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Book online «MAKING MAGICKAL ALLIANCES: A Paranormal Women’s Fiction Novel Leigh Raventhorne (read the beginning after the end novel TXT) 📖». Author Leigh Raventhorne

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to keep my best poker face in place, I said, “Zara is needed here, Dorn. I can’t tell you any more than that, but we’ll have Sebastian and Danai with us. With the pixies, your own warriors, and the others we’re assembling, we’ll get your children back.”

Zara calmed in my arms and I relaxed a little. Dorn peered up from beneath his lashes and his shoulders lost some of the tension they’d held. “I did not mean to question you, Madame Witch. I am only anxious for the safe return of the children. The longer they are away from our colony . . .” He let his words trail off, but I understood.

“About that. We have reason to believe they’re being kept sedated and are to be sold to a group who hunts paranormals and fae. They call themselves Paragons. Have you heard of them?”

Both Rasta and Dorn gasped.

“They used to hunt my kind, even before your kind began to Turn,” Rasta said softly, her hand going to her throat.

“They have hunted all faekind through the centuries, Madame Witch. There have been no reports of them for several hundred years. We hoped they had died out.”

“Apparently, they’ve resurfaced, alive and well.” Rand’s words drew everyone’s gaze. “Or it could just be a group based off of the original; we don’t have all the information, yet. Did you find any more tracking devices?”

Dorn pulled a small metal flask from his belt and shook it, the loud rattling sound harsh. “Several. I finally had the king call for all items ordered in the last year and we moved them to a location far out in the ocean. Everything is in an underwater cave that would be extremely difficult for any to get to, even if they were properly outfitted for it.”

“Rasta? What about your people? Did you find anything?”

She shook her head. “We found nothing in the brief search, but the queen ordered everything burned, just in case.”

Even Rand blinked at that. Seeing our reactions, she shrugged. “Most of the stuff was little more than trinkets and fluff. Until this is resolved, our people won’t be ordering anything else. Especially knowing who might be involved. Queen Astra will want to know of this.” She looked back at the rest of the flight. I saw them stiffen, none of them wanting to miss out on the opportunity for a battle and the possible glory it would bring them.

I can inform Finn and he can take the information to the queen, Zara offered. The pixies all looked to their leader, their eyes hopeful.

“That will suffice. She will want to meet as soon as this is over.”

I’d figured as much. Clyde had left us at some point. When I heard the rumble of the Hummer’s engine, I knew why.

“We need to go. We’re heading to Jeremy’s marina so we’ll be ready to move out as soon as we know where we’re going. We’ll keep you updated through Sebastian.”

Dorn frowned. “We will meet you there. We can move through the water much faster than most of your watercraft.” Without waiting for a response, he turned on his heel and ran for the steps leading to the river, his companions close on his heels.

I set Zara down, stroking her head more for my own reassurance than her. “I guess this is it. Let’s go.”

Chapter 12

Locating the children

Dutch stayed behind, as did Gloria. Clyde would drive us to the marina and wait for us to return. When we arrived, Jeremy was already waiting, along with all five of the firm’s coven. Sam nodded in approval.

The pixies made a mad dash for the shadowed areas away from the marina lights, to better escape the notice of any passersby strolling the docks or the boardwalk at the resort. They would follow from a distance until we reached the boat. I saw several of our witches searching the shadows for them as we walked, but the pixies were silent and nearly invisible in the dark. They must have a way to dim their natural glow.

With the exception of Rayna and Willa, the coven looked nervous as we made our way down the docks to the boat.

Rayna is a water witch—this is her element. The air witch should fare well, too. The other three may feel somewhat separated from theirs. The earth witch will be the most affected. Danai and Tess will be fine.

Zara’s words made sense. Is there anything you can think of that would help?

Are there any live potted plants around? Something small enough to take with you?

Maybe there’s something in the restaurant that will work. Pulling Jeremy to the side as discreetly as possible, I made my request. The crow shifter looked slightly confused, but he turned and hurried back the way we’d come without question. By the time we reached the boat, he’d caught back up to us, a substantial potted pepper plant in his arms. There were several slender, red peppers showing between the dark, green leaves.

“Dis okay?” he asked, handing it to me. “Dem cooks likes to grow der own t’ings fer special dishes.”

It was heavier than I’d expected when I accepted it from him. I started to wrap my arms around it when Rand plucked it from my grasp as if it weighed nothing.

“I’m sure it will be fine, thanks. I’ll buy them a new one to replace this one if anything happens to it.”

He waved my offer away and motioned me toward the boat. Everyone else was already on board. Danai was doing something—was that a glamour?—to hide the pixies as they flew around the upper deck of the boat, before waving them toward the cabin below. The witches surrounded Cappy, bombarding him with questions. Sam looked on with amusement, but did nothing to rescue our captain.

While they were

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