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Book online «The Legacy: Trouble Comes Disguised As Family (Unspoken Book 2) T. Belshaw (management books to read .txt) 📖». Author T. Belshaw

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or whether the fault is worth fixing. I don’t want to spend a lot of money on it.’

Wade’s demeanour changed. He was the man in charge of the conversation again.

‘Camera light? Is it running any video app in the background when it comes on?’

‘No, that’s the strange thing. It seems to be a random event. Mainly in the evenings, but not exclusively. It works fine with WhatsApp, Zoom and Messenger and switches off when the session is ended, but then it will come on again without a reason. I don’t mind buying a new one if I have to, but I’d rather not. I’ve spent too much recently.’

Wade sat down again and pressed a few keys on the laptop. The camera app appeared on screen showing his face. He shut it down again, then re-opened it.

‘It’s working fine at the moment. I’d need to take it away with me to run a few diagnostic tests. It’s not a common thing, it’s more likely to happen if you have some spyware or malware on your computer, but again. I’d need to test it properly.’

Jess pushed the lid of the laptop down.

‘Ah, never mind. I can’t be without it at the moment. I’m researching for a novel and I’ve got a few magazine articles to write. I’ll give you a shout when I’ve caught up with everything. How long would you need it for?’

‘A day or so, no longer.’

‘Okay. I’ll get everything that’s already in the pipeline sorted, then I’ll call you.’ She smiled again and led him to the front door. ‘Thanks again for coming out.’

Wade stepped through the doorway, then stopped and turned on the bottom step.

‘Look, I’m sorry I got shitty a moment ago. I wasn’t proposing to you, it really was just the offer of a night out. I don’t know what I’ve done wrong recently, but I seem to get knocked back every time I ask a girl out.’ He looked at each of his muscle-bound arms in turn, then back up to Jess’s face. ‘I’m not that repulsive, am I?’

Jess thought carefully before she spoke.

‘You’re not repulsive at all, Wade. I’m sure you’d be very good company. It’s just that—’

‘I know,’ he interrupted. ‘You’re off men.’

Jess nodded. ‘I really am,’ she said.

Wade stared at her for a few moments, then turned away and, suddenly remembering the two invisible rolls of carpet, opened his shoulders and waddled across to his van.

‘Sorry again,’ he called as he opened the driver’s door. ‘I really didn’t mean to seem so aggressive. I was just disappointed, that’s all.’ He started the van, turned it around, then his head appeared out of the wound down window.

‘That invoice stands. Forget the new one.’

With that, his stereo blared out a drum and base beat and he sped off up the lane.

Jess closed the front door and strolled through to the kitchen. Sliding her mouse on the table, she clicked on her new camera app and studied the image that immediately appeared on her computer screen.

‘Right,’ she said. ‘Let’s see what my new toy can capture.’

Chapter 24

On Monday morning, Jess got up early to check if there had been any alerts sent from her new security camera, but there was nothing recorded on the app, so she showered, had breakfast and switched on the TV to watch the morning news.

At nine-thirty, Bradley rang to ask her to check her bank account, as he and Simon, his fellow trustee, had approved Jess’s request for her annual allowance to be paid.

‘Wow! I’ve never seen so much money. I have to say I was getting a bit concerned, I’ve been far too profligate, lately. I’ll have to rein in the spending, thanks for sorting it out for me.’ Jess smiled as though he could see her. ‘How did your mum take the bad news?’

‘She wasn’t happy, and that’s putting it mildly. Let’s just say I was sent to bed without supper. I was hoping to get it into the garage before she got back, but she came home early and saw the damage before I had the chance to park up.’

‘I’m so sorry about all that, Bradley. It’s probably down to me in the end. There was another situation over the weekend and I’ve had to have a security camera fitted.’ She explained about the old bed and the pair of scarecrows.

‘No doubt you’ve thought about it, but could this be your ex? I’d like to give him the bill for the repairs if it is.’

‘He doesn’t have the money to pay, even if he is responsible. I’m going to talk to him later today.’

‘He’ll just deny it, surely?’

Jess nodded at the phone. ‘He will, but he acts in a certain way when he’s been caught out. He gets angry, and starts to bluster whilst making out the world is against him.’

‘Be careful, Jess. Exes can be tricky.’

‘You get on well with yours, don’t you?’

‘Yes, we’re still good friends.’

‘Good, that’s how it should be,’ said Jess.

Bradley was quiet for a moment, then he spoke again.

‘The cottage we were discussing will be available from January the first. The old lease runs out on the thirty-first of December. I’ve spoken to Simon about your plans for it and neither of us have an objection. There should be some rent paid, and it has to be a reasonable amount, according to the trust terms, but you can set the level. It’s up to you what you think is reasonable.’

‘Lovely, Mum will be thrilled to get out of the dump she’s in. Thanks so much. Will you need to draw up a contract?’

‘We used an agency to let it last time. We won’t do that as there is obviously a cost involved. We can just copy and paste the agency’s relevant terms and conditions into a new contract and issue it via the trust. The main points will be about not subletting, keeping the place in good repair, etc.’

‘Brilliant. I’ll give her the good news later today. She’ll look after

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