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Book online «All I've Waited For Lindsay Harrel (top 10 inspirational books .txt) 📖». Author Lindsay Harrel

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wants you to walk. Oh, and you can leave your purse with me.”

Smiling, Ashley lifted a brow. “Mysterious.”

Derek’s sister strode forward, gently took the purse Ashley held out, and pointed toward the vineyard. “Go that way.”

Ah. Derek wanted to meet in their special spot. They’d been there several times since they’d finally stopped beating around the bush and declared their love for each other. “Thanks, Heather.”

Heather winked and disappeared back into the house.

Ashley started her trek through the vineyard. The moon’s light made the young grape clusters visible. Sooner than she could imagine, they’d be maturing into full-grown fruit ready for harvest.

As she approached the clearing in the middle of the vines, Ashley curved around a bend and pulled up short. Her hand flew to her mouth as her heart thudded against her ribs.

Luminaries lined the path in front of her.

As if on air, Ashley walked between the first pair, eyes peeled for anything else that didn’t belong.

And there, fluttering on the breeze, was a note clipped to a clothesline that had been tied to stakes in the ground—a line that traveled into the distance, beyond where Ashley could see. Next to the note hung a small flashlight no bigger than Ashley’s hand, which trembled as she reached for it. After clicking the light on, she plucked the note from the string.

Derek’s neat, uniform handwriting filled the page.

I remember the first time we were on the same team.

It was Ben’s thirteenth birthday party, and he invited me to go bowling with your family. You and I got paired together, and I remember groaning because I was sure I’d lose with a little girl on my side. But you showed us all.

I’ll never forget your victory dance when you scored the winning shot. Even at the age of ten, you were teaching me not to underestimate you—and also, that I loved being on your team.

She folded the note and held it against her heart. Oh, this man.

Moving down the lane, she came across another note. And another. And another. Each one spoke of precious memories of their early friendship.

Her chest expanded at the implications of what was happening. Was this real?

She picked up the fifth note.

I remember the first time I almost got up the courage to kiss you. It was about a year after we started hanging out without Ben around. We’d just gone running down the path near the lodge, and of course, you’d challenged me to a race. And yeah, you beat me, but we won’t talk about that.

I’d fallen for you months before, but had been content to just get to know you better as someone other than my best friend’s little sister. Well, you started doing that same victory dance you did at the bowling alley, swinging your hips around, smiling up a storm, and man, I nearly snagged you around the waist and laid one on you right then and there. Figured that would shut you up and give me something to gloat about.

But some dumb tourists came tearing up the hiking path and ruined the moment. I knew there was a reason I hated tourists.

Hysterical giggles bubbled from her throat.

She looked up, then swallowed hard. Nearly there.

Ashley made her way to the edge of the clearing, gasping at the gorgeous setup in front of her. Tall poles had been placed around the circle and used to mount twinkle lights that crisscrossed overhead. Underneath sat a soft-looking nest of blankets and pillows alongside an ice bucket with a bottle of wine sticking out.

She glanced around the clearing but didn’t see Derek anywhere. Huh.

Ashley reached for one last note clipped to the end of the clothesline.

Do you remember that time I asked you to be my wife?


Turn around, Ash. Our future awaits.

Spinning, Ashley faced the clearing once more—and nearly choked on a gasp.

There Derek kneeled, a red velvet box in his hand. “I see you found my notes.”

She had them all clutched in her left hand. “They’re beautiful.”

“They’re true. Every last memory. Every sentiment.” He gazed up at her, the lights from above illuminated in his eyes. “Ashley, I know we haven’t been together officially for all that long, but I’ve loved you for years and I’m tired of waiting. You are everything I want in a partner.”

Tears strolled down her cheeks.

Derek continued. “I can’t imagine living my life without you beside me, helping me to be a better man, encouraging me to strive for more than the status quo. You turned my world upside down, but I’ve realized that upside down is exactly where I want to be.” He popped open the ring box, revealing a one-carat, princess-cut solitaire on a white gold band. “So, Ashley Baker, will you marry me?”

Sinking to her knees on the cool dirt, she nodded. “Of course I’ll marry you, Derek. You’re all I’ve waited for. And more.”

Taking her trembling hand in his, he slid the ring onto her fourth finger. It settled in as if it had belonged to her for years instead of seconds. “It’s perfect.”

Derek hooked his hands around her waist, drawing her closer. “You’re perfect.”

“No.” She placed her hand on his chest, admiring the shimmers of the diamond. “We’re perfect. Together.”

“I won’t argue with that.” And dipping his head, he caught her lips with his own, proving the truth in her statement over and over and over again.


Every day with Ashley was an adventure.

But especially today.

Derek grabbed a spot in the boat club’s parking lot. Ashley had asked him to meet at her cousin Nate’s boat. How she’d found time to plan a surprise date the day before her family’s big reunion, Derek didn’t have a clue. But he was grateful for any extra time he could get with her. Since asking her to be his wife eight days ago, he’d barely seen the woman.

Hopping out of his Jeep, Derek headed toward the pier. Another cloudless blue sky greeted him and the wind off the sea whistled

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