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girl's mother's mournful wails. And still could, even on a distant planet.

With three weeks on administrative paid leave and a two month investigation into the shooting the panel of Independent Agents determined that the shooting was an unfortunate accident due to the actions of the mentally disturbed suspect. All supervisors and the sniper who took the shot were cleared of any and all wrongdoing or breach of Interstellar Police Force protocols.

Jeff thought back that even though his partner was completely cleared, he really never did get over the shooting psychologically. Who could? Through the course of their long career together they would come across a poor unfortunate young girl. Whether a crime victim or petty criminal herself, Genghis would always try to steer her on the road to recovery. Either with medical or psychological help for the victims, or a mentor for the ones who had lost their way and were about to enter a lifetime of criminal activity. He helped many and lost only a few.

They pulled into the Food and More parking lot. Genghis chose to stay in the cruiser and monitor the cameras while Trent went into the grocery store. He came out ten minutes later with two light brown plastic bags. “Colus is still held up somewhere,” Genghis said, as Trent put the bags in the back seat and started up the Thunderbird.

After the short drive, they parked in front of Jennifer’s building and climbed the stairs to her floor. Jeff knocked. “Who is it?” came the response from inside the apartment.

“Hello, Twinkie, it’s Jeff Trent and Genghis Khan,” he replied.

“Oh! Hold on.”

They heard her unlocking the many locks on the other side of the door and she swung it open with a smile. “Hi, come on in.”

“Good morning, Twinkie,” Jeff said, as he and Genghis entered. “We went shopping and thought you might need a few things.” He held out the bags for her.

“Ohh, Jeff! You didn’t have to do that.” She took the bags. “Thank you very much.” And brought them into the kitchen and started taking things out. Three cans of Chef Boyardee Spaghetti O’s, a box of Captain Crunch cereal, two boxes of Kraft Macaroni and Cheese, and a loofah. She raised an eyebrow at that one. Then, “Coffee!” she said, elated, as she pulled out a small can. “Cool! I was out.”

“Thought so.”

“I’m gonna put some on. Want some?” Jennifer was still in her pajamas, which consisted of a long gray flannel t-shirt that ended just above her knees. As she got the coffee going, Jeff said, “Twinkie, we brought some pictures we would like you to take a look at.” Jeff handed her two photos. She took the photographs and combed her fingers through her long strawberry blonde hair, tucking it behind her left ear.

“Now take your time. Have you seen this man, is he familiar to you?”

She looked at the pictures for a few moments. “Yeah! Yeah, I have seen this fat ass. I’ve seen him going into Ray’s a couple of times. This is the kind of guy you don’t forget. I mean,” she looked up from the pictures, “look at him. Gross!” She looked back down to the pictures in her hands. “This is the kind of guy you pray doesn’t come up to you waving a twenty. Can you just see this ugly putz with his pants around his ankles?”

“Ah . . . no, I can’t, but thank you, Twinkie, for that mental visual.” The coffee pot made a beep. “The visual that I will never be able to get out of my head, ever!”

Jennifer laughed while getting a couple of cups from the cupboard. “Sorry about that!”

As she was pouring the coffee she said, “You know, now that I think about it, I’ve seen him inside Ray’s a couple of times. He’s always talking to this other guy.”

Jeff and Genghis shared a look with each other. “Ah . . . another guy?” Jeff tentatively asked.

“Yeah,” she said, as she handed Trent his cup. “They kind of reminded me of Abbot and Costello that I used to watch on Saturday mornings when I was a kid. I guess that’s why I noticed them,” she said, as she took her seat on the cheap cushioned chair. “The little fat guy was always talking with his hands and the tall one would just sit there listening. Like he was annoyed.”

“Twinkie, this, this other guy, the tall one.” Trent sat on the couch, Genghis stood next to him. “Can you describe him?”

“No, not really, tall like you. Black hair, I think,” she paused, trying to remember. “I only saw him a couple of times. It’s not like I talked to them. I usually let my clients come to me.”

“That’s okay, Twinkie.” Jeff looked over at Genghis. “But if you do remember anything, will you let us know?”

Jennifer couldn’t help but grin as she looked at them. “Yeah.” she brought her cup to her lips. “I’ll be sure to let you both know.”

Chapter Thirty-Two

At that very moment on the corner of Ninth Street and 11th Ave., Colus Valda stepped out of a row of duplexes. He turned and gave Chloe a sloppy kiss using his tongue quite inappropriately. She didn’t mind, she hadn’t had a boyfriend in about three years. And she could overlook the unorthodox way he made love to her. Chloe was in her late forties, heavy with short hair, and wearing an old thin bathrobe which she used the sleeve of to wipe her face. “Will I see you tonight, Alfred?”

“I don’t know baby, I’ll have to see,” Colus said, while using his hands to try to smooth out the wrinkles in his shirt. He had mustard stains down the front of it. “I have a couple of things to do.” He looked back at her. “Maybe tomorrow night.”

“Okay, Doctor Carroll,” Chloe said, after a draw off her cigarette. “One more smoochie before you go?”

Valda smiled big and leaned into her. “Oh! No

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