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disappointed. An unexpectedly normal week had flown by with no sign of them. I should have felt relieved at their absence, but instead, I’d felt slightly off all week. Despite trying my hardest to ignore the feeling, I’d caught myself about to text Lochlan several times. I shouldn’t want anything to do with him after how he had treated me. I didn’t. But I couldn’t stop thinking about him.

I’d thought about him so much that I could have sworn I’d seen his Lexus following me to and from school a few times. And once or twice, I thought I’d spotted red eyes in the woods behind my house at night. It was probably just my imagination though.

Apparently my conversation with Kade last week had made an impact and they were finally giving me space. It’s what I had wanted, so why wasn’t I happy about it?

At least I had plenty of things to preoccupy me today. Besides the Halloween party, Reid had texted me a couple of hours ago, saying that he’d found “it.” I’d immediately begged to meet up with him, but he’d burst my bubble by saying he wasn’t available. Undeterred, I’d asked if he would be at the Halloween party. He said no, but would leave the paper under a rock beneath the football field’s bleachers anyway.

When we arrived at the school in Isla’s Mini around seven, I was beyond antsy to find the paper. Surprisingly, Aunt Tess hadn’t made a fuss about me attending the party. As long as I was with Isla, she was fine with it.

Curbing the urge to zoom toward the football field right away, I shuffled through the entrance doors with Isla who beelined for the gymnasium. Music swelled around us, fast and upbeat. The overhead lights were dimmed, and colorful laser lights danced through the air. Spooky decor dangled from the ceiling and walls. The students buzzed with energy, and I wholeheartedly joined the fray, letting the excitement sweep me away.

Several girls gushed over our outfits and boys stared appreciatively. Isla basked in the attention, clearly a fan of the limelight. After a good half hour, I left her flirting with a couple of guys to check out the food. The attention was nice. Normal even. A feeling I so often craved. But every time one of those blue-eyed football players turned to speak to me, black eyes flecked with red came unbidden to my thoughts.

Freaking fates, what was wrong with me?

I shoved a Dorito into my mouth to distract myself. Maybe now would be a good time to sneak outside and grab the paper Reid left me. I was about to turn toward the rear exit when a voice nearly muted by the music said, “Hi, Kenna.”

Surprised to find Hailey beside me, I squeaked a, “Hi,” then bit my lip. Awkward silence descended.

She fiddled with a strawberry blonde curl, then blurted, “I like your costume.”

“Oh, thank you. Isla picked it out.” I glanced at hers. “I like yours too. Witch?”

“Yup.” She flicked her black, pointy hat.

Without Isla here as an icebreaker, the strain of our relationship was definitely showing. I hated it, and I knew Hailey did too.

Deciding to rip off the band-aid, I said, “Is Peyton here?”

“Um, yeah. Well, she was supposed to be here but must be running late. Usually we all arrive together, but . . .” At the unspoken elephant in the room—me—guilt squirmed in my stomach. Before I could apologize for the umpteenth time, she stammered, “P-Peyton’s been acting weird lately, especially the last few days. I’m just . . . I’m really starting to get worried.”

I frowned, giving Hailey my full attention. “How is she acting?”

“Extremely moody and snippy. It’s so unlike her. I think something is seriously wrong.” Hailey’s pale blue eyes welled with tears. She quickly blinked them away with a small laugh. “I don’t even know why I’m telling you this. She hasn’t exactly been nice to you this past month.”

“I’m glad you did,” I rushed to say, giving her arm a comforting squeeze. “I’ll talk to Reid about it, okay? He’s been opening up to me lately.”

She sniffled and offered me a smile. “Thank you, Kenna. I miss hanging out with you and Isla.”

“Me too,” I said, truly meaning it.

She checked her purple sparkly phone, murmuring, “Oh, Peyton’s finally here. I gotta go.”

I watched her leave, feeling lighter but also heavier after our short conversation. I still felt responsible for the change in Peyton’s behavior and wanted to help somehow. Maybe I’d try talking with her tonight. Glimpsing Isla on the dance floor with a football player, I decided now was a good time to slip out.

The evening was crisp and I shivered, crossing my arms and hurrying along the sidewalk. I nervously glanced over my shoulder, remembering the last time I’d taken this route. No one was there. August hadn’t been in school all week, so I assumed Kade must have followed through with his threat.

I grimaced, hoping August had only been expelled and not killed.

The football field wasn’t lit tonight, but the full moon cast off enough light to see by. I hurried over to the bleachers and peered underneath. Darkness greeted me. Argh, I shouldn’t have left my phone in Isla’s car, but this bodysuit didn’t have pockets. Carefully ducking under the metal, criss-cross beams, I navigated by touch more than sight.

The tip of my boot finally glanced off a sizable rock and I bent to feel around. I found the rock and lifted it, breathing a sigh of relief when plastic crinkled beneath my fingertips. Thank the fates Reid had thought to protect the paper from water damage. I didn’t want to discover this one half smudged too. Not knowing where else to put it, I folded the plastic bag and tucked it inside my bra.

“What are you doing out here?”

The voice startled me so bad that I jumped and banged my head on a bleacher. Ow. I rubbed the bump and spun toward the voice,

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