looked so brave and determined. He hated to burst her bubble. “It's not so simple. I'm not omnipotent. None of us is. Each god has different powers. Some are stronger than others. Yes, I can do some incredible things, but so can she. And Nemesis has the ability to camouflage herself, to hide in plain sight. I don't know where she is. I won't see her coming, Maia. It's not just a matter of fighting.” Eryx threw up his hands, never more frustrated. “I would take on the world for you. But an immortal enemy I can't even see? I can't risk bringing you close to her."

"But you said I'd have to go back eventually anyway..."

He grunted in frustration. “I know what I said! But I need a plan first."

"Well, what about the others? The other ... gods,” she ventured, clearly still awed to hear the words fall out of her mouth. “Doesn't anyone have the power to stop her? Can't anyone help us?"

"I hate to say it, Maia, but I've already been down that road. When Chloe was killed, I went to the elders."

"He means the generation before us,” Dionysus injected. “The big guys. Zeus and his brothers Hades and Poseidon, and their sisters Hera, Demeter, and Hestia."

"The ones who fought the Titans,” she recited automatically.

"Yes,” Eryx replied, grinning sadly at her knowledge. “The problem is this: Nemesis is different than the rest of us. Her origins are primordial. Yes, her father is Zeus, just as he's the father to many of the other gods. But her mother... Well, have you ever heard of the goddess Nyx?"

"Isn't she the goddess of night?"

"Yes. And Nyx was around before even Zeus was conceived. She's a powerful, dark entity, and even Zeus wouldn't cross her. She has exceptional powers, and that gave Nemesis unique abilities."

"She sort of outranks us,” Dionysus interrupted. “We're big on hierarchy."

Eryx continued, hearing his voice falter a little as he spoke. Explaining their predicament only made it seem worse. “When I went to Zeus about Chloe, he made it clear he won't punish his daughter just because of the inconvenience she's caused me."

"Inconvenience?” Her mouth fell open at the word. “That's all this is to him?"

Gods, to hear her say those words made him feel like the bastard he always knew he was. A bastard descended from even bigger bastards who didn't give a damn. And to think he'd entertained the thought of making her a goddess! She'd never want to join him in this cruel company. He pulled her to him and ran his hands up and down her cold arms. “Maia, my kind can be as cowardly as any human, and more callous. You'd be hard-pressed to find any other god who'd be willing to risk the wrath of Zeus's daughter Nemesis for the sake of a mere mortal. And Zeus won't see reason when it comes to his progeny."

"So, we're all alone on this,” she whispered.

"Not exactly. Luckily Dionysus here gets bored easily, so he's agreed to help me protect you. And he's hungry for a bit of revenge."

Dionysus crossed his legs, shielding his balls in response. “That sick witch."

"And,” Eryx continued, “I have Apollo and Artemis standing by. They've always been partial to me. We'll keep you safe. We just have to somehow keep you away from her."

"But what about my dad? You expect me to let my father die.” Her voice was distant, cold. “And when he dies, what then? Will she go after my other family? My friends? My associates? When does it stop, Eryx?"

He couldn't answer. It would likely never stop.

"You have to take me back."

"I won't. At least here you're safe."

"But you said I couldn't stay here,” she shouted, losing her last shreds of control.

"I know!” He dug his hands in his hair, hating that his every answer seemed to be the wrong one. “It's true. You can't stay on Olympus forever without being ... like me. But even just another day will give me time to think."

"Think about what? Whether she'll go after my elderly aunt next, or maybe my baby cousin?"

Eryx had never felt so hopeless. Her despair was killing him as effectively as one of Zeus's lightning bolts could. As much as he would have gladly perished to save her, it was no guarantee against the ire of Nemesis. “I can't let her near you. If it's a contest between you and your family, I'll choose you every time and won't apologize for it."

"You have a lot to learn about being human, Eryx.” She pulled out of his arms with an angry jerk. Wrapping the sheet even more tightly around her body, she stared at him in defiance. “And if you won't take me to my dad, I'll find a way off this damned mountain myself!” She turned and fled into the bedroom.

"Maia!” He started after her.

Dionysus stopped him. “Don't. Let me go talk to her."

"Yeah, right. I've seen the way you look at her."

The god of wine pouted. “Now is that any way to talk to the loving cousin who's been putting his divine balls on the line for you?"

Eryx pinched the bridge of his nose, feeling at the end of his rope. “I'm sorry. Your track record is just not very inspiring."

"I realize that. However, I have

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