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Book online «Forever Hers Walters, Ednah (best novels for teenagers .TXT) 📖». Author Walters, Ednah

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she was someone else. It made her growing feelings seem even more illogical. “Nolan is back in Charlottesville.”

“How do you know?”

“I just spoke with my mother.”

Concern flickered in his eyes. “How did that go?”

“Same ol’ same—I make up stories about Nolan and need a shrink.” Her voice trembled to a stop. She cleared her throat before continuing. “She didn’t believe me before and she doesn’t believe me now. You know what pisses me off the most?”

Eddie shook his head.

“He was at their house when I called, which made my accusations sound pretty crazy.”

Eddie’s lips tightened. He reached for her hands. “We both know the truth and that’s what matters. You didn’t tell her where you are, did you?”

“No, but Nolan knows I called her. He wanted to talk to me.” She stared at their hands, her smaller hands swallowed by his larger ones. Did he even realize he was gently caressing her knuckles? She swallowed and pulled her hands from underneath his and placed them on her lap. “At least, that’s what she said. He’s planning something, Eddie. He always did something that drew attention to him while his men did his bidding.”

“Thereby establishing an alibi.” He leaned back against the chair and slouched lower, his knee brushing against hers.

“He’s using my parents this time.” Anger hit her hard as she explained everything her mother told her. “They’ll vouch for him just like the people near his cabin will and once again, no one will believe me when I say he’s behind all this.”

Eddie leaned closer, dark locks of hair slipped over his forehead. “Look at me. They will believe you this time. With the surveillance cameras we’ve installed, we’ll get all the evidence we need to nail the bastard.”

“I know.”

“Do you mind if I explain your situation to Ken?”

Amy cringed. “Why?”

“He’s a P.I. and he has people working for him who can fly to Charlottesville and tail Nolan. This way, we’ll know exactly where he is and what he’s up to.”

“Did Ken and the others ask why you’re training me or why you needed the punching bag and mats?”

“No. My family tends to support each other and ask questions later.”

If only her family was like that. “How much is—”

“Don’t.” He got up, his expression serious. “If you ask how much all this is costing me, I will throw you into the lake.”

Amy snorted and followed him. “You wouldn’t dare.”

“Try me.”

She grabbed his hand with both of hers and gave him a radiant smile. If she went in, he would too. “How much is this going to cost me?”

He laughed, his grip tightening. “Nothing.”

“I mean it, Eddie. I hate to be indebted to anyone.”

“I know.” He stopped walking and studied her, then he lifted his free hand and tucked her hair behind her ear. Amy sucked in a breath then she stopped breathing all together when he ran the tips of his fingers down the side of her face. “How about we sit down and figure out how much you owe me after Nolan is behind bars?”

“Okay, and you’d better not be saying that to placate me either.”

He chuckled. “Come on. Let’s talk to the guys. I’ll tell them the bare minimum, which is about all I know anyway.” She rolled her eyes at the dig. “They’re not bad once you get to know them.”

“Even Chase?” she teased.

He glanced toward the lake. Chase was still out there on the boat. “Yeah, even him.”

Inside the house, the guys were still tweaking the cameras and the audio system. Eddie waited until she sat then perched himself on the arm of her chair and said, “We, Amy and I, need your help, Lambert.”

“Anything,” Ken said.

“We need someone tailed in Charlottesville, Virginia. A guy by the name of Nolan Reither.”

Ken frowned. “Who is he?”

“A sick bastard who gets off terrorizing women and children,” Eddie said.

He had the attention of the three men, and they all glanced at her as though they knew Nolan had something to do with her.

“He’s also my ex-husband,” Amy explained. “He’s been stalking me.”

Silence filled the room. Her face warmed.

“Where can we find this son of a bitch?” Vince asked.

“No, Knight,” Eddie said. “Amy wants him behind bars. That means doing everything by the book.”

“You’re suspended,” Ron cut in. “Any evidence you find on this guy will be inadmissible in court.”

“I know, but I’m working with the local P.D. Whatever I find, I plan to pass to them. But right now, I can’t be in Virginia and be here at the same time. He has people working for him here.”

Another silence followed. Once again, Amy cringed.

“Rod can do it.” Ken gave Amy a lop-sided grin. “Rod is one of my best investigators. He’s like a chameleon. With the right disguise, he can blend anywhere and be anyone. Just a second.” He pulled out his cell phone and punched in a number, then brought the phone to his ear. After a few seconds, he grinned. “Hey, did you finish the Kendrick job? Good. Are you working on anything right now? Really? Then it’s a good thing I have a job for you. It’s an out of town surveillance gig. Charlottesville, Virginia.” Ken paused and grinned at something the other man said. “We’ll talk about that later. It’s for a week,” he made eye contact with Eddie and added, “or two. Do you think you can leave tonight?” He paused, then added, “Okay. Great.” Ken terminated the call and grinned. “It’s done. Do you need someone else here to help out?”

“No. Between the surveillance cameras and the two of us,” he glanced at Amy, “we have it covered.”

Amy was sorry to see them leave. Her thanks were heartfelt as she hugged each of them. Chase, who returned the boat just before the seaplane arrived to take them back, reminded her of his offer. She couldn’t see herself working anywhere as a chef until Nolan and this mess was behind her.

“I’ll call you,” she said then walked back to the house. Eddie stayed

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