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Book online «Titan: A LitRPG Adventure (UnderVerse Book 4) Jez Cajiao (top ten books of all time TXT) 📖». Author Jez Cajiao

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so were taken up with us checking out each other’s armor and gear, and I asked Thorn quietly why Miren, Arrin, and Stephanos didn’t have full sets of gear. Now that I’d looked properly, they had the cuirass, vambraces, and greaves, along with helms, but that was all.

“Weight,” she said simply, glancing in their direction. “They are too weak to carry the full set; even with this much-reduced version, they will tire easily, and you’ll have to factor that into your plans. I’m sorry, Jax, but our Legionnaires are physically stronger than your people. I mean no offense, but a Legionnaire is made to endure physical training for a year before he or she is blooded. Then their real training begins, as they are guided through their point allocation. We force them to build a body as perfect as possible without the points, then invest them in certain areas, depending on their chosen specialty.”

“All Legionnaires are Legionnaires first,” Restun added, stepping in and taking over the conversation. “They are trained to fight as a unit, to hold the line, and to face the worst the realm can throw at us, but some, like Yen and Tang, are naturally adapted to be scouts. They are guided down this path, while others, such as Thorn, are clearly skilled as makers. There is no dishonor in choosing not to be a front-line Legionnaire, for we are all the Legion, and all can fight when the need comes,” he said firmly.

“Cool.” I reached an apologetic hand out to the armorer. “I meant no disrespect, Thorn. I literally didn’t understand where their gear was, that was all. I didn’t know if you’d run out.”

“Hah, no. We have spares still, and I have asked the tailors to make some basic leather armor for them. The tailors are excited to experiment, and a former slave has joined them, as he was a tailor himself in the past, apparently.”

“The pool!” I exclaimed, shaking my head. “Dammit, I almost forgot. What were you saying about the volunteer pool?” I asked, and Romanus stepped in to answer the question.

“The vast majority of the freed slaves have been volunteering to help, as have the formerly crippled dock and ship workers. Clan Mother Hellenica and Mistress Nerin have been working until exhaustion to heal them, and the people were thankful. Your little display of power, though? That made the difference. People who’d given up and were essentially along for the ride, simply hoping today would be a little better than yesterday as they sat waiting for orders, have now begun to actively seek out ways to improve their lot in life. They crowded the ships before; now, they are organized into work gangs. Those who wish to learn a trade are apprenticing themselves to the Legion’s crafters and makers, or are helping where they can until they find the role that calls to them.”

“That’s fantastic!” I said, genuinely pleased.

“It is,” Thorn agreed. “The former slaves might not have the skills, or at least most don’t, as they’ve been common workers, but there are a few gifted former apprentices or workers who fell afoul of the laws. The rest? Well, they’re used to working from dawn till dusk, for virtually no food, no comfort, and no breaks. For the Legion, you can consider them as having already served half their year of physical training. They obey with speed, they work until they drop, and they don’t give in. Add into that mix some heavy physical training and good food? They’ll make fine auxiliaries for battles, and in a few years, they’ll be Legionnaires to be proud of. Those who choose to learn to craft are… well, they’re dedicated!” she said earnestly, shaking her head in wonder. “Most of the former slaves who fled to the Enclave were either newly captured or broken by life. These citizens, they’ve been given a reason to live.”

“We just have to stoke the flames, Jax,” Romanus commented proudly. “They’re already strong. We just need to guide and train them.”

“Good,” I said simply. “Let me know if they need anything.”

“I will.” He inclined his head respectfully, and I looked around at the rest of the group.

“Okay, people, listen up. There’s a need for us to get our arses down there fast so we can start to explore. As usual, I’ve done something without realizing it. When I released the spirits trapped here, I probably stripped a lot of the Prax’s natural defenders away, so those knobs from the other camps are frantically searching for the gear Jenae wants US to have. I’m not disappointing her, and neither are you! You’ve got an hour to get anything you need; then meet me at the front of the ship, because we’re going in!

“Romanus, I grabbed a LOT of potions from the Skyking’s lair, so gather everyone in as close as possible before we all go our separate ways. It’s time to perform the Oath,” I insisted.

“Yes, Lord Jax,” he responded formally, complete with a sharp salute, and I grinned at him.

“Also, I’ve got an honest-to-god robot frigging horse somewhere. We need to find it and unload it of all the random shit, and see what we can pass around that will be helpful. Then I need to dump some of my gear somewhere safe so I’ve got space for loot.”

“The Gnomish machine?” Thorn interrupted, wide eyed, and I looked at her in surprise. “Might I… I mean… could I…”

“You want to look it over?” I asked, and she nodded enthusiastically.

“Then lead the way to it. I’ve no idea where the damn thing is.” I set off to follow her as she tore away into the ship, half a dozen of her fellow armorers and smiths following along.

“You’ll never get any peace from them now; you know that, right?” Restun murmured quietly, and I shrugged as I jogged up the gangplank and back into the ship.

“I don’t mind, really. Besides, she might learn something!” I called to him as he turned off

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