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Book online «Billionaires in New York Boxed Set: Billionaires in the City Books 1-3 Laura Burton (books to read this summer .TXT) 📖». Author Laura Burton

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to back him on his little movie idea, and it boomed. Then the right person invested the profits in some high-risk, but high-return stocks.” She pointed to herself and blinked to allow this information to sink in. She leaned in to Julie so closely her breath tickled her face.

“He would have nothing without me. He belongs to me––”

Julie inadvertently gasped as realization dawned on her. This confrontation was not Ebony fighting for the love of her life, she was looking for a claim on him. As if he were a Gucci bag she had cast away, then changed her mind.

“Wow. You’re a piece of work,” Julie said as she shoved past Ebony toward the door. “I’m done listening to this.”

Ebony placed a hand on her shoulder.

“When it comes down to it, he won’t fight for you, Julie. He just doesn’t have it in him.” She sighed heavily to add dramatic effect. Julie gave her the filthiest look she could muster.

“Comes down to what?”

Ebony inclined her head and blinked for a few moments, then offered strange lopsided smile.

“You really have no idea?” she said with surprise. “I didn’t think you were that simpleminded.”

She stepped aside allowing Julie to open the door. Julie eyed the woman shrewdly, wondering what she meant, then left the bathroom, her blood boiling.

Chapter Twenty

Escape Plan

Harry strode across the hall smiling at people as he passed by, occasionally shaking hands with old friends, and nodding to people in the sea of faces. His mind, however, was spinning and his heart panged from his fruitless attempts to find Julie.

He didn’t know why he followed Ebony off the dance floor. She had always been able to get Harry to follow her commands—as if she had him under a spell. While they were together he had found it endearing. Now, it was irritating.

Ebony would always present an ultimatum or dramatic reason for him to drop everything and run after her. Then, as if having a change of heart, she changed tact. Ebony said she needed to talk to him, and by the way she acted, he’d thought it was serious. Perhaps a death in the family or she needed help with money. But instead, she just took him to the edge of the room and stroked his arm as she looked out at the people on the dance floor. When she moved closer and rested her head on his chest he backed away.

“Ebony, nothing is ever going to happen between us again. I’m with Julie now,” he said with his hands raised, hoping she got the “back off” sign. Ebony glanced around the people standing by them and looked tearful as she bit her lip. Then, without another word, she dashed to the ladies’ bathroom.

Having given up looking for Julie, he wandered aimlessly along the perimeter of the hall, hoping that somehow she would find him.

And she did.

Harry stopped in his tracks as a beautiful blonde crashed into him. Her hands found his arms as she collided with his abs and Harry automatically lifted her up to stop her from face-planting the ground. Julie’s face was flushed as she looked up at him, and Harry allowed a broad smile to invade his frown.

“There you are,” he said, his heart exploding with joy.

“Sorry,” Julie said with a puff. “These heels….”

Harry smirked. The memory of their first date flashing past his minds’ eye. A warmth flooded his veins and he found himself calming down. He stooped down and pressed his cheek to hers as he spoke into her ear.

“Do you want to get out of here?”

“You don’t have to ask me twice. Let me just say good-bye to Valentina.”

Harry and Julie returned to their table and found David sitting alone.

“Are you not up for dancing?” Harry asked him as he clapped a hand on his shoulder. David smiled politely before rubbing his thigh.

“I didn’t bring a date. I imagine the men in this room would not appreciate me stealing their woman.”

“A woman cannot be stolen, David.” Harry wagged a finger at him. Julie stepped forward and offered David her hands.

“We were about to leave, but do you want to have a quick dance?” she asked brightly. David waved a hand aside with a sheepish grin.

“I appreciate the gesture, but you two go ahead. They’re setting up the pressroom. You know, if you sneak out the back you might just miss all of that.”

Harry clasped hands with David and they patted each other’s backs as they said their goodbyes.

“Will you tell Edward and Valentina we say good-bye?” he asked. David nodded.

“It was really nice to meet you,” he said to Julie as they shook hands. “You two make a perfect couple.”

Harry took Julie’s hand and squeezed. His heart swelling with pride. It was the first time anyone had called them a couple.

He liked the sound of that.

The two of them snuck out of the room like a pair of thieves. Tiptoeing along the hall and Harry opened a door for Julie to walk through.

“Excuse me, you aren’t allowed back here,” a burly security guard appeared in the doorway, startling them both. Harry pulled out a handful of pound notes. “I know, Henry, so if you let us out the back you’d be doing us a massive favor,” he said. The guard looked surprised for a moment, then his eyes flickered down to his own name badge before he cleared his throat and took the money. Then he sidestepped out of their path and Harry tugged on Julie’s hand.

“Come on,” he muttered as they hurried down the darkened corridor.

“I can’t believe people actually do that in real life,” Julie said with a laugh. “Do you know where you’re going?”

“Sure I do; this is the staff entrance,” he pushed the emergency door open and the two of them crept out into the dark night. They were in a secluded parking lot with no press, no flashing cameras, no screaming fans. Just a couple of servers chatting by the dumpsters and a few parked cars.


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