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asimple exchange of smiles would never beenough. Concocting her flirtation in her head, she ran her hand over her hipsand smoothed out a sudden spat of imaginary wrinkles in her burgundycrepe dress.

Why hadn’t she wornthe blue number she’d purchased during the troupe’sstopover in St. Louis? Plain with no embellishments, not even asprig of lace the dress she’dchosenfor her father’s viewing aged her beyond her twenty-sixyears.

She’daimed for conservative and succeeded. Nowit seemed like the worst idea she’d ever had in her life.

Celeste slammed the brakeson her wayward thoughts. Why was she gettingso hot and bothered overthis chum?Not exactly a roundheel, she wasfarfrom innocentand hadn’t been since she lost her virginity at the age ofeighteen.

Back on track,with her head on straight,Celeste gatheredher things. Asshe stood, Trudyslipped from the pew and crossed the aisle. Handextended, shewaltzed right up to her egg and butter man.

Per protocol, he stood upand shook Trudy’s hand. Celeste stifled the twinge of jealousysouring her mood. She had no reason for such an emotion. For one,she didn’t even know the man’s name. And two, her cousinpreferred her meat darker.

Celeste decided to test him.Better to try the waters before she found herself over her head likea preacher without a congregation. Grabbing the donation tray withboth hands, she slowly stood.

Hisgaze lifted and tracked her every move.Celesterepressed a knowing grin as she walked over.

As a late arrival, she stoodto the side and listened. Perher usual habit,Trudy dominated the conversation, while her egg and butter manpeppered their tĂŞte-Ă -tĂŞtewith one or two word answers.

Celeste didn’t mind. As a casual observer, shedrank him infrom the high shine on his black wing tips, tothe spot–oncreases in his slacks, orthe hypnoticspell of his spicy cologne, andthe clarity ofhis jadegreeneyes.

Masculinewas the best word to describe him.

In her experience with theopposite sex, Celeste rarely came across real man. Oh, she interactedwith a ton of boys play acting in suits, yet none of them possessedthe virile masculinity of the man standing mere inches from her.

“Can you believe this,cousin?This bruiser’s a fan of mine.”

“Huge,” heconfirmed, locking gazes with her. Celeste’s face flushed withheat. She’d never seen eyes as green as his before. And for thefirst time in her life, the full impact of a man’s fullattention made her insides all tingly.

Wait.Did Trudy call him a bruiser? Celeste gave his mug another once over. She noted the faint scar onhis upper lip and the fatty width of his nose. Instead of beingturned off by a man who used his fists to make a living, Celestefound herself drawn to him.

“Small world, hungh?”

“Small world,”Celeste murmured. It was hard coming up with something witty whenshewas choking onenvy. What shewouldn’t give to have this man be her fan. Heck, she wasalready his.

Effusive to a fault, Trudysuddenly slapped her palms over her cheeks. “Where are mymanners? Let me introduce you two.”

While Trudy went through therigmarole of polite introductions, Celeste’s world became arunway road with tunnel vision.

Of course,she caught his name,but when they shook hands histouch madeher cousin,the funeral home and even her father fade into the background.

So much so, her cousin Trudytapped her on her shoulder.

“Shane was telling mehe held your father in high regard.”

“Like a fatherfigure,” Shane added.

Trudy’s lips puckeredlike she’d tasted the same sour lemons Celeste had been smackedwith.

Oblivious to their reaction,Shane continued, “I could talk to him about anything.”

Had her father regaled himwith stories of the jezebel whomoonlighted as hisdaughter? Celeste suddenly needed a drink.

“Your father was agreat man.”

Celestegroaned.Bettermake that a double.“Ithink I’ll accompany you after all, Tru,” Celesteinterjected before the boxer could launch into a full out memorial. “It seems like I suddenly need a drink or three.”

Celeste ignored the way hiseyes narrowed.

She knew what societythought of loose women and if Shane Brennan had been as close to herScripture-spouting father as he’d claimed, then her opinion ofhim just plummeted faster than the futures on Black Friday. And shewas sure his feelings had to be reciprocal.

As she wrestled with asudden wave of remorse, Celeste pulled on her topcoat. For somereason she wanted outof there andas far away from Shane and his preconceived judgments as she possiblycouldget.

“I’ll meet yououtside.” Celeste turned on her heels, but quickly regrettedher lack of manners. With her hand extended and a pasted on smileshe didn’t quite feel, she turned back around. “It was apleasure meeting you Mr. Brennan.”

“All mine,”Shane said, taking her hand and squeezing it. Once again, his touchset off another maelstrom. Her whole body tingled and her heartbeathammered inside her breastbone.

Before she ended upcontemplating the impossible, Celeste cut it out of there.


“He’snot coming with us.”Cecil’sdaughter tried keeping her voice low and her emotions in check.

She was failing horribly.

Shanesmiled. He’d expectedsurprise or shockwhen he’d invited himself along for a night on the town, not afull out temper tantrum.

Her cousin Trudy paused inthe process of pulling on her gloves. “Why not?”

“For one thinghe’s…he’s…he’s…” Celesteglanced over at him and seemed to lose her train of thought.

“Aboxer?”Trudy stepped over to the curb and hailed a cab. “Not aproblem. Café Society is an integrated night club. I don’t think they’ll mind us sitting with aprizefighter.”

Celeste followedher cousin, moving just out of ear shot. Just as well, Shane mused. She could copan attitude all she wanted, she wouldn’t deter him. TheReverend had always looked out for him, so the least he could do waskeep an eye on his only child.

Who washe kidding? Asudden case of altruism had nothing to do with his sudden decision tolinger in their company but more to do with sniffing around thebroad’s skirts.

Shanescratched the back of his head. He was losing his goddam marbles. The few he hadleftanyway. Aveteran fighter withmore than two hundred bouts under his belt,Shane’s short term memory was pretty much touch and go.

Of course, hedidn’tneed his memory to comprehend thejolt he received when he’d made her acquaintance. Undeniablybeautiful,Shane found himself instantly attracted to her. Her exotic coloringand looks wouldn’t be considered the standard of beauty by anotherwise shortsighted society. Still, Shane found her

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