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Book online Ā«Love Under Two Financiers Cara Covington (fiction novels to read .TXT) šŸ“–Ā». Author Cara Covington

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heā€™d done nothing ā€œwrongā€. Having an alibi was like having a ā€œget out of jail freeā€ card. Thatā€™s what heā€™d told Jordan. It wasnā€™t fucking rocket science.

Bateman shook his head. No wonder heā€™d gotten his ass thrown into jail before. He could have pled guilty and acted all contrite that heā€™d lost his cool and hit his wife. He could have claimed a moment of passion. But no, he had to double down on that stupidity and ensured heā€™d serve a couple years.

He never would have served any time at all if heā€™d been just a bit smarter.

If he comes out with his ex in tow, Iā€™ll follow him. Despite what heā€™d said to that dumb ass sheriff, he didnā€™t really have to have the bastard in cuffs to get the information he needed. That had just been something heā€™d come up with on the fly, something to satisfy the dumb bastard and Alvarez. Who he wanted at his mercy was Leesa.

Jordan was no killer, but he was no hero, either. And Leesa? Classic Miss Goody Two-Shoes. Once he had his hands on her, Bateman knew heā€™d win. With his Glock in her face, the broad would spill her guts and tell him what he needed to know. Especially since he will have killed her former old man right in front of her. Heā€™d kill her, too, and stage it so that the old classic tale of a demented moron committing a murder-suicide would be told once more. Heā€™d act all sorrowful that Jordan had gone off and he, Bateman, had been unable to protect the broad. Then heā€™d file his report and be on his way to where Jerry Levineā€™s secret stash was hidden, waiting for him.

It really is a damn fine plan. And one heā€™d formulated while still in Kabul.

While undercover, heā€™d overheard a conversation between Levine, and another one of their group, Johnny Post, about his ā€œemergency fund.ā€ Heā€™d told Post that he was the only one in the group to know about it, and as far as Bateman had been able to determine, that was the truth.

Then Levine had smirked as he told Post that he wasnā€™t going to mention it to Jordanā€”but that heā€™d confided in that manā€™s woman. By then, everyone knew the couple would be splitting, because Jordan couldnā€™t keep it in his pants.

ā€œI told Leesa that Iā€™d made a new will but left it at the old family farmhouse. I gave her the directions to that place in an envelope and asked her to keep it for meā€”just in case.ā€ Levine had laughed then. ā€œThat woman is tough and honest, so my secret is safe with her.ā€

ā€œWhy her?ā€ Post had asked.

ā€œBecause, some day, when this is all over and heā€™s drooling at my lifestyles of the rich and famous existence, Iā€™m going to tell that asshole Jordan about it and watch him explode when he finds out.ā€ Levine had spat and shook his head. ā€œI hate that fucking moron.ā€ Then he shrugged. ā€œI was a bit high when I did it, and maybe I shouldnā€™t have, but like I said, my ā€˜secretā€™ is safe with her.ā€

Bateman had been pulled out of Kabul leaving Levine, and Leesa, whoā€™d been wounded, behind.

Bateman had waited and bided his time. Levine was finally ordered back to the States, and Bateman made plans to head to Fort Lee. Heā€™d get the location of that hidden money out of the bastard. After all the shit Iā€™ve been through, being posted in Kabul undercover, nearly getting my ass shot off, I deserve that cash.

But the stupid bastard Levine had gotten himself killed in a car crash the day before Bateman was to fly out. Heā€™d seen photos of the accident. The vehicle had been reduced to a pile of twisted, melted metal, and Levine had been identified only by his dental records.

His only chance now to get his hands on that money was getting that letter from Leesa Jordan.

Bateman shook his head. He kept an eye on the time and wondered if Jordan had chickened out. He really had thought the man was hotter-headed than this. He should have at least gotten his sorry ass tossed out of that roadhouse by now. That would be good for me. It would just play into the story heā€™d be telling that dumbass sheriff.

Bateman jerked his attention back to the front of the building. The door opened, and Jordan strolled outā€”alone. The man headed to his car and got into it, looking for all the world as if he was simply leaving a bar after a drink or two and heading home to the wife and kids.

Probably chickened out.

Bateman considered the situation then started his car. Heā€™d follow Jordan and ensure that the asshole went back to his room for the night. Then heā€™d have to reconsider.

Did he take a chance of letting Jordan in on his secret? Maybe that was the only way he was going to get his hands on the manā€™s ex. Heā€™d have to think and make a decision soon. He needed outā€”out of the agency and out of this hand-to-mouth existence. He was tired of making pittance compared to all the fucking scum heā€™d helped to get off the streets. More got away than were ever caught. He wanted what he deservedā€”to live like a rich man.

The back of his neck had been itchy lately. Coupled with the call heā€™d received from his superior giving him hell for his attitude here in Lusty, Bateman was fast coming to one solid, certain conclusion. His windowā€”the space of time he had in which to actā€”was closing.

I should move now. Get it done now.

Bateman nodded. Yes, that was what heā€™d do. Decision made, he closed the distance between his car and Jordanā€™s. He knew exactly what he was going to do.

Chapter Seventeen

ā€œI really donā€™t know why yā€™all couldnā€™t have filled me in on that last little bit of information before now.ā€ Leesa scowled at Adam then turned her

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