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Book online «Hate So Good: A High School Bully Romance (The Hate Series Book 2) Nina Lincoln (latest novels to read TXT) 📖». Author Nina Lincoln

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say softly, “you’re just as fucked as I am.”

“It’s Ben! Okay, it’s Ben. Now can I have my money?”

“Ben was sent to get me by him.”

“So? He lied!” she exclaims.

“Whoever was in that gym with us was not Ben.”

“So, Ben could’ve made that shit up.”

“Why do you think it’s Ben?”

“Because he’s always the one making me do shit and pretending it’s someone else. There is no one else!”

“Do you know where Sarah is?” I demand.

This is going nowhere, and now I feel stupid for making everyone come out, although I don’t think the masses are sad about a party on a weeknight.

Her eyes flick around wildly, and she’s so paranoid even I swivel my head around before catching myself. Fuck.

Stepping forward, she makes to grab my arm, but Melissa intervenes, growling softly. Under any other circumstances, I’d be teasing the shit out of her, but this situation is so messed up.

“Tiffany?” We all freeze when Colt steps into the fray and says her name softly.

Tiffany turns to him, her eyes welling with tears, and with an expression as hard as granite, he opens his arms, his shuttered gaze meeting mine as she rushes into them without hesitation.

With a pang, I watch him fold his arms around her, offering her comfort, something I may never have again. He grimaces, which she can’t see buried in his chest, but it doesn’t make the ache lessen.

And when he shoos us away with his hand, we stand frozen, caught up in the fucked-up situation. What have I done?

His eyes meet mine, like glaciers of ice, and he mouths, “Go.”

Finally, I turn away and follow Melissa back to the fire, glancing back one last time to see him rocking her gently in his arms. Clutching my stomach, I will back the tears and plunk down beside Ramie, burying my face in my hands.

Watching your lover embrace another is undoubtedly the worst kind of torture. And for what? What if it is Ben? Then Colt’s actions are pointless.

It doesn’t make sense, none of it. We’re no closer to the truth, and I can’t get past the thoughts of what Colt is currently doing to comfort Tiffany. It’s a complete mindfuck.

Eventually, I beg fatigue, and Melissa takes me home, where I toss and turn on the couch, imagining Colt and Tiffany together in vivid detail.


The following morning, I hurry to school only to find Colt’s not there, which only serves to ratchet up my paranoia. What if he’s hurt or worse? Then again, maybe he’s still comforting her, having come to his senses. After all, being around me is bad for his health - literally.

By lunch, I’m crawling in my skin. I have to know one way or the other before I lose what’s left of my sanity.

Marching up to Hayden seated at his usual table, I shove his bitch aside, essentially cock blocking him.

She slides to the side with a glare, which I ignore as Hayden smiles at me lazily, arches an amused brow, and drawls, “Ah Finn, did you change your mind then?”

“Fuck off! Have you heard from Colt since last night?”

“No, why would I?” he smirks.

“Can you text him, please?”

“Why don’t you?”

“Because I’m, we’re...please?”

Sighing, he pulls out his phone and sends a message. “There, happy now? For the record, you’re fighting the inevitable.”

“Which is what?” I snap.

“You and Colt. Yes, he fucked up, but he cares about you, and I can’t say I’ve ever said that before. He’s a dick, but he’s your dick.”

“He’s not mine,” I grumble.

“Indeed,” Colt says behind me, and I spin around with relief.

He’s okay! But all my relief fades to despair because Colt’s looking me over like he’s never seen me before, and he’s got hickeys on his neck, evident for all the world to see.

Turning away, I walk blindly to the doors leading outside, gasping against the pain in my chest so acute I can’t breathe. Fuck! Leaning against the wall, I crouch over my knees and pant.

“Finn,” Colt says as he looms above me. No more Princess, I guess. Another fucking dagger to the heart.

“Did you fuck her?” I snarl.

“For the record, no. But why do you care?” he asks icily.

Looking up into his beautiful eyes, I seethe poking him in the chest. “Don’t you dare! You broke my heart! You! I didn’t do this,” I end in a sob.


“No! I can’t believe...actually, I guess I can. Was any of it real, Colt?”

“Of course, it was real! I have your name tattooed on my chest!” he bellows.

“Why? Why couldn’t you just have loved me?”

“I do love you!”

“But not enough, never enough,” I whisper.

“How much more do you want? My fucking heart beats for you! I spend every waking moment thinking about you! I can’t live-fuck!”

He spins away and runs his hands through his hair, taking a deep breath before saying softly, “What more do you want?”

“I want you to fight for me,” I say fiercely before walking away.

I don’t look back. I can’t bear to see him, especially while my heart is beating out of my chest uncomfortably with love for him, and he’s marked by another.


Melissa spends the evening with me, but she’s moody and grim, and when I try to pry it out of her, she just snarls at me and stomps away. Bewildered, I stare after her until my phone rings with a call from Teddy.

“Hey, Teddy!” I answer with a troubled smile.

“Hey Finn, how are you?”

“I’m okay, nothing new to report.”

“That’s not what I heard,” he says.


“Uh, yeah, a party Finn? Don’t you think that’s dangerous?”

“Don’t worry. Melissa stood over me like a creeper the whole time.”

He chuckles but then says, “Why?”

“Because I need to know, Teddy, and I hoped Tiffany might show.”

“Finn, Tiffany’s a crack whore. You can’t trust anything that comes out of her mouth.”

Blinking, I lean back in surprise. Teddy’s usually so calm it’s weird to hear him speak of her so harshly.

“Even so, she found me at the restaurant for a reason, and that reason is the psycho who

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