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Book online «N87 Virus | Book 1 | After the Outbreak Kadin, Karri (booksvooks TXT) 📖». Author Kadin, Karri

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Elliot’s hands and ducked, using his body weight to pull Elliot down and flip him over his back. The man used the time Elliot was on the ground to back away and put his fists back up, ready to continue the fight.

The crowd was louder now, so loud Allison and Morgan couldn’t make out what they were saying. But everyone was clearly shocked by this man’s ability to get Elliot on the ground. Elliot brought himself to his feet and propelled more punches so quickly it was hard to keep up with each swing; a good half of them landed on his opponent. Elliott delivered a right uppercut, hitting the man directly in the jaw, causing him to spin and fall toward the ground. The man caught himself on his hands and jumped back up again. He stumbled a bit and Elliot charged him again, delivering another rapid round of blows, but this time the man was able to block all of them. He seemed steadier on his feet now.

Elliot clenched his fists, and his jaw tightened. Elliot lunged toward the man, the man dodged him. The man placed his hands on Elliot’s back and pushed, using Elliot’s own movements to send him into the crowd. Elliot landed on a few onlookers, knocking them to the ground. He stood again and turned to face his opponent. Elliot brought his fists up to block as the man delivered his own round of rapid hits. One shot landed on Elliot’s right flank causing him to flinch from the pain. His hands dropped to his side, no longer blocking his face.

That brief moment was all the man needed. He dispensed a strong left uppercut to Elliot’s jaw followed by a right hook. Elliot spun to the right and fell to the ground, landing flat on his face. He didn’t move. The instructor moved in and turned Elliot over, patting his face. An onlooker handed him some water, which he tossed on Elliot’s face. Elliot sat up clutching his head with both hands before he fell back to the ground.

The doctor emerged from the crowd and evaluated Elliot; he said something to the onlookers as he stood. Two onlookers helped Elliot up and escorted him off the field out of the girls’ view. The doctor followed. The instructor went over to Elliot’s opponent and shook his hand. The victor dripped in sweat and had a bit of blood dripping from the corner of his mouth. They stood and chatted for a bit while some onlookers walked over and patted the man on the shoulder. The instructor saluted the man before walking off toward the archers. More of the onlookers gathered around the man, patting him on the back and congratulating him on his victory.

“That is by far the best show I’ve seen out here! That was amazing. I wonder who that guy is. I’ve seen him at Town Hall during meals, but I’ve never spoken to him.” Morgan stood and stretched. “Speaking of meals, it’s almost lunchtime. We should head over there.”

“Agreed,” Allison said as they gathered their things to head to lunch.

“Thanks for coming here with me. It reminded me of before the world went to shit. Before the Infected ruined my life. I felt normal for a little bit. I haven’t felt normal in such a long time.” Allison looped her arm through Morgan’s.

“I haven’t felt normal for a long time too. Hey, something else we have in common.” Allison smiled.

Allison kept her eyes on the football field until it was no longer in her vision. Those classes are just what I need. I’ve been lucky so far, but I need to know how to defend myself.

Chapter Seventeen Allison

The next morning Allison got up before her housemates and headed to the football field. The town was quiet as she walked the streets, passing a spare few who ventured out so early. They smiled warmly at Allison as they greeted her and continued on with whatever it was they were doing. When Allison arrived at the football field, there was only one other person there. The man who beat Elliot yesterday was on one side of the field, arrow in hand, bow drawn back, aiming at a target. He released the arrow as he glanced at Allison. His black t-shirt was haphazardly tucked into khaki cargo pants and he wore a pair of tightly laced hiking boots on his feet. His skin slightly glistened in the morning light from a thin layer of sweat.

He brought the bow back up to his cheek, pulled back the string with an arrow firmly in place, and let go in one fluid movement. Just looking at the man, he would never be described as graceful, but that was the only word for his movement when he strung his bow and arrow and sent it sailing. The arrow landed about thirty feet out, blasting into the target near the center, almost a bullseye. So not only does he look good doing it, but he is an impressive shot too. Damn. Allison walked toward the man as he leaned down to pick up another arrow. He looked back at Allison but continued with his task. His shoulders and arms tensed as he pulled back the bow string, and every muscle was perfectly defined. He stood and shot at the target, this arrow landing very near the last. He turned and faced Allison, his blue eyes piercing with intense focus as he ran his hand over his buzz cut of light brown hair, sending droplets of sweat falling to the ground. He wiped his hand on his pants a few times, then extended it to Allison.

“You’re a great shot,” she said.

“Thanks. My name is Trevor. You?” His eyes met hers.

“I’m Allison.” She shook his hand, which despite his best efforts, still felt moist.

“Thanks. So, what brings you to the field, Allison? Not many girls come out here.” He gathered up the arrows on the ground and began walking

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