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Book online «Laid Bear Eve Vaughn (best life changing books .txt) 📖». Author Eve Vaughn

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police took him away, he was still yelling. He’d snapped. I didn’t realize how unhinged he really was until then, but I should have seen the signs. There were little clues to his mental instability from the beginning, but I ignored them.” Zora wrapped her arms around her body, shuddering as she recalled the day that was still deeply etched in her mind.

“Despite it being one of the most horrific experiences of my life, a couple good things came out of it. Dale was locked up, even though his family connections got him a lighter sentence than he deserved. And because of the coverage of the story, Nana found me and invited me to stay with her. I told you about her. For the first time in my life, I felt unconditional love. I was an active part of the community and I adored living in Covington.

“I even went on a few dates, but it never developed into anything serious because I was scared—scared to love and risk my heart again. I was afraid someone would expose my insecurities like Dale had and throw them back in my face.

But I was content to be alone and live happily alongside Nana. The rest I told you about, her illness and having to sell most of our assets to cover medical expenses. What I didn’t tell you was shortly after she passed, I started getting strange phone calls from a voice I couldn’t recognize, but one who would say things that only Dale would know. I think he’s been released and found out where I was. That’s why I had to get out of town. I couldn’t bear another incident like the one in the coffee shop. I couldn’t put my friends in danger.”

“So that’s why you’re on the run?” Gavin asked gently.

Zora shrugged. “I wouldn’t call it on the run exactly, but I didn’t want Dale polluting the good memories I had in Covington by showing up. Like I told you before, I was on my way to my cousin’s and had it not been for the accident, I’d probably be there now.”

“Well, something good did come out of the accident. We found you.” Gavin smiled at her.

Zora’s heart fluttered as she stared at each man. Seeing their looks of concern and understanding gave her the courage to say, “I’m glad I met you guys. I stayed because my heart told me to give you a chance even though my head told me otherwise. I’m glad I listened to my heart. Even though you guys told me I was your mate, part of me believed you guys just wanted a playmate for the month. But you treated me in a way Dale and even some of the guys I dated never had. I realize… I… I love you. I never felt this strongly or deeply for anyone and it’s killing me that this vacation is nearly over because what then? Knowing that Dale is on the loose, I can’t put you three at jeopardy. I couldn’t handle it if something happened to you. I think if the three of you were to die, I would die too.”

“Say that again,” Heath said softly.

Zora bit her bottom lip. It had taken her so much to finally admit what she’d been holding back, but for them, if they needed her to repeat the story, she would. “I said knowing that Dale—”

“No, not that part,” Logan interrupted.

Zora frowned. “Which part?”

“The part where you said you love us.” Gavin stood up.

She ran her tongue over her lips as her men eyed her with a predatory lust that made her pussy throb. “I love you. I love all three of you. With all my heart. I never thought I could love anyone this way because I didn’t think anyone could love me and—”

She didn’t get a chance to finish before Logan pulled her in his arms and covered her mouth with his. Zora didn’t think to resist as she melted into him, returning his kiss with enthusiasm, their tongues mating frantically. Her panties got damp as he ground his cock against the juncture of her thighs.

“Save some for us.” Gavin chuckled, pulling

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