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you now understand that your lack of spending will reflect poorly on Theo? It’s a slap in his face and tells him you don’t appreciate all the hard work he’s done to provide for you and your happiness. You’d be telling others you don’t think he’s fit to have a child. His chances of finding another bride after you, which were almost nonexistent to begin with, will vanish completely.”

Jade nodded and walked to a chair near the fireplace. On her way, she caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror. “Oh, man,” she said, eyeing herself. “You guys really know how to make a dress.” The blue material was so soft, it felt like water against her skin. The cut of the simple dress clung to her curves in all the right places and flowed in others.

“Yes, we do. I knew that color would look wonderful on you.” Smiling mischievously, she added, “It’s Theo’s favorite color.”

Jade threw a smirk over her shoulder. Sneaky sister-in-law.

Asivva joined her by the fireplace, and they sat together. Jade felt a strange swell of emotion as she stared at the woman. She enjoyed speaking with someone like this. Jade hadn’t had a friend in so long. All her effort had been aimed at not feeling too much for Theo, but she now realized she hadn’t guarded herself with Asivva, and she was beginning to care about her.

It was difficult to admit, but she had more emotional ties to people on this planet than she did back home. Did she really want to return to her solitary existence after being reminded of what it was like to be close to someone?

“So,” Asivva asked again, “how are things going with you and Theo?”

Where to begin? “Well… he thinks I’m a spy. Here to lull him into a false sense of security and then steal his secrets or kill him or some such nonsense.”

“Hmm,” Asivva said thoughtfully. “And are you?”

Jade swung her shocked face toward her. Seeing the playful look in her eyes, Jade laughed. “Ha-ha. Very funny.”

“My brother has always been a little intense. He seems to be in denial.” Brows drawing together, she asked, “Does he treat you poorly?”

“He tries to. I think he wants me to be upset so I’ll reveal myself as a traitor and beg to leave.” Jade smiled, thinking about Theo’s failed attempts. “Without realizing it, he keeps accidentally doing things I like.”

“Like what?”

“Like Cebo.” Jade gestured to the bed where Cebo had settled himself. “I’m assuming women here don’t like animals much and wouldn’t want them in the house. I love animals, and I wouldn’t want my pet to stay anywhere but by my side.”

“Wives prefer to keep their distance from pets to make sure we don’t get too attached to them,” Asivva said matter-of-factly. “And how did you react to Cebo? He is a very strange animal.”

“Not to me! I think he’s related to a very common type of pet on Earth.” Jade’s face broke into a full grin. “You should’ve seen Theo’s face. He was so sure I’d be mad.”

“What else has he done to try and make you angry?” Asivva said with pursed lips.

“Well, he keeps saying sexual things to me too. He thinks I’ll be disgusted and show it but, as you know, I find him attractive.” Jade rolled her eyes in exasperation. “He also forced me to take a bath with him, but if that’s the custom here, then I guess I had to do it anyway.”

“The custom?” Asivva interrupted.

“Yeah, after two days, the husband and wife have to…take a….” Jade stared at Asivva’s barely contained laughter. “There is no bath custom, is there?”

“I’m afraid not, no.” Asivva laughed out loud now.

“Well, how am I supposed to know that! Damn alien.” Jade threw her hands up. “Are there any things I should be aware of? I’d like to be able to call him on his bullshit next time.”

“What is a bull?” Asivva asked curiously, then shook her head. “Never mind, it doesn’t matter. The only thing you’re expected to do is go to The Gathering with him so others can see you together. It’s thrown at the end of the first month of marriage.” She chuckled. “Anything else he tells you is probably a lie.”

Standing, she said, “I have to get back home now. Botho, my husband, will be making dinner soon. Here.” Asivva handed Jade a black device. “This is a communication device. If you’d like to talk to me or Zikas, you can use this.”

Anticipating Jade’s next question, she showed her how to use the device and which buttons to push to call her or Zikas.

When she reached the door, she turned and asked, “Do you think you could be happy here? With my brother?”

Jade answered honestly. “If he stops treating me like an unwelcomed guest, I might. I’m not sure if he’ll be able to convince himself I picked him because I like him, though.”

Asivva nodded. “I’ll help you in any way I can.”

A devious thought entered Jade’s mind. “I think I know a way for you to help me, but it’ll require lying.”

Asivva smiled. “What’s the plan?”

Chapter 25

Theo had spent his day trying to learn more about human females. His contacts had been helpful but didn’t know much more than he had learned on his own. Of the new information he did learn, very little was useful.

There were whispers among some of his seedier contacts that a job offer concerning humans had been circulating a few years ago. Once they knew more, they’d relay that information to Theo for a small fortune.

Making a quick trip to an underground trading outpost a few cities away in the Sparno desert, Theo had been able to find the trader who’d sold Cebo to him all those years ago. The trader had confirmed that Cebo had been bred from a line of domesticated beasts from a Class 4 planet, but he hadn’t known which one.

Theo had also enlisted the help of his close friend,

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