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Book online «Follow a Wild Heart: A Christian Contemporary Western Romance Series Natalie Bright (most popular novels .TXT) 📖». Author Natalie Bright

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was low and deep. “She’s your boss and she had plans today. With me.”

Based on the fury that clouded Lank’s face, that just added fuel to the fire.

“Look, man. This is none of your business. It’s between me and her.” Lank’s eyes darkened as he thrust a finger out and poked Nathan’s chest. “Why don’t you climb back in your truck and get out of here?”

“I’m making it my business. That’s no way to talk to a lady.” His voice rose as his hands tightened into fists about to explode.

Lank inched even closer.

“This is between Carli and me.”

Carli had never seen Lank so angry before. And Nathan was bowed up like some cave man protecting his woman. She was stunned transfixed on the strange scene in front of her as it played out.

Then Lank shoved on Nathan’s chest. It was enough to detonate Nathan's timebomb.

The two men scuffled, Lank swinging first and then Nathan returning the jab. Lank responded with a gut punch, and Nathan lunged until they both hit the ground. Lank tore at Nathan’s shirt in a fury and Nathan pummeled Lank’s face.

A few expletives were mumbled, and then Nathan grunted.

Carli saw the pain that flashed across his face and yelled. “His shoulder! Lank, stop it! Both of you! You’re acting like idiots.”

Lank hopped to his feet, his eyes never leaving Nathan’s face.

Nathan had trouble getting up, but Carli lent him a hand under his elbow.

The two men stood, covered in dirt, and wiped at their bloody mouths.

“Are you all right, Nate?” Carli asked as she tried to touch his arm, but he pulled away.

“If you’re okay, I’ll be going now.” And he turned and headed for his truck.

“Nate, wait.” Carli didn’t know why she said that, but it seemed like they had more to talk about. Or maybe it was her guilt?

“Thanks for going with me today. I’ll call you later.”

Lank dusted his jeans off and picked up his hat. “Couldn’t take it, I guess.”

She was fuming, walking towards Lank, and put her finger in his face. “You! What in the world is wrong with you?”

Lank’s attitude was simmering down somewhat like a chastised kid. “Well, he butted his nose in. If he hadn’t gotten in the middle of us like that.”

Carli wondered if there was more meaning behind his last statement but decided to ignore it.

“I will not tolerate any fighting on my ranch, Lank Torres. In fact, I’ve a good mind to fire you!”

Again, Lank’s temper flared evidenced by the rage that filled his eyes. “Well, if that’s what you want to do, boss lady, go ahead. Do it! I don’t need you and I don’t need this job. In fact, I’ll make it easy for you. I quit!”

Carli watched Lank's back until he disappeared through a gate at the corral. Overcome with emotion, she sank into one of the rocking chairs on her front porch. What a day. No matter. Buck would hire Lank back again before supper, and he’d be around tomorrow to do something again to make her angry. She noticed a pattern beginning to emerge.

Time stood still as she watched the light slowly fading from the sky. It was a beautiful spring evening, but her heart was too troubled to really notice. She pulled her jacket closer around her and listened to the soft nickers of the horses. She recognized Beau’s right away. She thought about going inside to make a cup of hot tea, but before she left her rocker, Lank’s pickup truck came roaring by. The passenger seat and the second seat inside the cab were piled high with stuff. She couldn’t tell what. In the bed of the truck, she could see a roping dummy and several saddles. Her shoulders slumped. Of all the stupid, arrogant cowboys in the world she had to employ this one. The idea was to leave all her troubles behind in Georgia. Would her life ever get easier?

Chapter Twenty-Eight

A week had gone by since the fight between Lank and Nathan. Carli hadn’t spoken to either one of them, and she still felt numb and lost. All she knew how to do to give herself a reason for waking up each morning and getting dressed was to submerge herself in the work of the ranch and her genealogy research. The heck with men. There was no winning or reasoning. They were always trouble.

She leaned back in her chair and propped both feet on one corner of her desk. Now she felt suddenly alone again. Nathan was a good friend to hang out with, and Lank was always around. Alone, except for Buck and Lola. They were the one constant in her life. And, of course, God. She was trying once again to learn to trust Him, but it was hard sometimes. Why did it seem like a daily challenge? She had always been a worrier and second-guessed herself, doubting her decisions. It’s what she was best at.

Nathan had given her space over the past week, but, hopefully, not for good. He had some tough decisions to make about his own life. Fueled by the inspiration he felt after leaving Brad Travers’ studio, now was the time to tell his parents. If he didn’t do it, Carli realized he never would. He’d spend the rest of his life doing the job he was born to and would hate every minute. It made her sad to think his talent would go unnoticed. She missed his daily phone calls.

And Lank? She had no idea where he was.

Her heart hurt. Was everything falling apart? Had all her decisions been the wrong ones? Would she end up losing her grandparents’ ranch and everything they had built? A cloud of doom somehow slipped over her world.

The desk in the back den of her grandparents’ house was covered with papers. With a heavy sigh she swung her legs to the floor. Leaning on her elbow, her head propped up by her other hand, she scrutinized invoice after invoice while her

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