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supposed to.”

“About their new tech … the jumpgate … how do we solve this?”

“No worries. I got something brewing in the ol’ noggin. But I’m going to need information. A rundown of your military assets, brontinium resources, and all the exobiological data you have on Aeterna.”

Valentin frowned. “The last one is massive. Are you sure?”

“It won’t be for pleasure reading. I’ll cherry-pick a few items.”

“Fine. I’ll have it transferred to your admin stack.”

“Oh, and if you can set up a direct line between me and Aldo, I’d appreciate it.”

“I’ll take care of it immediately.”

Michael pushed himself out of the chair, hoping the meeting was over, until Valentin cleared his throat.

“Michael, I need to know something. At the end, did my brother ask about me?”

“Your name never came up. Why?”

“Hmm.” Valentin avoided Michael’s eyes. “It was always about him, wasn’t it?”

“Well, he did call himself a god. So, yeah. Pretty much.”

“But when we needed him most, James wasn’t the one who saved us. You did, Michael. You and Samantha.”

They were headed into that long conversation Michael intended to avoid.

“Dude, we gave you a heads-up. That’s it. You and your army did the rest. From where I stand, you were a helluva general. Sorry. Admiral. You trained those children so well they defeated ten thousand soldiers of the largest army in human history. You prepared the city’s defenses. The Guard never saw it coming. And you did it all without those lunatic hybrids lifting a finger to help.”

“We lost seventy soldiers,” Valentin interrupted. “Ten percent incinerated by slews. I didn’t do enough to save them. When they learn the cold, hard facts and how I turned against Brother James, they’ll see me for what I am.”

“OK. Yeah. I reckon that might be an awkward conversation. If you need backup, I’ll do what I can. But for now, don’t complicate this shit.”

“Good advice, Michael. I’ll organize an evening dine. We’ll all come together to celebrate life and honor the dead. Tomorrow, we start building the peace.”

“Assuming I can pull off a little sleight of hand on Lioness.” Michael started out the door. Valentin didn’t move. “You coming?”

“No. I need a few minutes to myself. I’ll be sure to send you everything you requested. Thank you, Michael.”

Valentin did not look well. Michael thought he aged years in a matter of hours. Perhaps he was just exhausted. Weren’t they all?

Or maybe he was finally letting it in. The brutality, the terror, the millions whose deaths belonged to him.

Michael thought of Trayem Hadeed, who started a war in which millions died. Hadeed said he “served his penance.” He spent thirty-eight years facing his crimes, but Hadeed had the benefit of being mortal. Valentin lacked that luxury.

Michael did not expect Valentin to recover any time soon.


S EVEN HOURS LATER, MICHAEL STEPPED off a Scramjet in the landing bay of Salvation’s flagship. Aldo Cabrise greeted him. The former fleet Admiral had changed into a casual bodysuit, insisting he’d be a hypocrite to wear the Guard colors despite a lifetime of service. Aldo was surprised Michael appeared in full black-and-bronze body armor.

“If Poussard believes you’re trying to intimidate her,” Aldo said, “she might refuse to negotiate.”

“I want her to see what she’s up against. Plus, it makes me look cool. So, have you thought about my proposal?”

Aldo smiled with the thrill of a man half his age.

“It’s the offer of a lifetime, Michael, but I’d have to be insane to accept. Anyone would.”

“But you will.”

“If you can assure me there won’t be trouble with the Jewels.”

“I’ll sort it.”

Aldo led Michael into a lift and ordered the AI to take them to Level Five. Aldo offered his hand, which Michael shook.

“I’ve never been a fan of people. It’s perfect for me, Michael.”

“Fantastic. I’ll make sure you have whatever you need.”

On Level 5, Aldo grabbed Michael’s arm as they approached the executive conference room.

“Valentin Bouchet gave you the keys, didn’t he?”

“Pretty much.”

“And when this affair is concluded?”

“He and I will sit down and talk.”

“Good. You’re the right man, Michael. The leader they’ll need.”

“Yeah, well. One clusterfuck at a time. All our assets in place?”

“Waiting on your command.”

“My command.” The words were equal parts terrifying and thrilling. “Has an odd ring, Aldo, but I like it.”

Two immortals stood guard outside the conference room. Their eyes glinted at Michael’s approach. Great. Bet they heard the rumor about me walking on the stars. I really got to put a muzzle on that.

“Showtime.” Michael nodded, and a guard pressed the printlock. He whispered to Aldo, “Do they know it’s me?”

“I told them they would meet with a representative.”

“Perfect. Lead the way, Aldo.”

Inside, Aldo quickly took his place in an empty swivel along the side of a sprawling conference table. The command staff of Praxis locked their disbelieving eyes on Michael. They all knew him, some as nothing more than a Chancellor’s plaything who asked too many questions and dared to reach above his station in life. But few saw what he experienced training for the Guard, and none spent time with him on Tamarind. Capt. Forsythe might have had an inkling of the man they were facing, but the rest? Michael loved having maximum leverage.

He surveyed the furniture. Something was off.

“You’re in the big chair,” he told Supreme Admiral Angela Poussard, who commanded the head of the table. “That’s not cool with me. I should be in the big chair.”

“Excuse me? Cooper, how are you even here? And dressed like the enemy? This is unacceptable.”

“Actually, what’s unacceptable is the seating chart. See, you’re the enemy now, and I’m on the winning side. Sure, I did a little switcheroo, and you probably shouldn’t trust me as far as you can

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