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Book online «Ivy's Twisted Vine Redux Latrivia Nelson (best selling autobiographies .txt) 📖». Author Latrivia Nelson

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word to me,” Grey said turning back around. “Not one more word.” His soft brown lips curved around his demand.

Instantly obeying, Ivy silenced her pleas and proceeded out of the garden to the back porch. Grey followed her distantly with his fists balled tightly down in his coat pockets. Getting to the door, Ivy stopped and turned around. She couldn’t just go back in to the house. There would be too many questions, too many stares.

“Could you please just take me home?” Ivy asked in a near whisper.

“We’re going to finish this conversation inside,” he said finally realizing how cold Ivy must have been. “Then, I’ll take you wherever the hell you want to go.”

They entered through the back door into the kitchen and took off their coats. Ivy sat at one end of the kitchen table, and Grey sat at the other. For a moment, she wondered if the distance would be too much to keep other guests in near by rooms or in the hallway from hearing their conversation, but then she also knew the distance would be just enough to keep Grey from her while he was at one of his angriest points.

“Let’s talk about this guy,” Grey said placing both of his elbows on the table and clasping his hands together.

“Why do we have to talk about him tonight?” Ivy wished the entire situation had been put on hold until after the holidays. After this, she would never see Christmas quite the same.

“Him? Who is he?” Grey slowly took off his black leather gloves. “Wait. Let me guess, a college friend of yours. One of your little fraternity friends maybe?” Sarcasm laced Grey’s voice.

“No,” Ivy said glad that at least her selection was not obvious. “He’s a police officer.”

“What? A cop? You went and got knocked up by a city employee?” His manner was turning facetious. “I don’t believe this shit. And where did you meet him on a routine traffic stop or at Starbucks?” Grey smirked.

Ivy stared at him for a moment and became sickened. He was in no position to treat her like she was the enemy. The entire situation came along because of his insecurities.

“No, I didn’t meet him on a routine traffic stop or at Starbucks. And he’s not some bum. He’s a really a successful and determined man. We met at a party with Trina.” Ivy stared into his eyes.

“Oh, it gets even better! Now your cheap, slutty-ass roommate is involved.” Grey hated Trina more than any of Ivy’s friends. “Go on…tell me the story.”

“She’s not a slut.” Ivy insisted.

“Well, forget I said that okay,” Grey forfeited his early statements. “Let’s focus on the stake and not the peas. Pretend that I am one of your girlfriends. Tell me what you would tell them about how you ended up in bed with Shaft.”

“Grey!” she begged distressingly.

“Enough with the theatrics. Just tell me.” Grey’s voice rose slightly.

“We met at a party that her boyfriend was throwing. He called me a few days later. We went out on a date and ended up back at his place. Before long, things got out of control. Alright.”

“Alright? No, it’s not alright! Those aren’t specifics. I want to know from beginning to end what happened. I want to understand how this man ended up between your legs.”

Ivy looked at Grey all tongue in cheek. He had only one intention and that was to make her feel as guilty and dirty as possible for her actions. But he needn’t help her much. She already felt a world of shame. Besides, he didn’t really care to hear the details. No man did. They would always demand to hear everything and accept nothing. No, she wouldn’t allow that game to be played.

“I won’t tell you specifics, Grey. It isn’t right. I will tell you, though, that it was a one-time thing. And I am truly sorry that I did not tell you before.”

“What is his name?” Grey said ignoring her temperament. “I want to know his name.” He hit the table.

“Nicola,” Ivy sighed.

“Nicola? Did his mother feel sympathetic to another culture?” Grey asked restructuring the picture of the mystery man that lingered in the back of his mind.

“Well, he’s not Black if that’s what you mean.” Ivy didn’t see the point.

Nothing more could have surprised Grey more. He sat stupefied gazing blankly at the woman that he proclaimed to love and realized that he just might not know her at all.

“Then what is he, if he isn’t Black?” The name kept ringing over and over again in Grey’s head. Where did he know this name from?”

“He’s Italian.”

“You went and found an Italian cop to fuck.” He shook his head. “You are just full of surprises.” Outwardly, he laughed at her, trying to make her feel as small as he did. Inwardly, he wanted to peel out of his own skin.

“I don’t see what his race has to do with anything. In fact, I don’t see where this is going. What I want to know is where does this situation put us? What now?” Ivy folded her arms and shook her head. She wasn’t about to beg him anymore more. He didn’t deserve it. And the more she thought about it, the more the entire situation infuriated her.

“I don’t know what’s next. I’m too focused on you and your lover boy right now.” Grey thought back to all the women that he could have gotten pregnant on a common one night stand and instantly felt compelled to ease up on his judgment of Ivy. “If this is his child, I am supposed to just step in and clean up his mess, raise his seed like the faithful field slave tending to the master’s house nigga?”

Ivy could barely stomach his insolence. How dare he! “No, you’re not left to do anything. It was me that made every decision that has lead me to this point, and it will be me that will stand responsible for every action and reaction. I

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