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Book online «Silver at Midnight: A Paranormal Romance Urban Fantasy (The Keepers of Knowledge Series Book 5) Bridgette O'Hare (ebook offline .txt) 📖». Author Bridgette O'Hare

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“Nay. I had not.”

“Why do you think that vision came through? Why do you think I saw what I did? I've never had visions. Only Seer Sight which happens when I'm dreaming. But this . . . this was powerful. Different.”

Torture filled his gaze as he squeezed my hand and hung his head. He closed his eyes for a moment and then looked up at me and asked, “Do you believe in fate? Destiny? Soul mates?”

“I have always believed we have a purpose. That we have a higher calling than living our lives for only ourselves.”

A knowing smile formed on his lips. “Here is what I know to be true. We are not meant to be alone or live only for ourselves. And when we find the soul we are meant to be with, we are capable of more . . . so much more, we shine brighter, we are stronger. I believe that's what happened between us. I believe we are stronger together—you and me.” He reached up and brushed a strand of my hair aside, tucking it behind my ear.

I wanted to believe what he believed. I wanted to believe that soul mates existed and that somehow Cian and I would be strong enough together to change the vision. There were just so many obstacles standing before us, and I had to wonder just how strong we would need to be to remove them all.

“Let me ask you something, Aish. Since arriving in Pyreshore, have you felt stronger? Have any of your gifts or abilities been sharper or different?”

I considered his question carefully before responding. “I’m not sure. My dreams have been different. I don’t know if I’ve interacted with others enough or had the chance to notice a difference in my other abilities. Other than meeting Kage, Nira, and Dex Long, I’ve only interacted with Uncle Lach and you.”

His eyebrows raised at the mention of the Dragon shifter I’d met only briefly. “Dex Long?”

“Aye, Nira introduced us as she gave me my initial tour of the Library. Don’t worry, he’s not my type.”

“Yeah, women never go for the good-looking billionaire types.”

“You’re pretty hot when you’re trying not to be jealous,” I teased.

“Not jealous. They say you just know when you know. Well, maybe you don’t yet. But I do. I knew it the moment you turned around and I looked you in the eyes.” He leaned closer. “So, you just take your time. I’ll be right here . . . already knowing.”


I awoke the next morning curled up beside Cian, still snuggled on the couch where we’d fallen asleep. After the events and discoveries of the evening, and despite not getting through everything, we had put all the materials away and sat on the couch drinking hot chocolate and talking. A thunderstorm blew through around midnight, and that's the last thing I remembered before waking up next to him. I watched him sleeping, relaxed and free from our current troubles. Could I have faith like his—faith in him? Was there such a thing as soul mates and had I found mine? He sure seemed convinced. I was pondering the possibilities when he awoke.

“Mornin’ beautiful,” he said, lightly kissing the top of my head. “You been awake long?”

“Nope,” I answered with a subtle shake of my head. “Just a few minutes.”

“How ‘bout I make us a quick breakfast?”

After breakfast we changed and headed to Cian's to pick up a few necessary items and get his SUV. Before long, we were on the third floor of the library, searching through the Fae archives. I was taken back by the level of security needed to gain entry to the third floor. The Keepers were not messing around when it came to the artifacts housed there. There was even a vault. According to Cian, the Silver Scroll Uncle Lachlan had been studying was kept in the vault. But until he returned from his trip with the access key, I couldn't get my eyes on it. So . . . I spent the majority of the morning reviewing Uncle Lachlan’s translation notes while Cian searched for leads to the location of the Kanna Stone.

When I had exhausted all I could glean from Uncle Lach’s notes, I turned my attention to the two collective journals we had retrieved from the research room on the first floor. Cian had gotten a call just before I switched gears and went to Rocky’s to handle some business. He promised to return with coffee and lunch. So, when I heard voices in the corridor just outside the high-security entry to the archive room, I expected Cian to walk through with Uncle Lachlan.

I couldn’t have been more wrong.

Cian sauntered into the room, coffee in hand. “Sorry I took so long. Had to pick up our Saiad contact a lit’l earlier than expected since Brenhin had a detour.” When he stepped aside to place lunch on the table, I was staring directly at a blast from the past.

“Aish, I believe you know Darek,” Cian stated nonchalantly as he unpacked our lunch from the bag on the table.

Thankfully, I was sitting down. I physically felt the blood rush out of my face. My mouth went dry, and a lump formed in my throat. I tried to swallow, but it wasn't happening. Breathing was a bit of a struggle as well. And before Darek spoke a word, I could see it in his eyes.

He remembered me.

“Hello, Aish,” Darek said softly, his tone laced with familiarity and underlying affection.

Cian snapped to attention and slowly sat the coffee in front of me, his stare volleying between me and Darek.

It took a moment, but I finally managed to swallow. I nodded in acknowledgment and uttered, “Darek.”

“Ye look well,” Darek added as he stepped fully into the room and pushed the door closed behind him without ever diverting his attention away from me.

“As d’you,” I replied slowly, still wrapping my mind around what was happening. How could Darek be their informant?

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