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should answer for your crimes, but be aware that by the end of the day you will all be aboard my ship as prisoners.  Prepare your things.”

“Fine,” Biddy replied. “Now get the hell off my ship.”

Campbell turned to go.

“Just one thing,” Biddy said, her eyes on the man’s back. “What’s all this really about?”

“You know what it’s about.  You have repeatedly failed to accede to my requests concerning your prisoner.”

“He’s a murder suspect.  Yes, a bad one, I get it.  But Scotclan has never felt the need to intervene directly in these cases before.  Threats, sackings, commandeering a Detective’s ship… What makes the Augment so different?”

“You said it yourself.  He’s an Augment.”

“But what does that mean, really?  Once upon a time some of our people used to think they were Gods.  But no one really thinks that now, do they?”

“Well, Scotclan has always tried to stay away from religion…”

“Then he’s just a human, albeit an old one.  So again, why all the fuss?”

Campbell’s forehead creased in a frown. “You are wasting my time.”

“I don’t think so.” Biddy took a deep breath. “What about the other Augments?”

Campbell’s response took just a fraction of a second too long. “What other Augments?”

It was all Biddy could do to stop from punching the air.  Campbell knew about the others! “The ones on Eritree.”

“How did you hear such lies?  There are no Augments on Eritree.”

At that moment, staring into Campbell’s eyes, she knew that everything Lu Tang had told her was true.

“Goodbye Chief,” Biddy said, not even watching him leave.  Every member of her crew was still sitting there.  Except for one.

Biddy strode over to the empty Captain’s chair and sat down, pretending not to notice the gentle warmth its previous occupant had left behind.

“Well, thanks everyone,” she said, more than a little awkwardly. “Now let’s get back to work.  Can we get the ship cameras up on screen?

Biddy waited until the screens showed her that Campbell had left the Black Maria.  Then she turned to her silent crew.

“Get me the Augment.  We’re going to find his friends.”

Chapter 36

Lu Tang’s cell door slammed open.  A small figure vibrating with rage strode into the room.  Mackay looked like someone had seriously pissed her off.  The Augment hoped it wasn’t him.

“We’re going to do it,” she said as she stood in the doorway. “We’re going to help you.”

The Augment got to his feet and brushed a little dust from his knees. “The sensible choice.  I am only disappointed that you took so long to reach it.”

“Cut that patronizing crap out,” Mackay said, her mouth a thin line. “You’re coming up to the command room with me and you’re going to tell me exactly what the hell is going on with the Augments and Eritree and all the rest of it.  You’re going to tell me and you’re going to tell my crew who have all just stuck their necks out for you.  And you’re going to do it nicely.”

Lu Tang shrugged. “I will do my best.”

Mackay led the way through the narrow corridors of the ship towards the command room.  It was a paltry ship, nothing like the grand cruisers that he was used to.  Lu Tang remembered Tibo’s magnificent glider.  At least this space trash would be less conspicuous.

“Did Tibo live?” Lu Tang asked the Detective, the thought occurring to him in that instant.

Mackay spun around to face him, her face a confusing mix of emotions. “Of course.  Do you think I would not have told you if he had died?”

“I had not considered it.”

“Augment’s make great friends, don’t they,” Mackay said, then turned around and stomped along the corridor.  Lu Tang guessed that this was more human sarcasm, although he couldn’t see why.  He had paid Tibo more than adequately.  What more could one want from a friend?

The first thing that Lu Tang noticed when they reached the command room was that it was half empty.  Barely half a dozen people to crew a ship of this size.  Most of them seemed to be children.  They didn’t stand a chance of success.

Then Lu Tang noticed the second thing.

“That man tried to murder me!”

“Yes he did, but he’s terribly sorry about it,” Mackay said with a lop-sided smile.

Hastings gave the Augment a cheery wave.

“He should be in the cells!”

“You’re right.  But we’re a little short staffed at the moment, so I have decided to offer him parole, on the basis that he doesn’t try to kill anyone.”

“Is that really Scotclan procedure?”

Mackay’s face contorted into a grimace. “We’re not Scotclan anymore.”

This was a new development, and not an unwelcome one.  Lu Tang had his suspicions about the so-called law-enforcement agency.  Not least because they seemed determined to try him for murder.

“When can we commence our mission?” Lu Tang asked Mackay.

“As soon as possible.  It won’t be long before Campbell takes the ship by force.  We need to be out of here before he gets the chance.”

“He has already put out a warning to the planetary authorities that we are not to be allowed to leave the system,” a small voice said.  Lu Tang turned to look at the source.  A shivering pale girl who might as well have had Faithful written on her forehead looked as if she might fall to her knees in front of him.  Lu Tang avoided her eyes.  Being worshipped was so embarrassing.

Mackay looked like she was considering this information for a moment. “Well, that was to be expected.  But it does make our life a little more difficult.  Geek?  Can you look at some strategies to get us out of here?”

“Will do.” A disembodied voice said from a hidden speaker.

“All right,” Mackay said. “Let’s get down to specifics.  How many Augments are we looking at?”

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