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Book online «Run Away With Me : A fast-paced psychological thriller Daniel Hurst (ebook offline reader TXT) 📖». Author Daniel Hurst

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never see blue sky again after spending a few days up here, but I know it’s not always as bad as this. If only the clouds would clear and the sun would come out then maybe I would feel a little better about things. For now, the oppressive feeling from the dark sky overhead is doing nothing to soothe the feeling of pressure that is already pushing down on me as I worry about myself, my husband and my unborn child.

I’m also worrying about Bradley, even though doing so makes me feel guilty. I don’t have feelings for the man I cheated on Adam with, not romantic ones anyway, but I am still praying that he is alright. Anybody going missing is a worrying thing, and I’m not sure how many of those who do go missing get found safe and well, but hopefully he will be okay. But the fact his story was third on the local news report is troubling.

It wouldn’t be on there if the police thought there was nothing to worry about.

I wonder how many more stories would have been told before the newsreader got to the one about Steven Owen’s body and the hunt for the person who killed him. Maybe it was next. If only that damn satellite dish hadn’t broken in the wind.

If it was the wind, that is.

I am still harbouring a few doubts about whether Adam is being completely honest with me about why the TV is not working, especially since I was able to fix it myself so easily, but I guess I will find out soon enough. I can check the news as soon as we get into the village and I will be able to read all about Steven Owen and the police investigation into the driver’s identity. I guess Adam has nothing to hide because he wouldn’t be driving me into the village to allow me to do that if he did.

We reach the main road, and Adam checks both ways before pulling out. It’s only a few seconds later when we pass the part of the road that I reached the other night when I dropped my phone and found out my sim card was missing. It turned out Adam had taken it out, but again, if he was trying to deceive me then he wouldn’t have given it me back.

The closer we get to the village, the more I feel confident that Adam has been completely honest with me since that night he came home, and while that means the police are probably looking for him already, at least it means he isn’t lying to me. As long as I can trust him, we have a chance at getting out of this sorry mess. Because without trust, there is nothing. I know that better than anyone.

Adam trusts me because he doesn’t know about Bradley and he doesn’t know that he is not the father of this baby. I’ve worked so hard to keep it that way, and I will continue to work hard for the rest of my life.

I have no reason not to think that my life has many more years left in it yet.



I see the village appear up ahead through the windscreen and I slow down because I know the speed limit drops to 10mph on the high street. It seems a painfully slow speed to be travelling at now considering I was just doing over fifty on the main road that led down here, but I didn’t make the rules. The local police did. They are the same police who will soon have much more to worry about than somebody driving a little too fast around the village.

They’ll be trying to figure out what the hell happened at the cottage on the hill and why there are dead bodies inside.

‘Here we are,’ I say to Laura as we reach the high street and I turn off to look for a suitable place to park.

‘Where are you going?’ Laura asks me as we leave the busy street behind for a more secluded one.

‘I’m parking on a back road. We can’t be seen together, remember.’

Down here, we are out of sight of any locals and tourists, not that there are many of them out today in this weather. In better times, the high street would be full of people pottering around and peeping in shop windows, but not now.

I find a spot down a quiet street and park up, looking around one last time to make sure there is definitely nobody else walking around here.

‘I’ll go and get a newspaper then,’ I say, unbuckling my seatbelt.

‘No, I’ll go,’ Laura interjects, quickly opening her door.

‘Don’t be stupid. You can’t go,’ I tell her.

‘Why not? You do.’

‘Yes, but I wear a baseball cap, and I’m not as memorable as a heavily pregnant woman wandering down the high street. If the police are looking for me soon and they put our photo on the news, then the people around here will remember you more than they remember me.’

‘I don’t care,’ Laura replies, and she must mean it because she is getting out.

I know I have nothing to worry about if she is seen by other people. The main thing is that she is not seen with me. That means I’ll have to stay here.

‘Hurry up,’ I tell her, and she nods as she slams the door and rushes away down the pavement.

I imagine she is going to buy a newspaper to see if there is anything about the hit and run in there. But there won’t be. Not in the nationals or the local one. I told Laura that it was in there the other day, but today is a new day, and the world moves on fast. Now, when she fails to find any evidence of it, I will tell her that fortunately, the story isn’t big enough to keep running in the nationals and it’s barely even relevant enough for the

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